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Tweaker hunter

Customizable I.D arm band

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 Now I am someone who could care less about starting a clan or a reason for clan wars. However it would be cool if you were able to take the clothing you find and use the rag as an arm band. I  would like to do this simply for people who are frequently on the same server and are friendly. Last night my friend and I almost killed two friendly's we ran into two days earlier. Yes, walking up to them in a sneaky matter so they can hear me is the normal thing to do. Although, when there are three possible bandits and you have nice gear is risky business these days. This is where the arm band comes in play. We had these guys scope out from a distance and if they had an arm band that we have gave them or they gave us would lower the risk of friendly fire. 


Now there are some cons to it. I can't think of a way to stop someone who may have a bunch of arm bands of different colors waiting for a group of people to come around and that individual just blend in their group. On the flip side, I kind of like that risk. Imagine if Dayz implements base fortification and your that lone bandit. You find the base and the only thing that is stopping you from getting pass some people on guard is having a matching arm band. You find or make a matching band and able to get in. You are now able to steal some of there high end items and disappear. Possible stories like that makes a game absolutely amazing and I believe Dayz can be one of those games.  

Edited by Tweaker hunter

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