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  • Recent Posts

    • Yes this happens alot. Especially before the wipes, as those cheaters are clearing their stashes.

      I played EU Livonia official server few times last week (DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4295 (1st Person Only)), and every death (except those at freshie towns) are by grenade being thrown perfecly under me. I usualy dont even see the person. Few of those I even have recorded. They are cheaters for sure and unfortunately noone is moderating those servers. It is sad especially because there aren't many Vanilla Livonia servers around, and I don't enjoy playing modded as much. If more ppl would play community Vanilla Livonia, I woudnt ever touch official again.

      It is extremely annoying. And more so because there are not enough steps by BI to stop that.
    • Salut à tout les survivants !! Une question de la plus haute importance lol, quelqu'un sait si il va y avoir réellement un wipe de toutes les cartes le 27 mai. Comme annoncé sur le twitter de DayZ ? 
    • Pre-suggestion   I already say here that this is completely in the topic of dayz so it's nothing like crazy or off topic like picking chickens and it's nothing that hard, I knew that in the 1.24 update some guns got more recoil than before but it doesn't have sense if a player can use a automatic rifle like nothing, the survivors aren't some military trained soldiers, I understand that the recoil is balanced but the survivors aren't balanced, if all the survivors were all ex-soldiers I would understand but how can a random person sustain the recoil of a BK-12,before the 1.00 the recoil of the bk 12 was so smooth and powerful,now it's like a Aug ax half burst.   Suggestion   Can you all add way more recoil on guns? I know that you all have no time and money to do that but the survivors aren't robots with the ability to sustain such recoils like nothing.  Yea we controll them but the recoil is so chunky and firm, it feels like the survivors have robotic arms.  I'm not requesting a new animations for the guns, just more recoil, i don't feel the panic when I try to shoot someone because the recoil is so easy to controll and I'm on ps5 please make the game harder, not easier, it will become more boring.  I recently stopped playing dayz only because the recoil is so powerless in guns that I don't feel the sweat in my hands when repositioning the aim,it feels easy to shoot someone in the head. 
    • Yea, dayz before 1.00 was something like this, but the new engine ruined it all, it just made the controls betters but now the aim is robotic and the immersion it's way less
    • kinda mid idea, it has no objective at all because dayz it's already immersive so the little icons there arent that bad to have, and if it will be considered it will be added like, in the 1.60
    • fr, he got killed like 50 times, and instead of getting better he chooses to criticize the game lol in my dayz experience(I have like 800 hours), I died more times that I've killed, so I have more deaths than kills becasue the more times you die, the more times you receive a lesson, and this guy, is the guy that runs in the Nwaf airfield thinking some friendly guy will approach him. 
    • Hallo liebe DayZ Comunity,   ich hätte gerne wieder einen DayZ Server... damals zu Vanilla Zeiten habe ich 3 Stück betrieben die alle dedicated, und zu der zeit nicht modbar waren...   Jetzt wo es so viele schöne mods gibt bin ich wieder heiß geworden... aber scheitere schon kläglich daran ne repackte custom billboard mod in den workshop hochzuladen, weil die anmeldung im Workshop ohne Kreditkarte und Steuer Fragebogen nicht funktioniert...   Wer hat Zeit und Lust mir einen Server gegen Bezahlung individuell zu erstellen? Gesundheitlich habe ich gerade Steine im Weg....   Wünschenswert wären z.b     1. Ladebildschirm mit clan logo und sound   2. zwei custom trader am green und klen   3. einen aufsprengbaren custom raum / bereich für c4 event   4. eigene WährungWabo-Stars   5. eigene high tier Schutzweste und Helm   6. ggf. eine custom mele start Waffe     sowie die gängigsten mods wie Parkgarage, Gruppensystem, custom Fahrzeuge (ggf. Clothes) etc.   alles gerne auf einer Hetzner kiste...   würde mich über feedback sowas von freuen... liebe grüße
    • I'm looking to get information on what files we can edit or use when we mod Dayz. I asked the question in the modding area but no response. Is there an email I can send my questions to? 
    • Sorry mate then you shall try to override another function within events. Because that one is out of ours hands... I think that was done escapely for protection of damage code. You know against of users that broke the rules hardly...
    • I tried changing the value of speedCoef to 0.1, but it didn't produce any result