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Battle royale server password

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Can someone tell me why there is a password on each server?

Edited by TheHunterHD

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They're password protected because they're in the middle of a game. It even says on the website that once a game starts the server is locked until it finishes.

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Deary me, that Frankie guy plays battle royale, and everyone wants to go pvp crazy now, fighting youtube legends to the death. Dont get me wrong, Frankie was great for the dayz mod until about 6 months ago, but his dayz videos are rigged to death nowadays. You can tell his heart isn't in it, & hes a bored man churning out dayz vids cos he knows it keeps him relevant & keeps the hits coming. Just listening to him and jackfrags, you know they are just Dayz'ing for the fame, and not for the love of the game anymore.


That battle royale vid he put up was awful, why any true Dayz player would want to pvp to the death is beyond me. He should be ashamed of himself, selling out like that. You could also tell it was rigged for him to win. Getting shot at, staying cool bleeding out with zeds all around and a player coming to finish him off... and of course Frankie pulls the win outta the bag against the odds as usual... Im not flaming the guy, but its bleedin obvious that theres jiggery pokery  hocus pokus going on nowadays if you know what I mean. When someone gets you in this game? You are lucky to get a second chance. Frankie gets third and fourth chances.


Who I respect are youtube guys like sidestrafe. That bloke played dayz, & scored massive hits. He wasn't into the game that much though & admitted it. He knew Dayz was great for hits, but he kept it real, & told his fans that he wasn't going to be a sellout & play a game he had lost interest in just to stay popular & relevant. I wish that Frankie and Jackfrags would do the same TBH. They make vids acting like divas moaning about people who hear them and recognize them on one hand, & on the other make half arsed fake vids of their 'adventures' to keep the YT 'hits' coming thick and fast.

Edited by Jock McScottish

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I played a couple rounds when they released it, was fun. It's nice for some occasional mindless fun. Maybe some of the usual elektro/cherno death match people will start playing this mod instead. Then again those guys are total mlg pros and only shoot defenseless people heading to the firestations.

Edited by empTe

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Deary me, that Frankie guy plays battle royale, and everyone wants to go pvp crazy now, fighting youtube legends to the death. Dont get me wrong, Frankie was great for the dayz mod until about 6 months ago, but his dayz videos are rigged to death nowadays. You can tell his heart isn't in it, & hes a bored man churning out dayz vids cos he knows it keeps him relevant & keeps the hits coming. Just listening to him and jackfrags, you know they are just Dayz'ing for the fame, and not for the love of the game anymore.


That battle royale vid he put up was awful, why any true Dayz player would want to pvp to the death is beyond me. He should be ashamed of himself, selling out like that. You could also tell it was rigged for him to win. Getting shot at, staying cool bleeding out with zeds all around and a player coming to finish him off... and of course Frankie pulls the win outta the bag against the odds as usual... Im not flaming the guy, but its bleedin obvious that theres jiggery pokery  hocus pokus going on nowadays if you know what I mean. When someone gets you in this game? You are lucky to get a second chance. Frankie gets third and fourth chances.


Who I respect are youtube guys like sidestrafe. That bloke played dayz, & scored massive hits. He wasn't into the game that much though & admitted it. He knew Dayz was great for hits, but he kept it real, & told his fans that he wasn't going to be a sellout & play a game he had lost interest in just to stay popular & relevant. I wish that Frankie and Jackfrags would do the same TBH. They make vids acting like divas moaning about people who hear them and recognize them on one hand, & on the other make half arsed fake vids of their 'adventures' to keep the YT 'hits' coming thick and fast.

Completely unrelated to the OPs request.


The frankie ...situation?... has been discussed many o' times here. 

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That battle royale vid he put up was awful, why any true Dayz player would want to pvp to the death is beyond me. He should be ashamed of himself, selling out like that. You could also tell it was rigged for him to win. Getting shot at, staying cool bleeding out with zeds all around and a player coming to finish him off... and of course Frankie pulls the win outta the bag against the odds as usual... Im not flaming the guy, but its bleedin obvious that theres jiggery pokery  hocus pokus going on nowadays if you know what I mean. When someone gets you in this game? You are lucky to get a second chance. Frankie gets third and fourth chances.


Did you watch the other one from one of the players he shoots at and misses? I'm thinking it's not totally faked. It is edited to show the best parts which is why I prefer watching Lewis of PsiSyndicate who isn't afraid to show us his worst moments. 

To the OP: The servers are locked until a game opens up. At that point the game shows an hourglass in the list and you need to log into it fast. 

To those not liking the mod: Don't play it. Trust me when I say it is gathering it's share of morons and 12 year old "I wanna be Alpha Male" types. The first match I got into there were 10 people screaming into the voice channel while the countdown went on. Those kids went away once it was past their bedtime. It was an interesting experience. When the 10 second countdown started I was nervous and got ready. Then everyone went running to the center to grab things. 

Both games I played I ended up without a weapon. I don't know if someone grabbed it out of the bag I snatched off the ground or if those bags had alternate packages since they are random. I suspect it was the later though as I got a bunch of band-aids and medical supplies in the one and the other had lots of food and drink and a binoculars. The later didn't have a map which was a real pain once the bombing began. 

It was a lot like a mix between Battle Royal (an excellent "bad movie") and hunger Games borrowing aspects from both. Zombies were in limited areas of the map and I was almost killed by a mob of them because I didn't realize there was one at the top of the tower who climbed down and smacked me around. There is a bit of weird strategy going on with this all. It might be good to race for a town before anyone else gets there as you might get some good stuff, but you are guaranteed a backpack in the middle plus something else, likely a pistol. So heading to the center might work too. Do you grab and go though? Or try and pull out a gun and thin things out early?

Do you head for a vehicle or take a shorter route on foot to a loot site? The vehicle lets you get into blue areas and out of bombing areas faster but is noisy. The few spots where items spawn have no promise of anything useful to you. Sometimes it is a gun and no ammo or ammo without the guns. So you might need to hit a few to find something worthwhile and there the vehicle comes into play but it makes you a target and is easily noticed. 

It was a fun way to blow a couple hours last night. It is NOT DayZ but it is fun.

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Completely unrelated to the OPs request.


The frankie ...situation?... has been discussed many o' times here. 


Did you watch the other one from one of the players he shoots at and misses? I'm thinking it's not totally faked. It is edited to show the best parts which is why I prefer watching Lewis of PsiSyndicate who isn't afraid to show us his worst moments. 

To the OP: The servers are locked until a game opens up. At that point the game shows an hourglass in the list and you need to log into it fast. 

To those not liking the mod: Don't play it. Trust me when I say it is gathering it's share of morons and 12 year old "I wanna be Alpha Male" types. The first match I got into there were 10 people screaming into the voice channel while the countdown went on. Those kids went away once it was past their bedtime. It was an interesting experience. When the 10 second countdown started I was nervous and got ready. Then everyone went running to the center to grab things. 

Both games I played I ended up without a weapon. I don't know if someone grabbed it out of the bag I snatched off the ground or if those bags had alternate packages since they are random. I suspect it was the later though as I got a bunch of band-aids and medical supplies in the one and the other had lots of food and drink and a binoculars. The later didn't have a map which was a real pain once the bombing began. 

It was a lot like a mix between Battle Royal (an excellent "bad movie") and hunger Games borrowing aspects from both. Zombies were in limited areas of the map and I was almost killed by a mob of them because I didn't realize there was one at the top of the tower who climbed down and smacked me around. There is a bit of weird strategy going on with this all. It might be good to race for a town before anyone else gets there as you might get some good stuff, but you are guaranteed a backpack in the middle plus something else, likely a pistol. So heading to the center might work too. Do you grab and go though? Or try and pull out a gun and thin things out early?

Do you head for a vehicle or take a shorter route on foot to a loot site? The vehicle lets you get into blue areas and out of bombing areas faster but is noisy. The few spots where items spawn have no promise of anything useful to you. Sometimes it is a gun and no ammo or ammo without the guns. So you might need to hit a few to find something worthwhile and there the vehicle comes into play but it makes you a target and is easily noticed. 

It was a fun way to blow a couple hours last night. It is NOT DayZ but it is fun.


So I haven't to mention a Frankie vid cos his vids have been discussed on here before. Sorry if I offended you static.

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Last night I was able to play two games.


The first, I finished like 11th. Not very good as the space to play in was still the second largest, and well, I was killed by Zombies and not a player. Being super punched by a zombie only to be eaten is a terrible way to go out.


The second game however....


The game is different, because it's limited and forces you to confront players. As a player in DayZ, I avoid humans at all costs cause they are unpredictable. Atleast here, I know and can plan on them trying to kill me as soon as possible. So my strategy consisted of avoiding players right to the end.

Right at the start, I went for the middle, as I need a map, and will make due with any supplies I happen to get. This time, I got me a machete. Great for killing zombies. Bad for killing players, but as I said I'll figure that out later. I started my adventure by heading west to the coast and search for some food and drink. Drink depletes super fast while running, were talking like 3km and you need hydration. Food is just as bad. 4 of each got me through this round.

After being successfull on the coast, I followed a player for a bit. Just following, not gonna attack him with my machete in the event he had a pistol or anything else. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. I kept my distance and eventually stopped following him. I went into a town, and found a medical house, full of blood bags and bandages and painkillers. I found another ammo type house which had a hand gun with 3 clips of 8 rounds. I count my blessings from zombie dodges and then headed towards a castle.

At this point with all the carpet bombings and area shrinking, there was about 8 or 9 players left.  So I felt the chances of the castle being occupied was limited. So much for that idea. As I approached down hill, I was greated with a sniper shot. I heard the bullet hit the ground before the shot rang out. Two more shots. I'm lucky he's not a good shot.

I start sprinting for tree cover a good 500m away. He switches to an automatic, most likely due to no ammo in his rifle. He hits me good. Centre mass. I loose almost all my blood. I do a dance, lie on the ground, vault and one last mad dash to the closest tree. Once there i wait patiently to not be in combat so I can self blood. Yes self heal is lame, but this took almost 2 minutes to complete. That's a long time to be stuck in an animation, where at this point anyone sneezes on you, you're dead. I make a quick dash deeper in the woods and hear more gun shots ahead of me.

I freeze and hope. Hope, prevails and now to consider my options. I review my map and learn the circled area is shrinking. It looks to be centering just east of where I am. And from what I could tell, the end game would take place in a very open area. Practically no cover and surrounded by hills. My position is in a forrest between the two castles, which are most likely being camped. There's no more time to get a better gun or supplies. If I maintain my position, I can keep a good visual on the exits of both castles. I can get eyes on all players before hand. Now the only issue is my lack of fire power. Time to figure out my end game.

After waiting patiently, my hypothesis of the end game location was increasingly on the money. However with just a pistol there was no way I'd be winning this. Especially with shots from a shotgun, an automatic of sometype and an uzi ringing out in the near by distance. With an overview of the possible end game area, I studied it. Scanning for rocks, trees, a small brick wall to help me with defense. Nothing was there, it was a death trap and quite possibly chosen for that reason. Reluctantly, I summarized I'd be dead soon. How many left? 5 players. What to do? Where was my salvation? How could I prevail. The answer was always there. A way of life, I've always played in video games. Whether it was Splinter Cell SvM, Assassin's creed, or Tribes. The answer was always to hide in plain sight.

There on the road 800km away was a car. Just sitting there, waiting to be driven. That's too obvious. Too loud to drive or use as a weapon. But for hidding. It was perfect. It was multicoloured and the windows had lace. You'd be stupid to hide in that. So that's what I did.

I made my mad dash from the hill side to the car. The on screen text told me the area was shrinking. I had to be quick as the last update would make all campers come out into the open. Must get to the car. Sprinting for dear life, watching the castle to the south, watching the hills to the north, I ran. Then stumbled upon a care package. Too good to be true, contained no ammo or weapons. I continued running and reached the car. My new hidding spot. I got in the back seat, less noticable, at least, in theory.

Sitting, hidding and waiting, I concluded I had also selected my grave. A couple more minutes, I sat, and the area shrank one last time. The car, inside of the end game zone.

"They'll be coming soon" I said. Patience. Then just up the hill, a crouched figure crossed the road. He crossed twice, surveying the land. Then, two shots fired, then more. From behind the car, and in front, shots rang out arround me. A death appeared on screen. 4 players left. The silence now was torturous. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear anyone. Sitting in the back of this car, in the middle of a battle field. I sat, looking out all windows as fast as possible. Do I move to the front seat to get a better view? Do I risk being seen. Shots fired from behind. 3 players left.

Now I realise this might actually work. Can I pull this off, and the other two kill themselves? Wait. I don't hear them. Frantically, I scan through the windows. Then, running up and down the road a player with a shotgun appears. He's running about with no care in the world. Searching desperately the small area in which 2 players are hiding. Me in the car. The other, somewhere else. As he slowly approaches, I think about my next moves, and then realise he's out in the open. The other player is not shooting him. There's only one reason. They're a team.

He's quickly approaching the car. Dismissing it like a rock in the desert. He zigzags and wanders by the side I'm sitting on. I don't dare move. The Jurassic Park, T-Rex scene comes to my mind. "IAN FREEZE" He can't see me if I don't move. He runs infront of the vehilce, to look on the opposite side. Nothing, but then he freezes. We lock eyes and I know I've been found. He's just as surprised.

I swtich to the driver seat, and floor it. The car surges forward and the impact is not what I had hoped. I push him for 20ft before he's moved to the side. He fires his shotgun missing multiple shots. I get out, so slowly, my back to him. 2 more shots, he missed. This has to be the guy from earlier. I spin, and take 2 quick shots, both miss. Me getting out of the vehicle allowed him to switch to his hand gun. He unloads his clip in my direction. I do the same. We injur eachother. We both need to reaload. He attempts to reload. Nothing. I do the same, but I have another clip. He's out of ammo. We circle the car, and he jumps into the vehicle, concluding I'm also out of ammo. I bait him to line me up, not shooting yet  implying no ammo. He jumps into the driver seat, and I ensure my shot is sure. Pop Pop. The sound of flies, has never been so soothing. 

With what seemed like an eternity, only seconds passed. His dead body lying on the ground, a shotgun on his back. Was he out of ammo, or didn't want to reload. The feeling overcomes me. I need that shotgun and more ammo.


Searching his backpack was the last thing I did. He had binoculars, food, and drinks. He had done well for him in this fight. He did have ammo left. I would have put it to good use. His death would not have been in vain. As I hear that final shot, all the fear of hidding in the car, the anticipation of being found, the thrill of the fire fight, drops away. The green and white hourglass appears on my screen, disappointment rises as the screen fades to black and a message that, I've been kicked from the game appears. The disappointment lingers, and grows into sadness. Not for the 2nd place finish. Not for my fatal mistake. But for the lingering questions. Who was the winner? Who faught the good fight? Who killed me?

Edited by Daybreakdz
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