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How awesome would it be if there was a chainsaw in Dayz where it reacts like the one in L4D2 but having to refuel it with a Jerry can, i can see the good side of it and the bad side... the bad side would be you'd have to get to the zombies face to face to kill them and also the noise factor... But the good thing would be when the standalone has the walking around hoards, you would be able to run through them.

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I think Rocket spoke of a Chainsaw at Eurogamer, I think it was only an idea though. I'm sure its something very likely though.

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I like the idea of chewing through zombie flesh with rotating metal teeth.


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Yep i would love this, but it should slow you down dramatically while you're attacking a zombie, so you're not running full speed through a horde of zombies.

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It wouldn't be a zombie game without a chainsaw.

Being in the style of a simulator, I expect to see chainsaw wielders get overrun and eaten quite often.

No chance you'd be running cross-country carrying one of those heavy fuckers everywhere! :P

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It belongs in any zombie game. I think it'd be fun to mess around with but doubt anyone would haul it around taking up all that inventory space when using it is a constant source of noise spam. You'll get spotted pretty quickly

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it would take up to much space in the inventory

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And lawnmowers , ala Braindead !


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awesome idea. although, i would use a modified lawnmower, just to look awesome

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By the time you'd fired it up a zed would be chewing your face off. and with weapon deterioration its gonna take longer and longer to fire up. I'd still put it in for the fans. It's a much better addition than another sniper or guns with cameras on them.

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With the implementation of disease and blood borne pathogens this would be very bad for the wielder of the saw...

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Chainsaw adbot removed also.

Edited by orlok

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