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  • Recent Posts

    • Mate the game is actually on the Enfusion engine, since 1.00 version. Honestly I'm not kidding or something. But since release of Arma Reforger the engine was changed, yes it's still the Enfusion, but more optimized and with new features that adapted for the future Arma 4. I suppose to think that's someday the twicks will get DayZ but I don't really know when...
    • They are running out of things to port over
    • Hello @Kyiara, I have some questions regarding the soundtrack if you don't mind. 1. Can you share which locations received their own tracks in this most recent update? 2. After this update, is the soundtrack now complete? (for Chernarus) or are there even more tracks coming to it in the future? 3. Once the soundtrack is complete (if it isn't already) will the tracks be uploaded to the official DayZ youtube channel, in a similar fashion to Sumrak's Namalsk soundtrack video? Thank you.
    • Thanks for helping us maintain the progress we've made... although for this "cycle", due to more important RL issues, I won't be able to look for my survival record. But thanks for changing your "attitude" about Wipe. Thank you so much... Perhaps the best step forward I've seen in DayZ in the 4 years I've been playing.
    • I think it would be a great idea for the main menu by adding a new section, where you can see all of the servers you recently played  .
    • Don't worry, don't delete anything. If you have a Vanilla I assure you that no "disaster" will happen and the spawn will fix itself with a few "cycles" (I have had my own vanilla server since 2020 and I have NEVER done any wipe, and everything works "normally" as every other version of DayZ)...if you have a modded one, from what I've seen so far, you shouldn't have any problems, but I've "only" started since the summer of 2022 and haven't tried all the mods. But thinking about it, when you use mods, it's much easier for them to generate "strange problems". I am increasingly convinced that, except in particular cases (but still solvable without wipes, such as interpenetrations of structures added to the map with the patch which could conflict with player constructions: in that case, dismantle the construction and move it... if you want, of course... however no real "malfunction" problem), Wipes are NEVER really necessary, but often just an excuse that server managers adopt to impose the Wipe (which everyone who wants a "COD" style game ", they invoke as the "panacea")... or when they are not really able to "fix" all those small (and large) defects that depend on the mods, their "combination" and their settings. Many " botched job" and then they don't know how to manage... and after a while they call the "Wipe" as necessary and "carry on" a little longer.
      but I repeat that I'm not very knowledgeable about mods, also because: Vanilla is Vanilla... always... while there are thousands of possible combinations of mods... 😕 P.S.
      Read this:
    • Got to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with the announcement as I was confident it was going to be a new title running fully on the Enfusion engine. But still, really looking forward to the new map and discovering it. But I do hope to see more than just a few new assets/weapons/animals etc.. I mean, this is supposed to be the biggest year since DayZ got the engine change in 2018. So bigger than the Livonia update from 2019 that brought us Livonia, bears, thunder storms, weather impact on characters, fishing and a bunch of more stuff like weapons etc.. At this moment I am not seeing anything more special than the previous DLC gave us. So I am kinda expecting more significant things to be revealed. Maybe ragdolls, AI rework? We will see.
    • Don't swearing man...
    • 01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101110
    • I hope I am, however it will not change the situation. But thank you for replies. By the way, do I understand it correctly, that right now we will have a break from updates after 1.25 up to the release of Sakhal? And do you plan any experimental phase for 1.26 or its too early to say anything (or will not happen since its DLC)?