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About SmashT

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    Does all the things

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  1. SmashT

    VoIP should be changed

    It’s a requirement by Sony which is why it only exists on the PS4 version.
  2. SmashT

    3rd Party sites making profit from DayZ

    DayZRP is approved for monetization. https://www.bohemia.net/monetization/approved/dayz You can read the monetization rules here: https://www.bohemia.net/monetization If the items affect gameplay, it wouldn't be allowed. Agreed that the prices are pretty ridiculous though.
  3. SmashT

    How to load custom map into server? (for testing)

    I've only used COM, haven't tried a local server. I think I mentioned this on Matts Discord to you, but I'd suggest using Mikero's PBOProject to pack as it will show a lot of errors that the official tool ignores. As an example, official tool packed my terrain without errors, but I was immeditaely crashing when trying to load it in COM. Using PBOProject showed me a bunch of config.cpp errors, commonly "Line 24 var= is not an integer out of range 0 .. 4", which you can solve by removing the line "access="ReadOnlyVerified";" from config.cpp and "navmeshName="\dz\Worlds\test\navmesh\navmesh.nm";" (if you used Matt's config) which you can fix by just changing to navmeshName="\dz\Worlds\chernarusplus\navmesh\navmesh.nm"; as well as removing his class names if you used his config. Aside from that, if you can post screenshots of your folder structure/launch paramaters etc, we can see if there's something obvious you have missed there or any other errors PBOProject give you.
  4. SmashT

    Ban Appeal

    DayZ Staff can not and do not have access to BattlEye global or VAC bans, and can not revoke them in any way possible. You MUST contact BattlEye or Steam support about any bans issued on you.
  5. SmashT

    cpuCount Default?

    For clients I thought it was auto detected nowadays so would depend on your setup, I don't think the paramater does anything for servers, as it's auto by default and I dont think its even possible to open more cores for the server. You might get slight better performance by setting cpu afinity and priorisation (setting it to high is the best iirc)
  6. SmashT

    Server Configuration File

    Pretty sure it's been there as a config option since 1.0 released. No idea why Vilayer wouldn't have it in their config, it should work though. https://forums.dayz.com/topic/239635-dayz-server-files-documentation
  7. SmashT

    Looking for a good GSP

    I'd buy a dedicated box from OVH if I was hosting.
  8. SmashT

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    As far as I'm aware there is nothing like -servermod atm and equalModRequired seems wildly inconsistent.
  9. SmashT

    Issue loading into own server

    Can you join through the community tab aswell, that sounds normal to me?
  10. SmashT

    Dayz Server Portforwarding

    That looks like an internal address? https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+my+ip
  11. SmashT

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    I haven't had much luck with cars, last three attempts resulted in me violently bouncing around so much I either died or just abandonned the idea.
  12. SmashT

    Dayz Server Portforwarding

    For external play you will need to open ports 2302-2305 as well as 27016 (if you want it to show up on community tab)
  13. SmashT

    Way to check for updates with an external script

    Ah ok, yeh I misunderstood, looks like it's been broken or not used for a while, found this ticket from November. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133542
  14. SmashT

    Way to check for updates with an external script

    Have a look at this, might be what you are after or atleast give you some idea of how to do it yourself. https://old.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/afad51/automatically_update_and_sync_your_steam_workshop/
  15. SmashT

    Problem with ChatPlayer()

    I read ChatPlayer(string text); is broken on engine side, hence the known issue: When using the in-game text chat, you will not see your own messages. Other players can." Mark (DaOne) suggested using proto native void Chat(string text, string colorClass); for local use only or GetGame().GetPlayer().MessageImportant("YOU ARE A MEME"); if you want to do it on a server. I assume it will be hotfixed soon.