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About Serpentello

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    On the Coast
  1. That's exactly what you don't seem to understand, or know. Bullshits like this (cause it is true, it's a bullshit) really take just 1 (one) person, also very little time. So implementing this little shitty things does not, in any way, interfere with the way bigger thing that needs a thing called "time" to be done (in-game physic and all that it follows it's development), but in the same time gives devs who are assigned to manage those little task to advance with the "To-do-list". Do you really believe it take a whole developers team to do such a basic thing? Come on. You're smarter than this.
  2. The point is this. Dayz is not YOUR game. You have no right to say they should drop the night mechanics, (I play on night server, i don't turn gamma on, i use head \ pistol torch and by doing so i died less then 10 times by being shot, but a significant time by zombies & hunger 'cuase i didn't see them (zombies) or skipped some edible loot that where actually there, so i really fancy night-time sessions) this is Rocket's \ B I game, so they do what they want. Having spent € 22,00 does not give you any right on saying what they have to drop and what not. It' their game, you play it their way. What you can do, instead, is giving Feedback. We are developing a bad habit of believing that by spending money in a game we are somewhat legitimated to pretend that thing'd be done in our way of thinking. Beside of that, Battlefield 4 is real CRAP (and this is coming by a person who has something like 500h on Battlefield 2 and 130h on Battlefield 3, not count Bad Company 2, so i believe I know what I'm talking about), it costs you € 60,00 / 70,00 and UP TO DAY is still NOT in a very good shape, so please, have a look in you dictionary and look again what REALLY means the words "solid work production".
  3. Well you might be right, but I don't recall reading "Update every Week" whilst buying the Alpha. Now, speking in general: You know, being an Alpha Tester, a Beta tester OR both, has ALWAYS been like this. By ages. The point is, recent game "development" have brought us to think it differently, in the worse case. Alpha & Beta phases are expected to last 1, at maximus 2 months, and that's the most wrong thing to do. Nowadays Alpha and Beta phases are seen like a way to let people buy games earlier. Like Battlefield's "BUY THE GAME NOW TO ACCESS TO THE EXCLUSIVE(!!! OMG !!!) BETA AND "PLAY"* EARLY." - * = get a game still full of bugs, buy all the DLC's and PREMIUM PACKAGES while we try to solve this mess in the meantime." Yeah that's how they scum you. They make you feel special, and you give them your money earlier. And you know what? They've already won. People have gotten accostumed to this marketing mechanics. Well guess what? DayZ's ALPHA is a REAL ALPHA. They don't make you feel special. They put a FUCKING GIANT SIGN on steam, basically saying this: "We are DAMN far away from the game to be released, we're in deep shit and we cannot afford this project to fail, so please help us buying the game and stick with us in the process. Mind tho that, as we are BLATANTLY saying, the game actually SUCKS, it's full of horrific bugs, lack of content, and it'll take a huge load of time before you can ride your frigging car, smashing zombies and shooting from the windscreens." Didn't see ANYBODY else do this. If isn't this honesty... What people read of this? "Yayyyyy i can shoot people in da face from atop the Elektro TEC building while pissing on the zombies head, and pretend updates every 10 days 'cos I've spent my money on this." You want this, you want that, you want more guns, you want Vehicles, you want permastorage. Yeah that's OK! And that's what we'll get. But honestly, this are all BETA things. ALPHA things should be still more core system things. (Or did you honestly believed that the release was after the end of the ALPHA phase? Neener neener neener, there's BETA! Deal with it!) Alpha phase should be meant to test things that are NOT fun to play. Stability and such. But hey, my 8th model of Assault Rifle is more important, right? 'Cos I have to look cool while killing players, 'cos I'm a tough guy! [sarcasm mode: OFF] Having sold all this much just in ALPHA phase is the real CANCER to this game. We players are the Cancer, and we don't even realize it. We want things, we want it FAST, we have forgot what it means to WAIT. So we ask for vehicles 'cos we want to have fun, we don't want to test games. We don't have the time, right? "Why they lose time making hats, WHERE'S MY TENT?!?!?!" Well guess what, tents, like vehicles, barricades, and such other things need a thing called "Physich". That's what they're focusing their effort on, that's why we still don't see the result of this work. Putting models of clothes in the game is a thing that a SINGLE guy can do. Building a Physic engine from scratch is NONE. You guys must learn to take a few step back and take a larger look at the picture. Just cos something has priority, doesn't mean it will be the first thing to see birth while making a game. So to cut it shortly, what I'm trying to say is: Don't fucking take part, WORSE BUY a game that is in it's ALPHA state if you can't bear to have patience, or can't even bear to risk seeing the whole project undergo heavy postponement or even failing. That's just how things go. There are thousands of zombie-slaughter based-games out there you can play, so if you have or want to SPEND your time on this game, do it by supporting it instead of pointing your Nutella's wrapped finger screaming "Breaking Point is much better than this" or "RUST destroys the shit out of DayZ" or even "They scammed us they just wanted our money". You're the DUMBFUCK who clicked "buy" on Steam, nobody forced you to do it. It's nobody's fault that you couldn't wait, in a sea swarmed by zombie games like nowadays. Lastly, i beg you all my pardon if my English is not top notch, for it I'm just a poor guy from Italy who is self taught regarding the English language.