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Tweaker hunter

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About Tweaker hunter

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    On the Coast
  1. Tweaker hunter


  2. Tweaker hunter


    I wish I was recording to show it and I will try to do so in the next for dayz but the individuals I met were able to see, name, and count the of people coming over sniper hill in electro or where able to tell me someone just spawned on top of the hospital. I 100% positive these guys were hacking and pretty damn sure the others I've watched people follow me, not near the wall I'm by but a good 10-20 meters from it. Though I am happy you haven't ran into any. Maybe there isn't as dense of amount as I thought
  3. Tweaker hunter


    If you haven't already figured out there are still hackers in the game and they are not getting banned as fast as one would like. The most common hack that seems to be out is the X-ray/player tag, which allows the hacker to see where a person is, their name, and distance. The lovely aim bot. Also they are snapping near by items to themselves . This is very scary to me seeing that the game is in its really early stages and was something I hated in the mod. I know this because I stumble across a few individuals in electro and one was hacking. However, they were using the hacks to help newbies get out alive and kill those who just sit on top of the hospital, school, fire station etc.... and hunt anything with legs. basically the wrong type of bandits. They said their goal was to spread the idea that electro or cherno was not this easy place to camp and shoot on site. They did this by jumping server to server. Overall these were a cool group of guys trying to use hacks and move the game from a heavy PvP to an even PvE / PvP. Nevertheless the idea of hacking still being fairly accessible worries me. I met these guys almost 2 weeks ago. Now for the past 3 days I have been noticing people stare at me across a street while I'm behind a wall or fence crouched and follow me with there gun or body as I moved in third-person. Waiting for me to walk past an open crack or something that allowed them to get a shot. I even sat in some of the most isolate little corners in electro, for a test, not exposing myself at all and within 10 to 20 mins I will have people ask me to come out or will try to shot me through a window when I'm not near one just to scare me I guess. I don't see any local news or topics about these hackers in forum and I simply wanted to share my stories and spread the word. I'm really hoping I have just been on a bad streak with people on dayz the last couple days. I am curious if others have experience hackers too?
  4. Tweaker hunter

    Natural way to restore sickness

    Now I haven't gotten sick in the game yet but I have stumble across others who have. It would be cool if you could eat certain foods or combined certain items for a quick drink (Like to gurgle hot water with salt method to help sore throats) that would help you out. Now of course this will never as good as real medicine but It follows the ability of making a splint with sticks and duck tape. It could either slowly cure your person or simply slow down the affect tell you can get something to fix it. As right now I find it difficult to help those who are sick. This would be that quick a dirty way to help yourself or friend and take away a little of the stress found from sickness.
  5. Tweaker hunter

    Customizable I.D arm band

    I was literally finishing this post and put it up when I saw another with the same topic I'll delete this one
  6. Tweaker hunter

    Arm bands(Ways to tell who's who)

    I literally just posted a topic about this just now! I totally agree with this idea!
  7. Tweaker hunter

    Customizable I.D arm band

    Now I am someone who could care less about starting a clan or a reason for clan wars. However it would be cool if you were able to take the clothing you find and use the rag as an arm band. I would like to do this simply for people who are frequently on the same server and are friendly. Last night my friend and I almost killed two friendly's we ran into two days earlier. Yes, walking up to them in a sneaky matter so they can hear me is the normal thing to do. Although, when there are three possible bandits and you have nice gear is risky business these days. This is where the arm band comes in play. We had these guys scope out from a distance and if they had an arm band that we have gave them or they gave us would lower the risk of friendly fire. Now there are some cons to it. I can't think of a way to stop someone who may have a bunch of arm bands of different colors waiting for a group of people to come around and that individual just blend in their group. On the flip side, I kind of like that risk. Imagine if Dayz implements base fortification and your that lone bandit. You find the base and the only thing that is stopping you from getting pass some people on guard is having a matching arm band. You find or make a matching band and able to get in. You are now able to steal some of there high end items and disappear. Possible stories like that makes a game absolutely amazing and I believe Dayz can be one of those games.