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Spontaneous "..no message received for 10 seconds" within 5 minutes of joining a server!

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As you may or may not be able to decipher from the topic title, I am having a spot of bother regarding DayZ. Whenever I join a server, within the first 5 minutes of gameplay (but often within the first 30 seconds) I receive the message "No message received for 10 seconds" and the timer goes up from there until I am forced to disconnect.

A few things about my setup which may be relevant to troubleshooting:

I'm on a laptop without a GFX card, however I have lowered my graphics to the lowest possible setting and can play with decent FPS.

I am using my universities internet. I suspect therein lies my problem, although I have a decent download speed (1.3 mb/s), and have no problems playing other games online such as Minecraft or SWTOR. I have also tried playing through a VPN, where I receive the same problems.

I hope someone might be able to help me or offer me some advice. I have googled my problem, however I have no found any solution to this.

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this doesn't sound like a system spec problem, it sounds like your internet isn't sufficient to play on the servers you're trying to. Try finding servers that are hosted near where you live.

Also, why is this in Ban Appeals?

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It certainly doesn't seem like a lack of connectivity. I can play perfectly smoothly until it hits me. My unis internet should be more than capable of playing DayZ.

Also, I have no idea how I managed to post in this subforum. Would you suggest I create a new topic in the correct subforum and edit this topic to link to the new one?


Figured it out. For those you might be troubled by this, Join a server lobby but do not actually join the game. A message should appear saying BattlEye is updating. Let it update (took me about 30 seconds) then you are good to go!

Edited by Caedus

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Could be server restart. Just got this on namalsk when server restarted, DayZ commander showed 10000 ping when i left the game and after a minute i refreshed and the server had dropped from 25 players to only 2. Server restart lol.

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