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Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

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Well give me a minute. Ill be right with you on what i think you should build :)

What kind of gaming are you planning on doing on that budget O_o

Edited by Jtyler1995

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right now i got a case for 60 then a i5 then a motherboard for like 80 and then 4gn of ram since someone said i dont need 8gb

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Do you need Windows? That's $100 right there and 20% of your budget already.

ya :( but maybe i know some people who could get me it for free, lol or for half price since i think computer people who sell computer stuff get it for half price or cheaper. Edited by BOMBCRAZYInc

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also im using newegg and im at 271 since shipping but most of my items have 10 or 20 dollars off

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Look on maximum PC , they have a couple sub 800 dollar gaming pcs they have done

Agreed main focus should be graphics card, drop to an i3 or do an AMD build

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my budget is 600-700 and could you make me a checklist to run through so i know that i have everything

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I wouldn't recommend going dual core with this game.

While the GTX 560 graphics will give you smooth FPS, you will get hangs and hitches from running the CPU at 100%.

This game is RIDICULOUSLY CPU intensive. I just put together a $1500 rig based on the 3570k and I typically sit around 60% usage.

The laptop my new rig replaced was a 2.8GHz Dual core that would constantly hiccup and freeze.

If your budget is that low, I would recommend either really skimping on the monitor, or waiting till you have a bit more.

Especially because in a year from now, your rigs not really going to play much at all.

I'll play around on newegg and see if I cant put something together though.

EDIT: Merry Christmas...









Total cost: 644 bucks with monitor.

Edited by k4killer

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phenom x4 965

amd+3 mobo

you can get that processor and a mobo for 100-200 depending on what features you want.

I picked up a open box 21" lcd for 69$ at microcenter, that would leave you with 200-450 to spend on a graphics card,

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I don't recommend pirating your OS. $100 isn't a lot for peace of mind. If it is for you, then save up or find a new hobby other than PC gaming.

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CPU fans


Power supply






CD Drive

Case Fans



That is a good PC and its in your price range

654.99 Free shiping


That is OS




"Still need:




Edited by Whyku

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Save up for a 1000$, at the price, you'll be wanting to replace it again in two years.

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Save up for a 1000$, at the price, you'll be wanting to replace it again in two years.

i dont feel like saving up that much again lol but instead will be buying new parts so someone have offered to make a newegg cart for me with that stuff for 700 or 600

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