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DayZ Vanilla | VorTeX Gaming Community - Hardcore DayZ Survival

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Website: http://vortexgc.site.nfoservers.com/index.php


How to Join
1. Download DayZ Mod from the Steam Store.
2. If you already have it, right-click it and chose properties and then hit the betas tab.
3. Click and choose "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs"
4. After launching DayZ, click multiplayer and then remote.
5. Fill in the window with the information from above and our server will appear in the browser.
The idea from this server comes from the idea of making DayZ Vanilla as hard as possible without using any scripts or addons of the sort. I challenged myself to see if this is possible, but it is up to the DayZ community to see if I have succeeded.
I bet you're wondering why I don't like scripts? I don't like using scripts is because it attracts people that aren't interested in  Hardcore DayZ, and rather a Wasteland type gamemode with zombies and shops.
Seeing as we do not use any scripts or addons on our server, you should expect your FPS to be perfect if your hardware permits.
You shouldn't be running into any Script Kiddies as we have a team of admins and an Anti-Hack(our only "addon" running.)
 Server Settings
3rd Person: Off
Nametags: Off
Sidechat: Off
Crosshairs: Off
Death Messages: Off
This entire project began because I heard talk of Vanilla DayZ dying. I didn't think that was true! I wanted to contribute to the Vanilla Mod community by making a server that has no addons or scripts, but is different than all the others.
What do you think?
Does this look like it's worth a shot? Do you think that we should change anything? Respond to this thread or register on our forums to report Bugs and Suggestions.
:beans: Here's a can of beans. You'll need em!

Server is officially closing at the end of this month due to lack of funds and population

Edited by VVoltron
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Looks intresting. Do you change loot table? In Vanila we can find alot weapons, this moment kills the element of survival. And we can find alice pack in rezidental loot, many knifes and hatchets, e.t.c. If you give this loot small chance to resp or create more intresting loot table, this can makes players life more hardcore. But many players prefer mods with big guns, armored vehicles, military heli e.t.c., due to this Dayz Vanilla servers with first view are not so popular.

But i like your idea about hardcore server without addition other scripts. 


Edited by Tugodoomer
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I checked your server today and this is not hardcore, 3th view is on, side channel, markers on map and spawn's choice - this is regular difficulty.


Also i don't like your anihack system, i can't open journal by J button, as result i can't craft anything, and F12 forbidden by antihack, but this is standart key for screenshots in STEAM.

For hardcore you can add damage to zeds, this can be intresting,

About loot table, i like what you did with residental loot (so many cans with food) and vehicles (many of them without wheels) but i found in industral loot 2 HE grenades for M203, need to fix this moment.



Military and special military loot will check later.


Change server сonfiguration, on this moment this is not hardcore.  

Edited by Tugodoomer
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I checked your server today and this is not hardcore, 3th view is on, side channel, markers on map and spawn's choice - this is regular difficulty.


Also i don't like your anihack system, i can't open journal by J button, as result i can't craft anything, and F12 forbidden by antihack, but this is standart key for screenshots in STEAM.

For hardcore you can add damage to zeds, this can be intresting,

About loot table, i like what you did with residental loot (so many cans with food) and vehicles (many of them without wheels) but i found in industral loot 2 HE grenades for M203, need to fix this moment.



Military and special military loot will check later.


Change server сonfiguration, on this moment this is not hardcore.  


You shouldn't be finding that type of loot at the residential buildings... Thank you for informing me of this.



As for sidechat and 3rd person, I wasn't aware this was on and I am fixing this right now.


EDIT: 3rd Person is disabled, Sidechat is disabled and Spawn Selection is disabled. Working on the issue with the Anti-Hack right now.

Edited by VVoltron

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nice. also i can't change weapons by keys 1,2,3. i think that antihack blocked this functions.

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nice. also i can't change weapons by keys 1,2,3. i think that antihack blocked this function

AntiHack issues should be fixed on next restart. Thanks for reporting!

Edited by VVoltron

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Teamspeak server set up.



Anyone else care to check us out? (bump)

Edited by VVoltron

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