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Dayz Freedom RP Server

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Hello survivors!


I am BanterClaus, I am a Moderator on a new DayZ RP server that is due to launch for application in the upcoming Days!

We feel RP should be followed by all players and therefore have a white list and a strict set of rules that must be followed by all players!

Feel free to contact me if  you are interested in anyway and more information will be released in the upcoming days!

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Hey Survivors, 


DayZ Freedom RP is now accepting applications, please take your time and join our group.




Once you have joined our group please fill in an application for our server!





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Hey guys, Freedom RP is a cool new unique RP server with a dedicated staff squad and a functional server and TS channel.


Please feel free to join our steam group: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1O1fgCbMbpfKy--aWYQHtp_nvQv4sTSPwiPCePoyLAnE/viewform 



Our TS is constantly open for players: 



Our server is now online: 

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Hey guys, Freedom RP is a cool new unique RP server with a dedicated staff squad and a functional server and TS channel.


Please feel free to join our steam group: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1O1fgCbMbpfKy--aWYQHtp_nvQv4sTSPwiPCePoyLAnE/viewform 



Our TS is constantly open for players: 



Our server is now online: 

The steam group and the application is muddled, sorry XD This is the group and the other link is the app form: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayzFreedomRP 

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You failed to read the rules and created yet another topic and even bumped a lot more than just once every 24 hours.


Have a timeout.

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