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Fully militarized Slow Z's HORD High FPS AI mission Sheep's Repack fully militarized. Purchased a dedicated server last week. Installed everything and its working great. lots of mods :-) search G.S.B. IP: PORT:2302

Epoch Admintools 1.9.1 (NoxSicarius) A Plot for Life v2.23 (Rimblock) Build Vectors v3 (strike) Snap Pro 1.4.1 (RayMix) Admin Fast Build Custom Loot (Shootex) Watermark (MadHatter05Welcome Credits 1.3.7 ( IT07) Custom Loadscreen (jasonpointer) Custom Death Screen(Jokaru)
ESS V2 (Enhanced Spawn Select) (ebay) Debug Monitor Burn Tents (soul) Deploy Bike Crafting Suicide ( Grafzahl) Buy Gems from traders Binocular Fog (alexlawson) Carepackage on self (MattL) Carepackage on map (MattL) Animated MV22 \SUV (ebay) Sirens Nitro (Sandbird) Regen Blood (Schwede) Fast Rope (=BTC= & sabbath) CAGN (safezones) Harvest Hemp (infiSTAR, FragZ, Shogun338) DZGM ( Group Management) (ebay) Drink Water (Mamu1234) Arrest/Investigate (Inkko) Tent Sleep Healing 1.1 (Krixes)
Zombie Bait/Bomb (Freaking Fred) Anti Zombie emitter (Freaking Fred) VASP 1.2 (OtterNas3) fast trade (gr8_boi52) Trade from vehicle + Backpack (Csus) Door Management (Zupa) Paint Vehicles (0verHeat) EVR Blow Out (Sumrak-Namaslk creator, JOoPs for how to) Elevator (Axecop) Journal (jOoPs) Craft In Shed (Barra81) DZAI 2.1.3 (Buttface) WAI 2.1.4 (f3cuk) Extra Loot Postions (General Zaroff)
Animated C130 Crashes (Gorsy) Animated AN2 Crashes (Gorsy) AN2 Carepackage Drops (Gorsy) Animate Heli Crashes (Grafzahl) DZMS  DZMSHotSpots (ekroemer) Tow + Lift (Nightmare) Bury Body (seaweeduk) Cannibalism (seaweeduk) Take Clothes 2.0 (Zabn) Custom Hud (Cen) Hero perks (MattL) Walk Amongst Dead (Sandbird) Bank Robbery 2.9 (Darihon & Spodermayt) Servicepoints (Axe Cop) JAEM (OtterNas3) Snow (Audio Rejectz) Ground Fog (Andrew_S90) Advanced Alchemy Building (hogscraper) Custom Kill Messages (0verHeat) Weapon Mods (mudzereli) Fast Rope godmode (Asian Kid) Watermarkimage (BAROD) Single Currency 3.0 (Zupa)




Edited by spcsullivan
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This server is awesome!! I get more FPS on this server than I did on one with LESS addons!! This server has SO many addons that are SO fun to use and explore, and while having so much fun, you get a ton of FPS! c:

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Have about 20-22 players dedicated. got some donations but we need a few more to make it fun. please come check it out. at the very least you can leave and never look back :-)

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This is a very good developing DayZ Overpoch server, with dedicated admins and cool scripts and addons. :beans: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :beans: :thumbsup: I recommend this server to anyone who sees this post. Push

Edited by Protatoman
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This server is mint I wish all the servers I played on were like this and has an epic group of admins that run the server they will all listen and help you in anyway possible.

awesome server with some amazing addons that I never new existed.

The fps is amazing Im using a GT640 (which is terrible) with a First gen I5 (also pretty bad) and gets a constant 30 fps with all settings on medium and antialiasing.

most players are freindly and it reletivly easy to get rich due to the vast amounts of missions that are availible and im sure that they will soon add more missions for more epic loot!!

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This server makes my day every day I play on it love the admins and the players man you just cant get enough once you play on this server !!!!!!!!!

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SERVER IS BACK UP. Vilayer had a hardware fault whatever the F*** that means. but its back up. different IP i changed it in the descpription. Thanks for the support guys

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Don't bother coming back or creating a new topic, as you all don't seem to understand the rules.



Topic reopened after discussion with spcsullivan. Make sure you all stay well within the rules. Only post once within 24 hours. Otherwise the next one trying to work around this will have to leave us for a while.

Edited by kichilron
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