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Wisdom of the Falcon

DayZ Performance Optimization Guide

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Greetings fellow DayZ players. We here at Wisdom of the Falcon bring you a guide on optimizing DayZ: SA for optimal performance. We've done our research well and we've turned the game inside-out, so you can expect some solutions you probably didn't see in other guides such as these.

The techniques we describe pertain to version 0.55, but we expect they should stay relevant throughout the entire alpha period and perhaps even after 1.0 release.



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Thanks! Tried it out and I get a solid 60 FPS in Novo. Never drops below 60, or goes above 60 which is pretty crazy. Obviously it comes with a couple of fundamental changes to the game, but well worth it for the FPS boost. 

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My brain....I am so confused. Instructions unclear, my dick got stuck in a ceiling fan.

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I tried this earlier but couldn't stand playing with such short view settings. Also my game runs better with longer view range. Lower fps but not as much chopping. Its quite a disadvantage to not see as far as with the standard settings.

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Thanks! Tried it out and I get a solid 60 FPS in Novo. Never drops below 60, or goes above 60 which is pretty crazy. Obviously it comes with a couple of fundamental changes to the game, but well worth it for the FPS boost. 

No problem. We realize that the fundamental changes you mentioned could be a problem for some players, but

1) The end result is actually the core DayZ experience. it seems to us that's what the developers have been going for. We realize some will disagree, including the developers, but it's pretty obvious.

2) When modding is eventually introduced, vanilla will be forgotten, people will be playing SA: Epoch, SA: Breaking Point, SA: Life, SA: The Sims, SA: Minecraft and countless other submods which will divide the playerbase into a million and one different interest groups. The party will be over.



My brain....I am so confused. Instructions unclear, my dick got stuck in a ceiling fan.

That's a very problematic health issue. Would you like us to hook you up with some herbal remedies?



I tried this earlier but couldn't stand playing with such short view settings. Also my game runs better with longer view range. Lower fps but not as much chopping. Its quite a disadvantage to not see as far as with the standard settings.

Other players are not rendered past 1 kilometer so there's no real disadvantage gameplay-wise.

As for your wife issues, we can connect you to some people who can resolve that problem. PM us here or on youtube.

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