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Friendly Zeds gave me dinner

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A hunter's life can get lonely sometimes - a solitaire life of stalking, cutting and cooking. But there are times, when unexpected help comes from those who society of the coast bandits and gun enthusiasts deemed unfit to live among them - the zombies. A Zed, not unlike the hunter, is an outcast, but a friendly person, who only wants to pursue it's own dreams and ambitions.


Anyway, so I was walking in the woods above Berezino, slowly getting impatient since I didn't see any animals for quite a while, when all of the sudden 4 Zeds jump in front of me and bid me welcome. I panicked,  I - I - I killed them :(.



Took a few photos if perhaps I came across their relatives or acquaintances which are worried sick - at least I can give them closure -  and proceeded further south, but only a few steps on I found a dead boar.


Now I really felt bad, all they wanted was that I join them for dinner and I, blinded by the prejudice, MURDERED THEM.

Zack, Zed, Zara and Zander, I will toast with a "Drink all" when I eat the steaks you selflessly gave!

Edited by mizzihood

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