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The Best survival and hunting Tool for DayZ

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This MUST BE the Best Survival and Hunting Tool for DayZ

Check these out for a survival and hunting tool easy to introduced into DayZ. It has always been the device of choice for many cultures worldwide (and the SAS, natch).


knobkerry (knobkierie)

These are variations of thrown club - alternative is the  'throwing stick' (see below) Easy to craft. Easy to bring into DayZ.


You can also instead (IRL) make a N. American Native  'throwing club" using a heavy (2 to 5 kilo) river stone and bind it tightly into a leather cradle with a throwing handle - can be a slightly flexible handle if you want better swing and also to use it as a melee weapon (effectively a really nasty mace).

Note - if you are survivalist you should already be able to do this kind of thing (throwing weapon, hunting) with the Hammer found in dayz. It's easy to aim and throw, and will stun or break the scull of a boar taking a head hit. Or saw a bit more than half the handle length of a DayZ sledgehammer to have another vicious throwing weapon. But the knobkerry or the throwing stick is the ACE.

All are very easy to craft. And for DayZ developers - All use the same simple arm movement, so animation would not be multiple or complex compared to other animations (such archery).

"The choice weapon of most cultures was the heavy non-returning boomerang that could also be wielded as a club or knife for attacking close kangaroo, wallaby, and emu by using it as a stabbing weapon. Some Native American tribes such as the Hopi, as well as all southern California tribes, utilized the throwing stick to hunt rabbits and deer."

"Traditionally, most boomerangs used by aboriginal groups in Australia were 'non-returning'. These weapons, sometimes called "throwsticks" or "kylies" were used for hunting a variety of prey, from kangaroos to parrots; at a range of about one hundred meters, a 2-kg non-returning boomerang could inflict mortal injury to a large animal. A throwstick thrown nearly horizontally may fly in a nearly straight path and could fell a kangaroo on impact to the legs or knees."

"As a survival tool, the throwing stick is one of the most effective and easiest tools to obtain. Other than a weapon, it can also be used as a digging tool for making fire-pits and underground shelter. A curved limb will suffice as a throwing stick. Ancient throwing sticks were believed to be made of hardwood with a weighted or curved end to one side to impart momentum so the stick stays straight and does not wobble in mid-flight."

Some throwing sticks and their variations are about 2 to 3 feet long pieces of thick hardwood, usually about the circumference of the user's wrist. When they are thrown, they spin, creating the image of a sort of blurry disc.

'Pommel Point' Throwing Sticks are not actually variations of the standard throwing stick. They are simply heavy thick 'throwing sticks' with slightly blunt points that can crush skulls if they travel at sufficient speed. Therefore his is also dubbed the skull crusher throwing stick.


anyone interested in this stuff?

xx Pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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Problem will be, the PEW..PEW..PEW bullets i think.


Nice idea, but the focus of dayz is more on guns and you will instantly die with this nativ gear when there are more players 100+ on the server.

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There is an equally-versatile but wholly-different tool currently available: the improvised (stone) knife. :)

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There is an equally-versatile but wholly-different tool currently available: the improvised (stone) knife. :)


And you can throw it how far?

And you can break deers legs with it at 50 yards?

And you can fracture a boars scull, or kill a rabbit, at how many feet? 100 ?


And you can ... oh, you mean a knife.... sorry, we are talking about different things - you mean the stone KNIFE .. Yes the improvised stone knife is pretty cool actually.. You are right. I've been experimenting with it. :). In fact it's quite a lot too good .. but, well,  I'm not going to complain 'bout that for a while.

And the stone knife is nothing to do with this topic at all, right now - though the two might eventually come together -  I'm hoping for spears one day, yes! .. but at the moment I'm trying to get some Real Simple Workable survival/hunting stuff into the game, total Real Life - Textbook - Survival Made Easy - Hunting Equipment - ..in use since 10000 years (so we know it works)   and it can be introduced with little change in crafting and animation..


Problem will be, the PEW..PEW..PEW bullets i think.


Nice idea, but the focus of dayz is more on guns and you will instantly die with this nativ gear when there are more players 100+ on the server.

instantly die?

Same way as you instantly die when you plant melons ?


Yes - you are right - this is a NICE idea. History shows how well these "native gear" things WORK.



I'm not suggesting you go hunting deer in Berezino round the tank memorial, dude. Hey, don't try fishing there either. But  - if you want "pew" "pew" you DO know where to go.

Fishing, Hunting, Planting; Survival - how much do these focus on "pew" "pew" ?

Survival, and survival objects, and backwoods skills, and survival crafting - these take the emphasis OFF guns in DayZ... you follow me?  Many players know this already.


I'm a survivor, i have a sawed-off in my backpack - the last TWO face-downs with an "all kitted up" guy with his automatic rifle .. I Blew their Fragging heads off.

(they weren't useful people.. I didn't even eat the bodies)


saying that 100+ server "pew pew" will instantly wipe out "native" stuff" is like saying 'you cant kill a guy with a gun if you're armed with a knife'.

But I've heard different, from lots of places.


Dude - I've never LOGGED IN in a Barack in my WHOLE life, do you find that hard to believe? Why would I want to?- I play DayZ.

I don't NEED an automatic rifle - what would I DO with one?


Do you think rabbit traps are making for more "pew" "pew"? Or fish traps maybe?  Will everyone who cooks steaks "instantly die when we have 100+ servers" ?

Sorry - I don't follow your basic argument because I think you're making a big mistake: This is it:

The cool thing about DayZ is YOU decide what to focus on, not the game, not the rules, not anyone else.

Who told you to focus on "pew" "pew".? - He was feeding you a line! - Widen your horizons dude.


xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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This MUST BE the Best Survival and Hunting Tool for DayZ

Check these out for a survival and hunting tool easy to introduced into DayZ. It has always been the device of choice for many cultures worldwide (and the SAS, natch).



knobkerry (knobkierie)


These are variations of thrown club - alternative is the  'throwing stick' (see below) Easy to craft. Easy to bring into DayZ.


You can also instead (IRL) make a N. American Native  'throwing club" using a heavy (2 to 5 kilo) river stone and bind it tightly into a leather cradle with a throwing handle - can be a slightly flexible handle if you want better swing and also to use it as a melee weapon (effectively a really nasty mace).

Note - if you are survivalist you should already be able to do this kind of thing (throwing weapon, hunting) with the Hammer found in dayz. It's easy to aim and throw, and will stun or break the scull of a boar taking a head hit. Or saw a bit more than half the handle length of a DayZ sledgehammer to have another vicious throwing weapon. But the knobkerry or the throwing stick is the ACE.

All are very easy to craft. And for DayZ developers - All use the same simple arm movement, so animation would not be multiple or complex compared to other animations (such archery).

"The choice weapon of most cultures was the heavy non-returning boomerang that could also be wielded as a club or knife for attacking close kangaroo, wallaby, and emu by using it as a stabbing weapon. Some Native American tribes such as the Hopi, as well as all southern California tribes, utilized the throwing stick to hunt rabbits and deer."

"Traditionally, most boomerangs used by aboriginal groups in Australia were 'non-returning'. These weapons, sometimes called "throwsticks" or "kylies" were used for hunting a variety of prey, from kangaroos to parrots; at a range of about one hundred meters, a 2-kg non-returning boomerang could inflict mortal injury to a large animal. A throwstick thrown nearly horizontally may fly in a nearly straight path and could fell a kangaroo on impact to the legs or knees."

"As a survival tool, the throwing stick is one of the most effective and easiest tools to obtain. Other than a weapon, it can also be used as a digging tool for making fire-pits and underground shelter. A curved limb will suffice as a throwing stick. Ancient throwing sticks were believed to be made of hardwood with a weighted or curved end to one side to impart momentum so the stick stays straight and does not wobble in mid-flight."

Some throwing sticks and their variations are about 2 to 3 feet long pieces of thick hardwood, usually about the circumference of the user's wrist. When they are thrown, they spin, creating the image of a sort of blurry disc.

'Pommel Point' Throwing Sticks are not actually variations of the standard throwing stick. They are simply heavy thick 'throwing sticks' with slightly blunt points that can crush skulls if they travel at sufficient speed. Therefore his is also dubbed the skull crusher throwing stick.


anyone interested in this stuff?

xx Pilgrim

Have.....have you made and thrown one of these before?


I have, and while they are easy to make and fun to throw, there are other weapons that are both easier and more effective in the terrain (deciduous forest, with lots of scrub bushes (there should be a lot more undergrowth in the forests)) Chernarus is made up of. Those throwing sticks (especially the 100 meter throw mentioned) probably require a lot of open space, flat ground, and long sight-lines to use effectively. I would probably use a spear and a bola, or a sling, or hell, even a bow, instead. More concentrated killing power.


I've taken rabbits,squirrels, and various birds with a "rabbit stick" before, at "close" (<20 meters), but I wouldn't try to take anything larger. I don't want to injure the animal and be unable to kill it. I don't doubt the ability of the throwing stick to kill larger animals, I doubt my own ability in using it to do so. I would be more comfortable using a bolas to snare the prey, then run up and stab it with a spear. Both weapons are basically as old as a throwing stick, are easy to make, easy to use, and reliable in effect.



(note: I've taken out pigeons on the wing with bolas. Anything that walks or flies can be caught with them)


On that note: I would IMHO say that the spear is instead the "best survival and hunting tool". Lets you kill things quickly and easily, easy to make, easy to repair, can be used at close range or thrown, used as a walking stick, etc. Can be combined with a club for close range, or bolas for medium range. There is no reason to not make a spear in my book.

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I agree with you completely about spears - easy to make, effective.. you can use a whole range or materials for the points - anything from fire hardened wood, stone (of the right kind) - through to bits of scrap metal.


For my own suggestion - (without going into prehistorical detail etc) .. the hunting weapons I suggest were the most common means of getting food - meaning a survivable fairly regular and constant food supply - in Europe, at a time when the whole continent was very heavily forested - (completely wild European forest as it is rarely known now) - with only the highest ground bare above the natural treeline (mountains, high ridges, high moorland).

Conditions on other continents obviously must have varied - I'm not knowledgeable on that -  but Europe was 98% thickly forested, glades, cross-fallen trees, old standing wood, young vegetation, decay, and all kinds of ground cover.. the lot.. not easy even to move through. But the hunting methods of that time worked. That's why our generation is here, right?


But - for myself, in a survival situation I'd like a couple or 3 of reasonably heavy medium length throwing spears, and I'd experiment with scrap metal etc to find what worked, or simply bind a knife as in your photo- if it was long enough and not likely to bend easily.. and I' sure a barb to hold the weapon embedded helps greatly.


As for my  'blunt instruments' - You're hunting for food, you don't need to kill with a hit - you break a deer's hind leg, or injure it's spine, and you've got it.. it's not romantic, but practical - you're doing this to eat, no other reason. A hit that only spooks, bleeds, and tires the animal will usually need a longer chase, perhaps a much longer chase, afterwards, unless you're lucky and cut an artery.



Edited by pilgrim

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You know theres allot of things I like and don't like. But I must say my fav latest add the stone knife is really good. It only takes one slot, it opens cans, skins animals ect ect. A nice add for sure.


I def want to see more tools like that get added.

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I don't know about you guys, but for me it's my noggin'


your noggin is what you are supposed to use to make survival gear, and put yourself where you need to be.. to survive - this 'noggin' is the only special feature of all human beings, it's good you noticed it.

Beanz for "I think, therefore I might go on existing"


This is why human beings have got so far - they don't specialize in teeth, claws, stealth, speed, grass digesting stomachs, etc.. they specialize in "brain" .. we call it "thought".

You are not supposed to throw your noggin at the nearest animal -  you are supposed to use it to plan how to survive, what tools you need, and then implement/build/do/improvise/ what you need


So what is your USE of your noggin to survive in DayZ at the moment ?

My guess is either 1 ) axing your friends in the back of the head, or 2 ) fish traps.

Growing Melons in the rain on an unpopulated server with ground water not too far off, is at the moment by far the easiest, least-effort, safest, survival technique

But In a real life survival situation, Melons don't actually grow in 12 minutes, right ?


best wishes, keep thinking


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Sorry - I reply again Whyherro123 because yours is an interesting post

For a - 'first day' - survival... pretty obviously a bow is not much use unless you find one readymade - it will take time and a fair effort to produce a bow that can take down medium game at a short to midrange distances

ALSO - first you have to FIND your deer. I live in a wildlife area (woods start 100 feet behind my house and go all the way up the mountain flanks to 2000m... then bare ground to 2500-3000. There are deer and boar in here ..I'd say relatively common. Very common compared to standard Western European lowlands, which are totally built over or intensively farmed.


But I don't often see deer or boar.. just from time to time. I'd estimate if I went looking - and I know the deer paths down and across the local river, and the boar runs through thick undergrowth - If I went looking I could expect between a day and a week before I had an animal marked down and was able to approach. Week starts to be a long time without food except edible plants (eating plants is fine to survive, but like any cow or sheep you just have to do it all DAY to gain a day of food value. It takes a LOT of your daily survial time.


Secondly - so you locate your animals, know their habits (for "habits" = around here they are already very wary beasts, they know human hunters) - now you already need the equipment to take the animal. Which means a while going in the opposite direction to the prey.. looking for the right spear shaft, a good point that will do it's job, and a method of fixing it.. this takes time too.. if you want BOW, then you are really going to have to spend time before you have something that works, has enough power, shoots straight, AND you can use it properly (bit of training?) ..


My examples are all variations of 'weighted throwing sticks' (if you like) they are a heavy mass with a long thinner throwing handle - diffferent types from around the world - I like the American Indian stone mace best - but could not find a reference and photo - there's one in a Belgian museum that is the nastiest weapon I've EVER seen.. either as a mace or as a throwing mass..


In a real survival situation (and looking at DayZ) I'd definitely find a sledgehammer and saw off the shaft, to leave enough grip for a one-handed sideways throw with leverage (maybe around 1.5 - 2 feet length shaft, depends on the weight of the head). I think this would be worth trying.


As you say - the alternative is a throwing spear with a LONG point and a GOOD barb, that you can get into a deer's guts (forget being polite) to bleed it, seriously damage it, and also for the spear to drag and hinder it, and cause more damage. Good for deer, but this doesn't work too well with boars, they don't seem to care.. bloody stubborn tough critters  (I've never tried - its totally illegal and inhumane in non-survival contemporary Europe - but boar hunting was a major sport for several centuries - [ William 'The conqueror' - known to his mates as "the Bastard" was a kind of Euro-champion famous boar-hunter and did nothing else for the first 20 years of his adult life. There are well-documented techniques, not involving bows].


The key to any kind of hunting - especially where you will not kill the prey immediately with one strike - is firstly 'hunting' - finding the critter and getting close enough, unseen - and secondly 'tracking' - following a wounded animal by estimating the damage you caused and its habits well enough, and following the spoor well enough, to get in a second strike or a finishing coup.Tracking and 'forest discipline' and knowledge of the prey, are the most difficult part of this 'meat for survival'. You can't learn this in a day. Starting from scratch as a townsman, you'd starve first 99 times out of 100.


For small game: Easiest way to get birds is put down grain, old bread, whatever - under a box or vegetable crate, one end propped up on a stick - any sort of string from the stick to the place you lie, wait for the bird(s) to move under the box and pull out the stick. the others keep coming back for quite a while until they suss there's a carnivore in this clearing.. but pigeon are about the smallest birds you can cook and eat comfortably (nice) unless you're close to starvation. 


Otherwise just place wire slips for rabbits in the paths where they cross under fences, etc.. places easy to see once you know them


ps around here the legal card-carrying hunters use a 12 bore pump shotgun with 00 shot in it, at rather close range, to take boar.This is not my idea of fun.. each to their own I guess. (OK- not all of them do this, a couple of the local legal hunters have my true respect)..



Edited by pilgrim

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