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Manual Bolting

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I honestly do not see this happening however.


The Arma 3 devs recently announced the reason there were no bolt action rifles in the upcoming DLC was due to a fundemental problem with how the game handles bolt action rifles.


So this lead me to believe that whatever changes required to achieve something like this would be quite quite substantial and not just something easily added.

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I honestly do not see this happening however.


The Arma 3 devs recently announced the reason there were no bolt action rifles in the upcoming DLC was due to a fundemental problem with how the game handles bolt action rifles.


So this lead me to believe that whatever changes required to achieve something like this would be quite quite substantial and not just something easily added.

See this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218678-weapons-and-reloading-issues-explained/


They're reworking the entire weapon systems that will allow for manual reloading of specific amounts of ammunition, rather than just dumping whatever you have into an empty gun. While he never specifically commented on manual initiation of the weapon's action (because "manual bolting" would also sensibly apply to manually using the lever, pump-action, and any other single-action guns as well) this is very good news and definitely makes me hopeful that it can happen.


ArmA 3 isn't doing it because they're just making a DLC for a game that's already been completed for well over a year, whereas DayZ is only a substantial way through its first development phase.


So don't lose any hope just yet.

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ArmA 3



Now now, we don't need to lie here.

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ArmA 3 isn't doing it because they're just making a DLC for a game that's already been completed for well over a year, whereas DayZ is only a substantial way through its first development phase.


ArmA 3 isn't complete. Tanks flip upside down when trying to cross over one half meter stone walls, the sights on the Holosight and DMS sights are corrupted unless you apply workarounds, wheeled vehicles wreck when running over a chicken wire fence, lets not forget that running 10 feet tires your character to the point he needs a five minute rest. ArmA 3 was abandoned and they tried to cash out with BS l;ike karts and helicopters.

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Bump for the new Hunting Scope being implemented soon.

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I agree completely. This should be applied to the pump-action shotguns too, as well as single-action revolvers if they are added. It would also add another layer of skill, as a player who is experienced with working the bolt would be better at timing the bolt quickly, allowing them to fire a consecutive shot much quicker (especially useful for sawn-off Mosin users).

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One thing I love from Survarium is that with the Mosin carbine, you don't have manual bolting per se but you can always interrupt the bolting animation and even after you've exhausted the 5-round internal magazine your can continue to bolt-in additional rounds one by one, it just takes slightly more time.

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So long as it applies to all single action and manually operated firearms and is mandatory. Pump action, lever action, bolt action and single action like with the Derringer.

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Bump for the Winchester Model 70 :D

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totally agree, this is a MUST HAVE improvement. Same goes for the way the scope works. If you're using the scope in DayZ someone could be standing right beside your rifle and you wouldn't notice him unless you hear him. The way the scope in Red Orchestra works would be so much better and immersive. Please make it so.

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feeling optimistic since my other suggestion got into the game, so im gonna bump this (swear im not necroing) see if we can get anywhere as more bolt action rifles will probably be implemented into the game.

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