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Tents not persistent?

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So I run a non persistent private hive server so the people stuff save but the loots respawn every restart.


From what I understood tents are persistent even if you have persistence off like in DayZ Mod. So even with a restart they should stay.


Is this broken or has it changed?


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From what I understood tents are persistent even if you have persistence off like in DayZ Mod.


No, if persistence is off it's off.

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Then what's the purpose of them?


If you turn on persistence after a few days the server is barren.

Currently persistence is buggy. In a persistence on sever, after several restart, some places will have crazy loot while other places have nothing, lol.

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In a perfect situation what would persistence mode do?

Let stuff be on the server till it goes from pristine to ruined and then dissolves. (Or gets picked up)

All gear should stay untill dissolved through "age" if you will.

You could make stashes of loot by hiding it somewhere. And due the course of time it will degrade.

Hope this helped. :)

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