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[VSN] Overpoch Chernarus, UNIQUE features only at VSN ! Check galleries!

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 [VSN] Vision Gaming Overpoch Chernarus


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All you need is Dayz Epoch mod & Dayz Overwatch 0.2.5. To connect without problems use Dayz Launcher

For Dayz Commander use launch parameter: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@Dayz_Epoch;




[VSN] Feature list:
- Life day / night cycle GMT -4 (full moon nights, sunset 4 am GMT, sunrise 12 am GMT)
- Common scripts (self bloodbags, take clothes, tow & lift, refuel and repair)
- VSN Unique mission system, random, gather, static
- Indestructible Cinder & Metal
- Maintenance 14 days
- Plot pole management system
- Door Management system
- Restarts every 3 hours
- Weather system
- 50m plotpoles
- No zombie plotpoles
- Deploy Bike / Mozzie
- Painting Vehicles
- Snap & Build Pro
- Weed farm harvest / smoke
Veteran Server
- 3rd person view +, no cross hair
- Heavily balanced trader prices and loot
- No thermal weapons, no tanks
- No coin system
No OP and useless weapons:
NO cheytacs,
NO automatic DMR rifles,
NO machine guns which shoot M240 mag in 6 seconds,
NO 1000000x different versions of AK or hk416/7

No OP and buggy vehicles
NO sports car, offroad 90-100? come on!

We chose out of MANY guns only those few which are nice, balanced and fit DAYZ climat
Out of 500 weapons, we added around 15 pistols , 10 sniper rifles and 30 assault rifles, so you wont have to worry about strange magazines, which option to take, or just too long list of weapons.

If you are looking for REALISTIC server, this is place for you!


[VSN] Unique mission system with 5 kinds of missions:


1. Gather missions: treasure, construction, military. Find crate.
2. AI Static missions (AI Sites), marked with red dots, respawning with restarts, always there
3. Random missions, Bandit and Hero missions working independent. Hero missions will be harder, but with better loot. Killing AI will lower your humanity.
4. Random Static missions. Appearing in the same places with same scenario (eg. NE Airfield blockade, Cherno Hotel in bandit hands, Blackops operation), however they will appear randomly so you wont see them every restart.
5. Scheduled Missions / Special Missions / Event Missions - Those will appear once, twice per week and fixed time (eg. Sat 8pm CET), and only then, very special missions with loot worth fighting for. Schedule will be announced and placed on website.


( ! ) Click on picture ( ! )



Different kinds, different levels of difficulty, so many possibilities!




[VSN] In-game Help / FAQ / Rules Center



[VSN] Heavy customized map

- Custom Trader cites
- Additional buildings
- Surprise areas
- VSN Event Arena
- Wholesalers in trader cites, so you wont get camped by freshspawns

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Join us now!





Edited by EPD

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Big thumbs up!, 


Great server and I'm quite suprised at all the custom content that has been added. 

Definitely worth checking out.

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