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[Request] Looking for an experience close to the old days of the vanilla mod.

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Hello there dayz players! Myself and a couple of buddies have been playing DayZ mod for almost 2 years, and we're looking to go back to what we know as "the good old days" of DayZ. The time where it was rare to find a sniper. Lucky if you managed to fix up a heli.

I know it might be a long shot but are there any DayZ vanilla mod servers out there running on old patches? Or anything close to the original experience?

If so, leave a reply here, or message me on steam (NathCopter), or even add me on Skype (NathCopter).

Thanks to all.

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Hello there dayz players! Myself and a couple of buddies have been playing DayZ mod for almost 2 years, and we're looking to go back to what we know as "the good old days" of DayZ. The time where it was rare to find a sniper. Lucky if you managed to fix up a heli.

I know it might be a long shot but are there any DayZ vanilla mod servers out there running on old patches? Or anything close to the original experience?

If so, leave a reply here, or message me on steam (NathCopter), or even add me on Skype (NathCopter).

Thanks to all.



Have you tried DayZ Mod 1.8.3? Much of what you describe sounds just like the mod. I run a vanilla DayZ Mod server with alot of players and fixing a vehicle ain't easy and choppers are really rare. Also good snipers are kind of hard to find. Just like it should be. I don't believe you need an old dayz mod patch for that.


Here is what another player, in a similar situation like you. just said about vanilla DayZ Mod and the server I run:



Please feel free to check out the servers thread on these forums here: 



My server is located in Europe, and if you are in the US, check out US434. We both run the mod vanilla, no changes.

You can find my server in my signature, hope to see you on!



Edited by vinyljunkie

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