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Help me get set up!

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I'm incredibly new to the glory of playing games on PC. I'm also confused about what exactly to download to play DayZ. I've been watching videos by FRANKIEonPCin1080p on Youtube, where he's playing through Arma II DayZ Mod. What do I need to download to that play version of the game and where do I get it from? The Steam site? DayZmod.com? Please help this "Bambi" — aka Newb — figure out what to download and from where, so I can get to playing. Very much appreciated and thanks in advance. 

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For the Mod, you'll want to go on Steam and purchase "ARMA: Combined Operations" (Which is ARMA 2 and ARMA: Operation Arrowhead together, both games required for the Mod.) If you want 1337 graphics too, get the DLCs. They add higher resolution textures to your characters and some other stuff; but it's not a big deal one way or the other.

Edited by Geckofrog7
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