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Roleplay! Server is up now! - Flaming Rose Roleplaying Server

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We have finally launched our server and our forums. Check us out at:




Some features of our server

1. Professions

2. Factions

3. Housing 

4. Absolutely no kill-on-sight - everything must be roleplayed. There will be a lot of PVP and shootings, just not kill-on-sight.

5. Merchants  

6. Trading

7. White-list



PS: The server is provided from an European company, however I believe players from USA and Australia will still be able to play without much problem(ping).


Thank you for reading, for more information, please go to our forums.

If you need support, do add me on skype: quinnherman

Edited by Pegasusbuff
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I already checked it, thank you! 


Yes, the server will be a private shard.

Edited by Pegasusbuff

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Damn :( I wish I could play on this server once it is up... My ping wouldn't allow it... Only if it was hosted in Australia.

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Greetings from a fellow private shard admin. I wish you the very best of luck and a lot of fun with your server.

If you have any questions or need support from a fellow admin, join our teamspeak at or send me a PM.

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Great news! Do you have a forum?


Yes, we do have a forum however our forums needs to be edited. It still contains War Z Server info etc. I will fix the forums this week and post it here.



Greetings from a fellow private shard admin. I wish you the very best of luck and a lot of fun with your server.

If you have any questions or need support from a fellow admin, join our teamspeak at or send me a PM.


Thank you! Do you use skype? Can we text-chat there instead?

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i would be interested also, once the server# gets higher than 40, the maps too big to be staying in one town.

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I will give some sneak-peak on the factions' lore:


The Winter Legion


The Winter Legion (also known as WL, commies, or the Legion) is basically a communistic society. One leader, one party, and one ideology. Order and control being more important than individual freedoms. This is to make sure their beliefs are withstand. The Communists believe that everything that comes out of the Winter Legion is to be shared equally with everyone; if one person has four bullets and the other has none, they divide it between themselves. The Winter Legion used to be the main power within Chernarus; battling against bandits, fighting off the masses of Zombies and oppressing some of the local group of survivors who did not accept with their communistic ways and ideology. However that changed quickly when European Liberation Front arrived in Chernarus two years ago. For two years both factions had come to small scale of clashes, and tested their power against each other. The European Liberation Front had the disadvantage of not knowing the land as the Winter Legion did, but they were better equipped. The Winter Legion was not ready to face such a serious threat and the European Liberation Front was new within the lands of the Chernarus and needed to find a place to operate from, thus both of the factions needed time to utilize their power against each other. Both factions need of time was the reason they settled down for peace. Now there is a peace agreement between two factions, but for how long?



European Liberation Front



The European Liberation Front (also known as ELF, or The Liberty) is a democratic federation based in Europe, supposedly with holdings in some European countries. The ELF emphasizes many old world values, such as democracy, liberty, and the rule of law. It also strives to restore order and progress within Europe, though it has faced difficulty living up to those standards.The ELF is a completely volunteer force renowned as much for their shrewd reconnaissance capabilities as their bravery and combat prowess. Most of the ELF is made up of farmers, settlers or former military seeking protection from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world. In exchange, the ELF collects taxes from them to arm, train, and supply their troops. The EFL secured a few cities across some European countries and arrived in Chernarus two years ago, to secure a city and establish their faction there. Their main cause is to extend their power across Europe and bring back the old world's values.

The Ranger Corps ( in short, the rangers) is a small outfit of self-organized crime-fighters. They are part of European Liberation Front, and serve as a police force to ELF. Basically a squadron mostly made up by former police and military forces, in order to protect themselves, and finally joined the ELF forces, becoming crime-fighter vigilantes. Without a centralized government, the Rangers are the only form of law enforcement which actively tries to police the entire territory of Chernarus, as the various self-serving small settlements and groups rarely look beyond their own borders. The Rangers often engage in small scale of clashes with the Winter Legion over the matters of injustice and justice.


Currently I am looking for donators for the server. The prices of private servers are very high and I am struggling to pay for it on my own and launch the server. If you wish to help this server, do contact me on Skype: quinnherman



Some new planned features for the server:


  • Factions will be led by players.
  • Travelling merchants
  • Hunters(that hunt animals) will be encouraged and their services will be employed
  • Fishers(of both lake and sea) will be encouraged and their services will be employed

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Two posters we use for factions.




Edited by Pegasusbuff
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Signature banner for the server!




PS: Banner's theme is European Liberation Front oriented.

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Server will be very up soon. I am waiting for Paypal verification code to arrive for my credit card.

Lore update: Just as European Liberation Front contains a sub-organization within(Rangers), the Winter Legion will employ Partisans, a sub-organization within the Winter Legion.

And also new propaganda poster for Winter Legion. Stay tuned!


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Server will be very up soon. I am waiting for Paypal verification code to arrive for my credit card.

Lore update: Just as European Liberation Front contains a sub-organization within(Rangers), the Winter Legion will employ Partisans, a sub-organization within the Winter Legion.

And also new propaganda poster for Winter Legion. Stay tuned!


Great stuff man I really can not wait! Everyone should come see this!

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