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saves and servers

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I was wondering if you log off of a server say one day and return the next and that server is not available do you lose that charecter or is it always saved untill its back on line.Also if that server is not avaiable and you start another charecter what happens,does it cancel the other.Also I noticed once when I logged off for the night my charecter was fine but when I logged on the next day that same charecter in the same  spot  developed hyperthermia and died.Thanks 

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On public hive servers, your character saves to the main hive.  So it doesn't matter which (public) sever you go on.  Private Shards can have one or many servers on the same hive, so as long as the hive itself is still around one or two servers shouldn't mater.  For now though I know of no such private shards that are doing this, so if a private shard shuts down your info for that server is gone, not that it matters as it wouldn't have transferred over to a different or public server anyway.


Now keep in mind the servers are buggy and this is Alpha, what I said above is how its suppose to be.



If its a public server it shouldn't matter if it shuts down, you save to the public hive.

If it's a private server and it shuts down that info's gone as it was saved on that private server.

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You have four character slots in total.


Stable branch:

One for first person, one for third person servers.


Experimental branch:

One for first person, one for third person servers.


Those four characters will be persistant. You can play on a stable third person server, go to another and you will still have the same character. Same for every other character i've mentioned above.


Still, there are some things you need to know:


If you log out, your character will remain visible and vulnerable to anything on the server for 30 seconds. That's the logout timer. When you log in and you get a spawn timer, you also will be visible to other players, zombies and so on. So its possible you get killed during login or logout. It's to prevent ghosting.


If none of this is the case and you spawn in as a fresh character, the server you joined might just have restarted and failed to get your character data from the central hive. Quickly log out, wait a few minutes and log back in, your character should be back now.

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Ok so your saying its a good idea to pay attention to what servers your using,like dont jump around from one type of server to another.I think someone once mentioned find a couple of good servers and stick to them.My thing is since im so new to this game I tend to go on servers with low population counts just so I can get the game mechanics down and not have to worry about running into to many pvp for now

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sorry but I forgot to mention that I play on first and third person combined servers

You can favorite them and also check a history list.

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In regards to getting cold and dying some servers are colder than others. Right now in .49 the most important thing to get is sticks, matches and some paper or rags. Getting cold? Build a fire and sit around it for 10 minutes or so.

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