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The Authentic DayZ Experience

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Authentic Dayz Experience



Hello DayZ Community,


My name is Acebane and I make a variety of different types of DayZ videos on youtube. To me, this video embodies what I believe is true to the vision Rocket first had for DayZ. In my opinion, this is an AUTHENTIC DayZ experience. I encourage you to show this video to others to remind them that there could be more to DayZ than just killing people and regearing. There could be more human emotions invoked for both the player and the player(s) they're interacting with. These kind of experiences are what made me love DayZ in the first place, and what keeps me playing (hoping to experience it again). Hopefully we as a community can tap in to the potential of DayZ and make it more of a meaningful experience.



I'm posting this here because I want feedback and I want to bounce ideas off of each other in this community. What do you think makes an Authentic DayZ Experience? Do you think this kind of game play is what Rocket had in mind when he first created DayZ mod? Is it fair of me to call this experience authentic? Do you hardcore murderers who live for killing/regearing find this game play even remotely interesting? Why do you play DayZ? Let's talk about it.

Edited by Acebane
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Welcome back Acebane. We missed you! ;) 


Sorry for being biased and not very constructive with the feedback, but I loved this video. The "authentic" title was perfect in my opinion, and the selection of music, editing and play style all add up to make an amazing video experience. Thanks for making and sharing this. 




Here are some :beans:  to get you healthy!

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Hey Odin,


lol thanks for the beans! A close call in this video, almost didn't make it. I appreciate your feedback nonetheless. This kind of feedback just tells me I'm not 100% insane with some of my editing decisions etc. It was honestly a pleasure to make this video. As I've mentioned, it was 100% unscripted, unplanned and genuine. I just managed to hit the record button during it. After it was all said and done, instead of scrapping the footage like I do most, I felt this was a gem and deserved to be uploaded. I'm past the point of caring really about my channel's success, but to try to help the DayZ community see another side of DayZ? 100% worth the trouble of editing/uploading.

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Great video! Nice to meet friendly helpers like you.

I've been too trigger happy lately since dying to bandits on a no-pvp server...

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Thanks, glad you liked it. Yeah, it's a chain reaction. Say everyone but 1 player is friendly. That 1 player likes to murderer indiscriminately. He goes around killing everyone and betraying people. Then some of those friendly players get fed up risking their lives/gear to be friendly. They then start to KOS to protect themselves. Then the remaining friendly players, just like the ones before them, get fed up as they see a majority of players KOS. And here we are now, KOS central lol.

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