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Loot balance

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Axes: With the introduction of hypothermia/hyperthermia the importance of having an axe has been increased (making a fireplace). At the same time the chance of finding an axe has been decreased. New items such as the cattleprod have decreased the chance of an axe spawning on those lootpiles (correct me if i'm wrong). Vehicles do not seem to spawn loot anymore (i often found an axe on the hood of a car) and little garden sheds/shacks also seem to have lost their lootspawn. On another note i find axes get ruined far to quickly. 10 or so zombies bashed, 2 trees cut and your pristine axe is now ruined.


Compass vs can opener: I'm finding compasses everywhere, houses, garages, military bases. I just found 6 compasses in Cernaya Polana and i didn't even searched half the houses. At the same time, finding a simple can opener seems as rare as finding a mp5 (which i never found btw). I do believe can openers are and should be a more common item than compasses in any household.

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Your topic title is very non descriptive.



Loot balance in Alpha is an interesting phenomenon. Normally an Alpha is closed. But here we have a game in Alpha which people have traded money for.  So it has to be somewhat playable. 


I don't envy the guy who's job it is to constantly balance the loot spawn.  Knowing full well that it will all be changed again. Knowing what he's doing is totally impractical from a closed Alpha development point of view.

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