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location bound item-relation

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hello, I had a nice little experience today and wanted to make suggestion out of it.


When I was in a remote city, I found a pistole (C75) on the top of a little kiosk. I left it there because I had no magazine and in fact it is very rare that you find the magazine for a specific pistole within one gaming session if you don't play for hours and if you are not just hunting military locations. So I left the pistole there and went on to loot the city, hoping I would find something better.


ca. ten minutes later I found the magazine in the upper part of a school building in the same city.


This to me had two effects.


1.) I connected this finding to the previous one, I went all the way back, found it still carefully hidden on top of the kiosk and got a real "satisfaction" moment because this was something I had earned myself through looting the whole city and not just running through the most important buildings.

2.) In my head formed a little story around my findings.


The pistole belonged to a guy who had children which were attending school or he was a teacher in that school, it could even be that one of the children had access to that pistole and the kiosk was a common place for them to hide things. So they owned both a pistole and a magazine and would have been able to defend themselves, maybe they would have been still alive, if everything worked out. But for some reason they were not able to put pistole and magazine together. Maybe they got evacuated or forgot about the whole pistole thing, or they had not enough time.


Whatever, it was nice to have my thoughts flying around this incident. Although it is not "lore", it gave me the experience that my findings had a connection to each other and my imagination was doing the rest. I'd really like to have more of these intuitive cases, where people find the one thing and start connecting "Wait, there is a pistole. Somewhere in this city should be the ammo, it would make sense."


Of course this shouldn't be the case for all items. But I would appreciate if there was a item-location-relation to some extent, so that people at least can try it and have a real chance of achieving something, which they wouldn't by just running from A to B to C. You could make "zones" in which there is a certain possibility to find related items, while other items are not related at all. I don't care if this is random or not, however it is made, it feels very organic and alive.

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