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[iLLeffect] Overpoch Chernarus l Militarized

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Come help fill up our newly opened Overpoch Chernarus server! The server has loads of potential if more players helped fill up the 50 slots that it has!




-AI Missions

-Added military bases

-Added vehicles at regular traders


-Self Bloodbag

-Deploy bike

-Paradrop spawn

-Take clothes

-Trader safezones

-Auto refuel/repair

-Snap build


IF you like the server be sure to recommend it to other players/friends!

Thank you!


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This guy is hopping on other server teamspeaks and advertising his server.



 <23:24:22> "zWazy": hey if you and your buds ever want to try out a new overpoch chernarus militarized server, were lookin for more players and we can start you off with some simple stuff and a vehicles, thanks

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Yep, same here. Hit our Teamspeak twice now.


<13:23:48> "Ghost": Hey if you or your friends want to check out a new Overpoch Chernarus Militarized server, come by and check out We would love more players and even start you off with a vehicle, thanks!

Edited by ZFG Shogun

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and again

"ExoGenesisHD": Hey if you or your friends want to check out a new Overpoch Chernarus Militarized server, come by and check out We would love more players and even start you off with a vehicle, thanks!

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Please stop reporting zWazy, as what occurs outside the forums is of little concern to the Forum Staff here. If outside advertisement is against your Teamspeak's, or community's, rules then you should simply ban his Teamspeak client.

Edited by Inception.

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