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Uninstalling retail version of Arma 2 and oa before installing Steam version?

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As the topic saids should I uninstall my retail version of Arma 2 and OA before installing the steam version of them because of the gamespy shutdown. Sorry if this has already been discussed in another topic.




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I'm pretty sure you can just move them to your steam>steamapps>common  folder because they are the exact same regardless of whether they are registered with steam, then launch with steam so it overrides your old CD key with the new steam one.

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Well I have just gotten back into DayZ and just found out that I now have to get it on steam. So I have just registered the keys on steam for Arma 2 and operation Arrowhead but before I download and install the game I am worried on what to do as I have the retail game already installed with DayZ commander. One person said that I should put the Arma 2 and OA files into steamapps>common then what? Do I start the download and when they are both finished start both Arma 2 and OA up then go straight into a Overpoch server through DayZ commander? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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