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What's your sound setup?

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I've been watching some dayz videos and people always seem to be able to hear gunshots from so far away. When I'm playing with my friend, he always hears gunshots but I don't. I'm using some standard $40 Sony headphones so that might be the problem but it could be that my in-game volume is low.

So guys, what's your sound setup? How loud do you like your in-game sound to be?

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Known bug, not your hardware.


Not sure how to answer your question. I'd say 'Not loud enough to cause permanent ear-damage and not loud enough to anger the neighbours'.

Or did you mean my hardware? 'Cause I got hardware, baby!

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2 different questions:

1. What is your sound (hardware) setup?

2. How loud do you make your ingame volume? On a scale of 1-10.

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2 different questions:

1. What is your sound (hardware) setup?

2. How loud do you make your ingame volume? On a scale of 1-10.


1 I have an Asus Xonar DG soundcard with a Pioneer receiver and some 80's three-way speakers.

2 Can't remember changing it but that may be the Steam cloud having saved my settings from way back. I'll check next time I'm playing, should I remember. I do remember having it set to 128 channels.

Anyhow , seems simple enough to test by just increasing your volume?

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I'm not home right now and I always forget to test it when I start playing. Would it be possible to increase the sound of specific things like footsteps and gunshots?

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I'm not home right now and I always forget to test it when I start playing. Would it be possible to increase the sound of specific things like footsteps and gunshots?


Nope (not yet <(?)>)

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Put your master volume to the max ( in ingame settings/audio ) The game will sometimes lower it back to default when you log in.. so always check it before starting a gaming session.
Good luck.

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After many many sound dramas with this game over the years i went back to full standard windows sound drivers, never been better. Gunshots at a distance and direct is finally working as it should.


My partner has issues picking up direct and doesn't hear a lot of the gunshots i do. Same with a guy who just built a brand new rig with a whoop di doo sound card, latest drivers, older drivers, whatever settings..random gunshots.

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After many many sound dramas with this game over the years i went back to full standard windows sound drivers, never been better. Gunshots at a distance and direct is finally working as it should.


My partner has issues picking up direct and doesn't hear a lot of the gunshots i do. Same with a guy who just built a brand new rig with a whoop di doo sound card, latest drivers, older drivers, whatever settings..random gunshots.

tech lingo, I like it!

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Some old Turtle Beach headsets that I took off my disused Xbox and plugged into my PC.


Which I don't even wear, as I like to listen to music whilst playing DayZ, which sort of defeats the purpose of a headset. So I just leave the headset on full blast on my bed, so I can hear a little bit whilst listening to music.


But we persevere.

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