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duct tape (mute)

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hey, so so far there are not uses for duct tape in the game and well, i dont know if this has been posted before, but you can use a burlap sack to blind a player, handcuffs to restrain them, but no way to mute them. now duct tape as of right now has no use, so i think it would be cool to be able to put it over another players mouth but only after restraining them with handcuffs to prevent them from using public chat either by verbal or text. again i do not know if this has been suggested but hey, i think it is a cool idea and if anyone else has suggested it then sweet,i am not the only one thinking this would be pretty neat, also i have not found a way to start a poll but if there is one if anyone could tell me how to sweet thanks, if not add that to the forums :p

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I think the text should be a fainted white and restricts how far it reaches in the distance, kind of like how volume is for actual voices.


Regarding voice chat with the duct tape, sounds should be muffled and restricted by distance as well :)


Example for text: Do you guys read my text?

(Limited to x meters .. Due to color restraints on forums, this will manage my example)

Edited by TIC321
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I could think a ton of things to do with duct tape on this game, but I'm sure it will first be used in some sort of crafting recipe.

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I think this is a good idea... but in the mean time... if you want to mute a player... use a bullet. Works every time.

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i dont know if this has been posted before


again i do not know if this has been suggested but hey

Use the search function, has been suggested before... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198314-duct-tape-mute-player/?hl=mute

I typed "mute" into the search funtion and it was the scond hit, so you can't blame the search funtion for not showing good results!


Does not work in real life... watch this:

Edited by degude
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I give beanZ when a link is given after the phrase Use the search function.


:beans:  :thumbsup: 


OP, don't take it to heart, worse things have happened at sea !

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