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[Suggestion] Fair/easy to implement unstuck algorithm

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Hello survivors,


Many of you might have experienced getting stuck. It can be quite frustrating and sometimes there is nothing that you can do. I believe there is an easy solution that allows for no abuse of the mechanic which I will suggest. What follows is a re-post of my original suggestion on the feedback tracker (link). 




Recently few of my friends got stuck under apartment buildings. As a result I noticed how many players get in this frustrating situation. I have a suggestion for a simple and fair (not allowing abuse) algorithm. It relies on the assumption that a random zombie spawn location algorithms exists.

1. Player issues an '/unstuck' command.
2. Server starts an X min. timer. The timer is displayed to the player. If player moves timer resets.
3. On timer off server applies a zombie spawn location alg. to calculate new location for the player.
4. Server logs into players profile the time of the event
5. Server changes position coordinates of the player

This is the gist of it. Considering its random nature and time limit, I think you can easily see how it is useful only when player stuck. Also if a random zombie spawn location function exists it should be a piece of cake to implement.


If you agree with the outlined approach, please vote up the issue. If you have your own solution share it. Let's try making this issue a thing of the past.

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I agree this would be highly useful in situations where I find myself stuck.  As-is, my best solution is to hop servers until one places me back on the 1.5th/2nd floor of the house I was in.   Whereas this implementation would be fair and helpful.

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