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Inventory slots gone, forced to be a different character

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(Sorry if this is in the wrong area, I've never used this website.) So here's what happened. My character just died so I hit respawn. When I came back, I was a male character (I'm usually female) with no clothes. I open my inventory and I am hydrated, healthy, and energized, with no inventory slots, not even for my clothes. Nor did I have the starting out items (Flashlight, battery). I was confused but I started to play as normal anyway. It turns out, I had 1 invisible inventory slot. And even things that took up multiple slots could fit in it. 


I had enough of the nonsense so I got out of the server and went to the main menu. I clicked on character customization, and it was my character!  I hit set default only to go back to the main menu again to see I was still the same guy. 


I hit exit, thinking I could restart the game and it would be fine, but I got a completely pink screen.  It stayed like that for 30 seconds until I got the "DayZ has stopped working" message. 


I get into the game again after a strangely long loading time. I go back into character customization just to try again and I get this error message: "Confirmation of Changes Variable 'my display' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace."


I have no idea what this means. Does anyone else know whats going on?



Edited by AshleyTheAwesome

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They appear to be in the process of putting serialization into the game, or the process of converting data to bits to store them for retrieval later. It appears the variable "whateverwhatever" stores your character design selections, and currently this data cannot be serialized (and apparently stored) correctly.

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That spawn you got is a bugged spawn in the game, it's the Vybor spawn, about SW of the NW airfield and you just start out completely naked so you can gear up regularly.

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Okay so thats one question solved. What about having no inventory slots?

You'd have to take the guy above me's answer, this has only happened to me once on a server where it happened to the rest of my group as well.

The good news is once they fix this problem the game should (or should be close to) supporting in-game serialization. This means that when a server resets, many many things should still be there. Corpses, backpacks, notes, etc.


Edited by crimsonBZD

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