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Does anyone else have problems, creating improvides backpacks?

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I just experienced that after skinning a deer and trying to apply rope to the deer pelt, nothing happens.

When dragged over within the inventory, the rope simply turns red while only switches places with the pelt if one is outside.


There is no action menu coming up, offering to craft the leather courier bag.


Both rope and pelt are in pristine condition.

Edited by Calixus

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Creating the bags with pelts is bugged.  You can not do it. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.

You can still craft one using the burlap sack though.

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I just experienced that after skinning a deer and trying to apply rope to the deer pelt, nothing happens.

When dragged over within the inventory, the rope simply turns red while only switches places with the pelt if one is outside.


There is no action menu coming up, offering to craft the leather courier bag.


Both rope and pelt are in pristine condition.


Deer pelt will not work atm. No idea why but it works with boar pelt.

Edited by MadWookie

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Deer pelt will not work atm. No idea why but it works with boar pelt.

I confirm this, just made one today on 0.47, BTW it is larger than the backpack crafted from a burlap sack.

For some reason you can un-craft a backpack into sticks and sack but cannot retrieve the rope, which is a pity. Same goes for the fishing rod, you don't get the rope back.

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Lies. Put all the items on the ground. Then combine. I have one on stable.

Edit: I misread. You can't make from deer. That said, you DO have to put improvised and stick on the ground to make improved leather pack.

Edited by Parazight

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I just experienced that after skinning a deer and trying to apply rope to the deer pelt, nothing happens.

When dragged over within the inventory, the rope simply turns red while only switches places with the pelt if one is outside.


There is no action menu coming up, offering to craft the leather courier bag.


Both rope and pelt are in pristine condition.



Creating the bags with pelts is bugged.  You can not do it. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.

You can still craft one using the burlap sack though.


Incorret. The boar bag is made with the pelt and rope. The deer bag is made with deer pelt and using a knife on it. Lol It works and it's in game. Just look it up and try it. :)

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