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Fps fixes, none of them work.

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So I've tried just about every fps fix I could find. All my visual settings are on very low/disabled, I've done editing in the config file, and I've lowered rendering distance as well, but my fps still remains below 20 at all times. Any other ideas?


EDIT: My bad, I forgot to include system details:


Processor: Intel ® Pentium ® CPU 997 @ 1.60GHz  1.60GH

Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.89 GB usable)

System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


I'm pretty sure this is the specific processor: http://ark.intel.com/products/69360/Intel-Pentium-Processor-997-2M-Cache-1_60-GHz

Edited by itsthatguy

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Might be a good idea to post some information about your system, and such?

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Hey mate,


Just seeing as how you haven't posted any system specs, or the specifics of any steps you've tried--could I recommend a particular guide?


This well-written DayZ FPS guide has a breakdown of a lot of settings, as well as the various commands you can for startup parameters etc..  I think it'd be worth reading over.  Hell, even if you feel like you've tried everything it may have a few new ways of doing them that helps you out.  It made a difference on my machine back when I did it!




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I can hardly play the game at this framerate, so essentially I have wasted my money?

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I can hardly play the game at this framerate, so essentially I have wasted my money?


Yes. Did you even check to see if your computer met the minimum system requirements? Your computer doesn't meet any of the requirements. Your CPU is almost 1 GHZ below the minimum.

Edited by colekern

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