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Rigor Mortis (DayZ)

[Suggestion] Improved First Aid

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I couldn't find much when searching for this, but I'm sure it's been mentioned before... so consider this a 'wishlist' of improvements for first aid in the game - specifically for bleeding injuries.


There are actually 5 levels of treatment that can be applied to a bleeding injury as part of first aid.


1. Direct Pressure / raise injured limb above heart (if possible)

In reality: Hopefully everyone knows this one... you don't need a bandage or anything else, just push directly on the wound. This does two things: 1) stops you from bleeding out immediately. 2) over time the bleeding can stop due to clotting. Raising the limb above the heart slows blood flow to that limb and assists in clotting as well.


For the game: The injured player or their ally could apply direct pressure to stop their bleeding. Some wounds would keep bleeding regardless of this action depending on severity/possibly random chance.  Raising the limb also will increase the chance to stop the bleeding. This would give an injured player at least a chance to stop bleeding when they have no rags/bandages and are far from any loot.


2. Bandage/pack with gauze

In reality: Bandages don't always stop the bleeding, but usually they are all that is needed. There are also two major types of bandages: normal and pressure (or 'Israeli').


For the game: The current system works pretty well for this, but having the chance that a bandage alone won't stop the bleeding completely is realistic and would add depth to the game. Adding pressure bandages would give another layer to this functionality - a bandage would have a good chance to stop bleeding while a pressure bandage would have a higher chance to work.


3. Pressure points

In reality: It is possible to stop bleeding in an extremity by pressing hard at a 'pressure point' - basically cutting off blood flow to the affected limb.


For the game: The injured player or their ally could apply pressure to a pressure point to stop bleeding.  This might require a skill system (i.e. not everyone knows where the pressure points are located), and I know skills are a forbidden topic, but it's worth suggesting regardless.


4. Tourniquet

In reality: The Army actually teaches to use a tourniquet first in a combat situation (in their 'combat lifesaver' course).  Although tourniquets get a bad reputation for causing amputation, jamming a tourniquet on a bleeding limb above the injury will instantly stop bleeding which is often the reason people die from serious wounds (i.e. you can bleed out from an arterial wound in under 2 minutes, but the tourniquet can buy you time to get proper treatment).


For the game: I think just having the option to tourniquet would be great.  It would stop bleeding instantly from wounds to extremities and you would have x amount of time in game to get a bandage on there and take the tourniquet off before you lost use of that limb permanently.


5. Clotting agent

In reality: "QuikClot" is a powder that can be put into a wound to stop bleeding.  It is usually applied as a last resort to stop bleeding that otherwise won't.  There are also bandages that have this stuff infused into them already to help stop bleeding quickly in very serious wounds.


For the game: This can be applied by the injured player or their ally. I think it would be best for the game if it just instantly fixed bleeding issues but was 'used up' in the process.

Edited by Rigor Mortis
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sounds like a cool addition to the current system, however I think that if more ways to fix yourself are added, more ways to get broken have to be added. Right now (alpha, obviously) there are no infections, but later on I would like to see alcohol gain a use as a disinfectant. Tincture actually already exists in the game, I just don't think it has a practical use.

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sounds like a cool addition to the current system, however I think that if more ways to fix yourself are added, more ways to get broken have to be added. Right now (alpha, obviously) there are no infections, but later on I would like to see alcohol gain a use as a disinfectant. Tincture actually already exists in the game, I just don't think it has a practical use.

I could definitely write about improving the first aid system for hours... I really limited myself here to save time and avoid tl;dr.

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4. Tourniquet

In reality: The Army actually teaches to use a tourniquet first in a combat situation (in their 'combat lifesaver' course).  Although tourniquets get a bad reputation for causing amputation, jamming a tourniquet on a bleeding limb above the injury will instantly stop bleeding which is often the reason people die from serious wounds (i.e. you can bleed out from an arterial wound in under 2 minutes, but the tourniquet can buy you time to get proper treatment). As long as the tourniquet comes off every 2 hours for at least 5 minutes the limb won't have to be amputated (up to a max of 6 hours).


For the game: I think just having the option to tourniquet would be great.  It would stop bleeding instantly from wounds to extremities and you would have x amount of time in game to get a bandage on there and take the tourniquet off before you lost use of that limb permanently.


Well i dont know what they are teaching you in your CLS course now-a-days but you do not remove the tourniquet for 5 min every 2 hours.  You simply loosen it! If you took it off you run the risk of blowing the veins!!  And YOU do not actually touch the damn thing because YOU are not a doctor..I hope to god you are not in a combat MOS...Slap the tourniquet on em mark T on their head along with the time and move along! 


I do however agree that they could make Medical issues more in depth in this game.  Right now im at over 300 hours and this game is nothing more but a gear grind fest.  Basically get however much shit you feel comfortable dying with and head to the major PvP zones.  You can hide in the woods all you want.  That GPS or ESP script kiddie is going to get you anyways.


I remember my first week of playing i always would disinfect my rags before applying them...Now shit, give me some rags, and some bullets and lets do this!

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Well i dont know what they are teaching you in your CLS course now-a-days but you do not remove the tourniquet for 5 min every 2 hours.  You simply loosen it! If you took it off you run the risk of blowing the veins!!  And YOU do not actually touch the damn thing because YOU are not a doctor..I hope to god you are not in a combat MOS...Slap the tourniquet on em mark T on their head along with the time and move along!

Thanks for the clarification - I was trying to be brief and to explain this to people who know zero about combat first aid.  I don't think we are in any danger of some private confusing my post with their field training.  Fortunately we can always count on the interwebs for someone to grab a nit and pick it into oblivion.

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Thanks for the clarification - I was trying to be brief and to explain this to people who know zero about combat first aid.  I don't think we are in any danger of some private confusing my post with their field training.  Fortunately we can always count on the interwebs for someone to grab a nit and pick it into oblivion.


I mean if your going to start off the explanation and include info about your high speed training, the least you could do is be ACCURATE.  You brought it there and you were wrong.  So now you can act like an ass hat because youve been called out on miss information.  I wasnt rude, i didnt have a knife hand about it...simply stated that your info was wrong and went on to agree with you that the system could be bolstered.  Carry on.

Edited by Goove

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I hope to god you are not in a combat MOS

I'd call that rude. Not to mention that your rude correction was a bit overstated... I mean, when I said 'take off' the tourniquet, did you stop to think I might have meant to take off the pressure, not the whole thing? Regardless, I already amended the post to appease your unfriendly post.


I mean if your going to start off the explanation and include info about your high speed training, the least you could do is be ACCURATE.  You brought it there and you were wrong.  So now you can act like an ass hat because youve been called out on miss information.  I wasnt rude, i didnt have a knife hand about it...simply stated that your info was wrong and went on to agree with you that the system could be bolstered.  Carry on.

And this little rant was great, too. You seem very angry about nothing, especially for someone who agrees with me. Does it offend you somehow that I've been though combat training?


Since you're so picky about details, let me help you with a few:


I mean if your going to...

Is that my "going" you're talking about, or did you mean to use the contraction of "you are" which is "you're?"


...you can act like an ass hat...

The appropriate form of that insult is "asshat."  You could have also chosen a less profane insult that would have been far more effective at communicating your ideas while simultaneously making you look less childish.


...youve been called out on miss information...

There's an apostrophe in "you've."  Also, it's misinformation, unless you're talking about a lady named 'information.'


...i didnt have a knife hand...

"I" is capitalized even when it's not the first word in the sentence, and "didn't" has an apostrophe.  Again with the lack of an apostrophe? Did you lose a pinky? If so I apologize for making fun of your disability.


Now, I am generally not one to point out someone's grammar fails (I mean let's face it... I'd be on here forever if I did), but since you are so fired up to point out my mistakes I thought you might enjoy a look in the mirror. Now go craft a really long and dull response to entertain the masses, and make sure to use plenty of profanity.

To use your own words, "You brought it there and you were wrong."

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The medical system is definitely something that the dev team are looking to expand on as development continues.

Edited by Mos1ey
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To use your own words, "You brought it there and you were wrong."


Funny thing is, the initial comment by you could have been tore down.  Quick clot powder...Not used anymore, not practical....My point is you so cleverly trying to put your super duper power point training and talk like you know what you are talking about.  I could have picked it apart like you have with grammar.  How about shell fish allergy with the hemiclot bandage you speak of?  How about you cant just stick it in the wound, you have to actually find the bleeder!  Funny you correct something that isnt miss information.  I take it your girl has been pounded by a real soldier and not some butt hurt little girl that you are.  You typing a "Long boring drawn out response" is just mere proof that you are upset youve been called out.  Let me guess your a boot who went through with these new highspeed Stress cards.  Please tell me more about your Army training. :)  You are trash and your method is flawed.  Learn how to retain the information before you get someone killed.  If your willing to type what the Army has taught you, and you explain it wrong expect to get your little feelings hurt.  I have never met someone who flames out over being corrected on there fuck up.  Un fuck yourself or get out of the Military.  Learn what they are teaching you, instead of boasting about your half listened to TRAINING.  

Edited by Goove

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Funny thing is, the initial comment by you could have been tore down.  Quick clot powder...Not used anymore, not practical....My point is you so cleverly trying to put your super duper power point training and talk like you know what you are talking about.  I could have picked it apart like you have with grammar.  How about shell fish allergy with the hemiclot bandage you speak of?  How about you cant just stick it in the wound, you have to actually find the bleeder!  Funny you correct something that isnt miss information.  I take it your girl has been pounded by a real soldier and not some butt hurt little girl that you are.  You typing a "Long boring drawn out response" is just mere proof that you are upset youve been called out.  Let me guess your a boot who went through with these new highspeed Stress cards.  Please tell me more about your Army training. :)  You are trash and your method is flawed.  Learn how to retain the information before you get someone killed.  If your willing to type what the Army has taught you, and you explain it wrong expect to get your little feelings hurt.  I have never met someone who flames out over being corrected on there fuck up.  Un fuck yourself or get out of the Military.  Learn what they are teaching you, instead of boasting about your half listened to TRAINING.  


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Suggestions like these need implemented, bleeding currently is just stupid, not even the fountain part.


You shouldn't have to run around for like 10 minutes desperately trying to find a bandage or rags to stop a cut on your arm bleeding, why not hold your arm over it?


Do we all have Hemophillia in the game?



I think you should be able to hold your wound shut, mostly stopping the bleeding and provided you're not doing anything faster than walking you slowly stop bleeding.

Stupid as it is I'm fine with bandages being an insta-fix but they and rags shouldn't be the only fix.

Even if you can instantly stop a bullet wound bleeding you've taken a huge blow to your hit points which are currently non recoverable(hopefully that changes) so bandages aren't a cure all.


It'd be cool if you had to get pliers to pull bullets out if you wanted to avoid infection making the danger more than hit points and bleeding also.

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