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Rolling your sleeves (and why I think it can be done easily)

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Okay, so there's already a thread on sleeve rolling from back in February and it is a good idea. However, I do mods for Arma 3 and since that's on the same engine I think that building rolled-sleeves for certain gear would actually be easier than it seems.

So the benefits of rolled sleeves would obviously be something like preventing overheating and cooling down, or warming up when you roll them back down. Pretty simple, and addressed in the other thread.

* Keep in mind that this is based off of the Arma 3 engine, of which DayZ is different. I hypothesize that it's similar enough but until modding is introduced I won't know the specifics for sure. *

But how to do it? Obviously it would require a new model: however, that's not as hard as it sounds. With the base model, all you need to do is edit the visual model of it. On the Arma engine, at least, uniforms have more than just the "visual" part. They have geometry LODs, which determine what you bump into and where (can't phase through walls), fire geometry LODs that tell where you can be hit. Now, those would already be done. All you'd need to do is edit the visual LOD, which is a far easier task (especially for experienced modelers like at BIS.)

Now to do texturing. That may not be an issue at all. If the sleeves are merely pushed up, there might not even be a separate texture. For example, there's the Independent uniform in A3 that has a rolled sleeves version that uses the same texture. When a texture is applied to a model, it is done so in a UV map that kind of "flattens" the model and allows you to put textures on it before "wrapping" back on. With a rolled sleeves model, it simply won't utilize the forearm part. There's no need for a separate texture.

For something like rolled sleeves with the inside outwards with maybe a different color, the UV mapping of that would be fairly easy. Just select the faces and apply a texture and then map it - it's simple-ish but hard to explain. Once again, not hard for experience Ced modelers.

Now onto configs - what the game uses to know the data about a thing. That's even easier. You don't need to change too much for a new model - no changes for carrying spaces or whatever. Just replace the previous model with a new one and the hiddenselections textures if need be. Change the classname and you're set.

So how do we change one model to another? Now, this is the only part I haven't dome myself. However, I do know that it's theoretically possible because you van use scripting to change one object to another in a fairly simple fashion. There may be a way to preserve inventory as well, and I'm 90% sure that's in the engine.

So there's my suggestion. Hopefully my explanation shows that it can be realistically, easily done. I'm no expert on this, but I feel like I know enough to offer an actual suggestion on how it can be done as opposed to "add this plox." I may be wrong about DayZ's engine, but A3 seems to be close enough.

And yes, I know that this is in alpha. However, this is an easy thing to do for the future and something that can be done easily - it's only really a lot of menial labor changing the many models around, not anything completely new that results in hitting-a-brick-wall-syndrome.

If there are any issues with this, I'd like to hear them. Once again, I'm not an expert but this is what I think based on my experiences with modding (including modeling.)

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Just kidding. Loved the explanation! I agree, rolling up sleeves would be pretty cool, especially when animals get implemented and we have to skin and gut them to get meat. The question is... What good will it do? Will our clothes go longer without getting ruined, or will it just be a matter of stopping blood from getting on our sleeves?

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Open jackets and put hood capacities would be the same logic for programming and could be nice too.


I don't know if it needs to have a purpose in game. Maybe just cosmetic thing... Or can be use only for fresh or warm up depends on the weather.

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Sorry for the typos, by the way. Phones aren't good at writing long posts.

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I like it,but should be implementedon the long-run.

The team still needs to add the basic clothing befor everything. :)

I know for a fact that cold temparature will be a vicious oppoment,

but i'm not sure about heat,maybe along with the stamina and weight you carry

it can take a toll on your charachter so rolling up your sleeves may help.

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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I want to unbutton my check shirt and show all the sexy lady survivors of Chernarus my sexy axe swing.

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I like this idea very much. :thumbsup:  Well explained!

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I want to unbutton my check shirt and show all the sexy lady survivors of Chernarus my sexy axe swing.

We should get growing chest hair with our beards. Dominance is shown by whoever has the 70s-iest chest hair.

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If you are ripped enough you should be able to pop open your buttoned shirt just by flexing your pecs. The buttons could go flying as physics objects .It would be a great way to intimidate someone before a fist fight. :)

Edited by fuke

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