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Morale meter and ways to affect it

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Consequences of low morale:


Slower at running, generally slower at other things such as bandaging. Maybe weaker aim with weapons. If morale reaches zero, player may commit suicide spontaneously.


Consequences of high morale


Opposite of above, so faster running etc. sharper aim, less prone to infections.


Ways to build morale:


This is where I think it gets interesting. Ways in which to build morale would be to take shelter in rain or if you go out in rain then wear particular clothing to prevent loss of morale. Building a campfire is the age old method of keeping one's spirits up when surviving in the wild, so this would translate here too. Sitting down around a campfire with a number of players could even build morale that would be undiminished for 24 hours thus providing motivation for amusing hang out time in-game. This could even lead to parties, lol.


Eating, drinking etc. also perk up morale.


Having a dog could definitely have an effect on morale.


Team work and helping others could also affect it positively.


Ways to lower it:


Being out in the cold/wet. Being hungry etc. being alone maybe.


Mainly I think this notion is a way to make building a community inside DayZ sort of profitable within the game rather than just for a laugh. Being in a group, hanging out around camp fires, maybe setting up a camp etc. And in terms of realism and immersion, this aspect of apocalypse survival would definitely translate into the real world.


Any thoughts on what else could raise/lower moral and the various consequences?

Edited by zombieland78

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Man, folk just aren't nice in this area of the forums. I'll stop contributing now.



You posted in the mod-section. There already is a humanitysystem in place for the mod. What else do you want?

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spontanous suicide was implemented. mostly on doorsteps, stairs, and bridges. and docks. it was removed due to community request though, but if you want to start a petition to bring it back in, you have my vote...



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Excellent idea! Could make more items usefull such as music, playing cards or other entertaining items to boost morale. Even contact with other players could influence morale both ways (getting shot at, negative, getting blood, positive). 

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