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Since I never do see any fixes or repairs to the zombies but to reopen it up especially with the coding going on and the updates to the animations? This needs to be said again...

Zombies really need to be fixed! 
1) Walking through the walls... it isnt hard to fix and this should have been fixed immediately, this puts a damper on trying to find things and living through the deaths and actually lessening the stress of playing.
I mean come on been since Dec and still no fix for walking through walls? 
It is the same code to make sure we dont walk through walls, or objects, use that piece as a temp fix or a perm one either or, but the one that makes sure we dont walk through should be perm 
period for both of us(us and zombies)
2) The Zombies comming out the woodwork, and SPAWNING ONTOP OF YOU, I have proof!! As soon as you kill one and/or shoot one.
Come on....a zombie in the next town over is going to hear who i shot and then come and get me and be able to follow me abd track me if i hide far away from them... i think not.
I dont mind the speed increase, and the animation increase... but this causes the game to spawn zombies right ontop of me literally... i have video proof of this.
Kill 1 zombie and 1 spawns...kill some of the zombies and they respawn... and they immediately track without any provication, and from 100m+ umm... no.. with that last update it needs to be fixed.
I dont mind the spawning zombies but when they are attacking immediately, and persistant tracking from anywhere...Um no.
3) See me anywhere zombies.. Example: Iam on the top of the apt building in Chap...the zombie sees me only not hearing me since I havent shot eaten or done anything but walk to the edge ontop of the building and tries to kill me? 
I think not, Their FOV is screwed up, they shouldnt be seeing me up there unless I shoot then they are targeted by sound which is understandable, but even the sound I shouldnt even be tracked at all.
4) They can walk up stairs now? Things need to be changed because of this You cant hide anymore period with them walking through walls, then up stairs, then through the door, u cant hide at all, 
5) I knoq dean said 'They also turned off the sneaking ability, meaning you CANNOT SNEAK PAST THE ZOMBIES! No, waking past them, crouch walking, nothing' go that damn right their sensitivity is set way to high 
it needs to be turned way down back to what it was in the begining OR PUT IN REAL SUPPRESSORS/SILENCERS THAT WORK! To make the animations faster you need to remove the sneaking past them ability sounds conveluded to me
I should know I am a coder/developer.  Animations have nothing to do with sneaking of the player nor the sensitivity of the zombies in questions when spawned or that are already there. 
That is 2 different codes that dont even work together. Use the Arma Code from DayZ they worked right?
6) Now what about a time limit to the persistance of the sound meaning they lose interest after the sound or they dont see the person anymore... min of 30seconds-5min depending on what was done a the point of the sound.
7) Time Limit to body! IE: Not being able to LOOT MY OWN BODY if iam not there in 10min? Come on! In this Stage of development, there should be NO TIME LIMIT! Unless I leave the server and come back then a time limit starts.
But when you die in lets say Cherno, and you get Placed in Hrm Berezino...that is a minimum of a 30min-1.5hr run(depending on if you are getting tracked by zombies or not cause of the above).
8) As for objects and vehicles and zombie drops(which zombies SHOULD DROP THINGS!) Take the DayZ mod for Arma, use that code for the vehicles, and objects, at least to make the game more playable, 
and useful to the masses(which also makes it more buyable as well you will get alot more buyers) then change the coding as it arrives or needed to what you ned it to, meaning change it to what you need it to. 
9) Put in things that are needed!!! Or Wanted to appease the masses immediately to show that you are doing something!
You can get the basic coding from others, and put it in for quick fixes to see how it changes the game if at all, and helps the playability and selling of the game as well. DayZ Arma Coding...
Or take it out things, 
IE: items that are useless in the game already. DUCT TAPE anyone! No use for it at all, replace it with an Item that IS useful....say....a surpressor that actually works!
Without persistant storage (which is a hell to code and I know this wont go in for a while) we need the ability to hold onto thigs alot more things.  
And since the Fridges and Fireplaces and ovens wont 'hold' our thigns persistant wise...we need an addition:
A) Put in Larger Backpacks over 35. 
Make attachments that can be put ON the current packpacks to hold more(which is still bigger back packs i guess) 
EXAMPLE: Improvised Courier Bag to Mountain Packpack MB:35 + ICB:12 = 45 (-2 for the attachment spacing needed) Call it Improvised Mountain Courier Pack.  
Hunters Backpack 30 + ICB:12 = 40 Improvised Courier Pack.... Or HP + Improvised Backpack (20) =  45 Improvised Hunter Pack... 
OR MB + IB = 50 Improvised Mountain Pack.
B) Make ALL the backpacks Paintable or stainable (using the spray paint already there) Camo or Black or Green(dark green) just like the guns and axes.  
Yeh you need to code in more items, but it is worth it for thoes who want to be unique and want to have something to do and make their own char theirs.
C) Make the protector Cases Paintable.
D) Make Ammo Cases hold all ammo mags, loose, boxes... it is an AMMO case after all I use my ammo box in real life for all my ammo mags, boxes and loose... they do fit yaknow.
E) Make all the clothing repairable Example: Vests... Iam sorry my vest in reallife CAN BE REPAIRED... Bulletproof or not still repairable etc. (different plates then repairing the outside of the vest or just repair over all make a kit for repairing all vests or take #F which could help too)
F) Make any item repairable or fixable... EX: Protector Cases, Medic Kits, Backpacks, Canteens  Ammo Boxes etc... use other items of same type
(ie: ammo box to ammo box... medic kit to medic kit) to repair them etc.  Example: Drop a Med Kit ontop of another medkit the window pops up like for dropping ammo onto an ammo box
saying 'repair Medic Kit with Medic Kit' So it goes from badly Damaged to Worn.... or depending on the severity of the kits, repairing the badly Damage to a Badly Damage only gets you to damaged instead of to worn status.
  i) Or make another status.... Pristine-Used-Worn-Broken In-Damage-Badly Damage-Severely Damaged-Ruined... this helps when repairing with other things...
Extra Slots on person... well not really slot... but places...
A) Belt: If you ahve a belt you can put things on your belt... depending on the belt ranging from Officer Belt to Leather belt will hold from Min of 3 spots across to 7 spots. 
Ranging from Gun Holster(which the code for the chest holster can be used along with spaces) for mags, keys, cuffs, compass etc. Since the game sees things only for the objects that are allowed. 
Certain things can be limted per item basis EX: Ammo cases can only hold lose ammo...Medic Kits can only hold medical items. So only 1 pistol, and 4 mags, 1 key and 1 cuff, for officer belt. 
A Leather belt, 1 pistol, 1 mag... normal belt just 1 pistol period.
B) Compass: Once gotten, a space for the compass, but also a compass directon on your screen. usually no space is used since it is so small as well.
D) Watch: Yes a watch, and a space for it on your wrist... this will tell you the time AM or PM etc that is all, then also a time on your screen as well. Game time not real life time.
E) Shirts AND Jackets: can be worn at the same time! Not one or the other.
F) All clothing: Needs more space. Reason: My Real Life Cargo pants, can hold more than 6 things period. 2 Hip Pockets min of 4 things, 2 back pockets 2 things, 2 thigh pockets 4min 6 tops. 
4+2+4/6= 10-12 For Cargo pants(inc. military ones). Military jackets more than 6. 2 side pocks = 4, breast/chest pocks = 4, inside pocks = 2, 10 total.  
Vests: Press vest 6 you alread have 3 pockets which can hold 2 things each in the picture which is great. All teh rest, min of 5 pockets = 10 spots, upwards of what I have seen 8 pockets I think i counted so 16 slots. 
G) Protector Cases:  You already have small... Now you need Medium and Large.  Mediums 6 spaces external, but have 8-12 internal spaces.  Large are 9 external, but have 11-18 internal spaces.
H) Rotating: Yeh it is slots kinda, be able to rotate things in the packs and slots, will help on space management.  I mean I can do it in real life why not in the game to make space for other things. 
11) Mostly Betting annoying... but the use of the english langue really sucks in the read outs.
IIRC Example:  Iam totally soaking. It should be: I am totally soaked, or I am totally Soaking Wet.  Either or will work.  Things like that kinda make the english speakers cringe, makes us look bad. I know english isnt your primary langue but someone there should be native english speaking and should have pointed this out.  Similar things like this as well across the board.

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OMG another loser.  We all know this is Alpha ok... My god.  You dont need to keep pointing it out.

I have been playing since Dec ok. Flat out... patients is a virtue and something which my virtue is long long has been since i was 13.  So... it is no longer a virtue since i can never get it back.


period this is a "SUGGESTION" board.... not a general discussion board.


As i said, This has to be said again... and since Dean Hall already discussed the 'clipping' or the walk thoughs of the problems of the zombies... it just needs to be reinterated... and push to the forefront not on the back burner like it has been since December.


My god get over yourself.

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Zeds are a work in progress, not a finished, but broken, feature that we need to suggest fixes for.



Edited by Max Planck
Post was a work in progress...
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