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Visual and auditory wind effect ideas. + first shot accuracy made authentic when weather effects for bullets added? plz?

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The only things you can't do in a video game as far as wind is concerned is windchill, feeling the wind on your skin, hair, whereever.


What you can do that can scale with the wind speeds and indicate direction.


Swaying of the trees (you'll have to redo the rubber trees of arma that tilt at the root). Also sustained bending of trees during gusts of wind or very strong winds.


Sound of wind as it blows through tree leaves, grass and the rest of the terrain.


Waves on the ocean and ripples on small bodies of water/puddles.


Flying debrees like trash and leaves. Dust and sand. Loose snow.


Angle that rain and snow falls at.


Swaying of bushes and grass (grassy fields actually look like waves in strong winds).


Doors/windows slamming shut in drafty conditions. The bigger the bang the stronger the wind. Could also cause some jump scares.


Flags, banners and signs waving and swaying in the wind.


How wind affects your clothes and hair (bullet physics idea?).


The ear that is towards the direction the wind is blowing from should have a stronger turbulence sound in stronger winds.


Wind socks at airfields. Are there any wind socks naval ports?


Wind socks at weather stations (I posted a building ideas thread and that is one of my suggestions).


People will just have to get a feel for the DayZ wind speeds and apply some Kentucky windage.


Also when weather and ballistics stuff is added, please change the first shot accuracies for pristine guns to what they are in real life. Then you can increase the disperion for bad ammo and dirty guns. And add a zeroing error for banged up gun (not increase in disperion). The stocks, handguards, rails, flash hiders, verical grips etc. should not have an effect on first shot accuracies.


I'm out of ideas, post more.


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Mhhph.. any more ideas guys? I'm certain there is some very obvious stuff I'm missing. haven't had any feedback on this either.

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I'm amazed nobody has commented on this. Ah well.


I like it. Some of it would probably be way, way too taxing on systems, but there are definitely a few really good ideas. Some more movement in the world would really liven things up. I'd especially like to see leaves coming off of trees and maybe the odd bit of paper or a rubbish bag floating around in towns.

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I would add that if there was strong wind going on, it could be cool if we were unable to hear sounds properly during that. Which means we wouldn't be able to hear foot steps, zeds (so well) and so forth. Of course, gun shots should still be heard. Not to mention what you wear on your head might affect your hearing a little.

Good ideas though +1

Edited by Mahado

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The sound is most iportant, it is that what makes the game scary or not and the atmosphere...if you think about half-life...crapy grphics, but great feeling thx to good sounds.


Irl, one can spot other ppl long before you see them just by listening. I want this in the game, also because your in-game vision is tunneled compared to real life.


I would like every sound to be generated by a object, not like now, background noice. If birds flap away because you scre them, I want to see the birds fly...and others see them too.


Ther could be dogs or Z´s trapped in backyards (or where ever) starting to bark or howling when they see someone to close.


Doors squeeking (not the same sound on all doors) in the wind or when you open them adds a lot of the tension and feeling. Also gives you a warning if someone is entering the house you are in.


Metallic sounds like loading should travel further than soft sounds like eating.


Those falcons we see circling already in the game could be attracted to Zombies and dead bodies (when they stop disappearing) so one can spot from far that something is going on.


There is a lot to do about sounds and we look forward to see (hear?) what the sound team are up to.

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