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A real problem

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Hello. First of all, I want to say that I know this is an Alpha version of the game and they keep updating this game with new features constantly. With that being said, I am sure I am not the only one who complains about this game optimization. The staff simply don't give a sh*t about the optimization because they didn't imrpoved it. They asked almost 30$ for an Alpha and they can't make a decent optimization? This is ridiculous. And don't tell me that they can't make a good optimization, if that's true, then it's another problem, a very big problem. I really have trust in this project, it's a great idea, I know it's an Alpha but at least they could make it run decent on a mid-cost rig. For example, I'm running all the games on ultra and get a minimum of 60 FPS and in this game, when I'm in Elektro it drops up dramatically to 15 FPS, even If I have all settings to Very Low. I am telling you and you should know it, if this problem won't be fixed untill the game will be realesed, a lot of people will stop playing and will forget about DayZ, the playerbase will be lowered. I just hope a member of the staff will read this message and won't come up with a stupid automatic answer like: "It's just alpha" or "We can't do this right know". 

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Hello. First of all, I want to say that I know this is an Alpha version of the game and they keep updating this game with new features constantly. With that being said, I am sure I am not the only one who complains about this game optimization. The staff simply don't give a sh*t about the optimization because they didn't imrpoved it. They asked almost 30$ for an Alpha and they can't make a decent optimization? This is ridiculous. And don't tell me that they can't make a good optimization, if that's true, then it's another problem, a very big problem. I really have trust in this project, it's a great idea, I know it's an Alpha but at least they could make it run decent on a mid-cost rig. For example, I'm running all the games on ultra and get a minimum of 60 FPS and in this game, when I'm in Elektro it drops up dramatically to 15 FPS, even If I have all settings to Very Low. I am telling you and you should know it, if this problem won't be fixed untill the game will be realesed, a lot of people will stop playing and will forget about DayZ, the playerbase will be lowered. I just hope a member of the staff will read this message and won't come up with a stupid automatic answer like: "It's just alpha" or "We can't do this right know". 

Your new here. 


Two things.


1) server optimization is one of the highest priority, the game has been continually and significantly optimized over the last couple months.


2) Major client side/graphical optimization is generally done at the end of beta. We are still at the beginning of alpha.


Posts like yours are grossly uninformed. and lack fundamental understanding of whats going on. Read the disclaimer again. It warns that you may not even be able to play the Alpha during periods. Your game will be ready in about a year, come back than and see if it is optamized to your liking.

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OP, 1 question, why didnt you wait until beta or full release?

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Your new here. 


Posts like yours are grossly uninformed. and lack fundamental understanding of whats going on.

1. Yes....new and probably should have watched the postings for about a week or two so he could understand # 2

2. He doesn't know what's going on because of # 1 and to figure it out....read # 3

3. Read number 1 and 2 again.

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Edited by Doviszxc

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Serious, its in alpha mate. Relax should of waited for the full game or beta. Someone is a little butt hurt due to it being alpha just relax 

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I always enter the forums looking for an interesting thread...














...I always fail

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I always enter the forums looking for an interesting thread...














...I always fail

I agree...

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[This is copy pasted from the other thread...on the same issue]


Two threads made almost thirty minutes apart, talking about exactly the same thing...and some wonder why people get annoyed in their responses? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180290-for-the-love-of-god-please-fix-some-basic-mechanics-first/


There are separate teams working on different parts of the game. While the optimization team works on...optimization. The content team keeps working on content. If content gets done, it gets added. The optimization team is still working on optimization.


That is just how it is.


Telling people this has nothing to do with trying to kiss ass. It's to help people understand the process that this dev team uses.


Thing will be fixed. If you can't be patient, then play something else. I hate saying 'it's alpha', but...this is part of what comes when a game is still in alpha.

Edited by Rhodes
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Here's the real problem: People spamming the forums with the same bullshit without first reading all the other material covering the same topics that has been posted 100 times before.


Anything interesting, informative, or funny, requires someone to dig through pages and pages of tripe before finally finding a gem.

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[THIS IS A RE-POST OF A REPLY MADE BY ME ON ANOTHER THREAD THAT'S THE SAME THING ABOUT]http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180290-for-the-love-of-god-please-fix-some-basic-mechanics-first/

whiner.jpgBohemia pls


Listen here buddy, you're talking as if the whole development team is working on one thing. First of all, this is not true, the team is divided into their roles. A coder is going to debug, and code features into the game such as textures, animations ,etc. A 3D modelers/artists will make, you guess it, models, and textures. What the fuck did you expect from a bare bones alpha game? A bug-free experience? An in depth survival gameplay? Nope, you know why? BECAUSE IT IS IN FUCKING ALPHA!!!! What it means is that the game is in a heavy stage of development and almost everything is subject to change. Take your cry elsewhere. 


Also, you should watch Dean's devblogs.


Oh, and before someone says that it's been a month since an update was pushed to Stable, you should be grateful. Why? Because the reason it hasn't been pushed to Stable is because game-breaking bugs called "Blockers" by the developers are in the process of being squashed. Dean "Rocket" Hall replied to a reddit post about it, here, read: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/207ueh/no_patch_today/

Edited by AntonioAJC
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