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*I hope this is standalone*








It could be nice, if standalone had riot armor. And if riot armor will work the way, which i wrote, then it should be rare, to find. (''IF'' riot armor comes.)


(Riot helmet) If you get shot in the head, while having riot helmet on, it will work like balistic helmet, or even more effective.

If it would work more effective, and you get shot in the head, you have a little chance of being unconsious. 

(The bulletproof glass, on the helmet should do something too.)



(Riot chest) Riot chest could be bulletproof, but not too op. Just the bullets can penetrate into the chest a little, and still, your screen should get blury, and black and white. Zombie hits/bites shouldnt do much. When you normally get hit, by a zombie, you screen goes black and white, for a sec. It shouldnt do that, while having the armor on...



(Riot heavy pants) Riot pants will protect you from bullets to the legs. And zombie hits/bites. :/



(Riot shoes if needed, or just there, to have a cool character.) Just... shoes? Heavy shoes.



(Riot shield) Riot shield probably would be to OP.. If you are holding a riotshield, while someone is shooting infront of you, the shots will only slow you down.. But meanwhile you are getting shot, your riot shield is slowly getting destroyed.. When you put your riot shield on the back, and you get shot from the behind, it should work the same way.




*If these items will get added in the game (hopefully), it should be.. pretty much rare. Maybe at some really dangours millitary places. Or accutly ''millitary'' places. And not on a airstrip, or airfield. ACCUTLY A MILLITARY HOLD!*



(Or you could just make a big police station, where its found rarely. The same to millitary places. They are also very hard to find there.)






                                                      Thanks for your time, if you reed it to here.






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I thought Riot gear is only there to protect from stones and the occasional knife, not high power projectiles?

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i really REALLY hope they add riot armour that you can find at the jail part of the air strip,it wont stop bullets but zombies will take lots of hits to get to you.

But should be bad for pvp,it could be kinda the hero armour because it stops zeds

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So when you get hit by a bullet, you just can go on?

No knock-back, unconscious?


Even a slingshot hits hard.


So when you get hit by a bullet in the chest, of course, you should survive.

But still, broken ribs and breathing probs. could possibly to happen.





Oh, and it should slow you down.

I don't think any-1 in complete riot-armor can run very fast xD

Edited by irishroy

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Basically, your average riot armor in 2nd to 1st world country should have the focus on melee or projectile (stones, hard bottles, etc) protection. That's their primary purpose after all. The hardened mats should not make it easy to get hit or stabbed. I'm not an expert on the topic but looked into it from time to time because I considered applying for police and later on riot squads. Almost common sense anyway, makes sense to build the armor precisely for that.


But don't expect good or military grade ballistic protection. In gameplay or technical terms it should have SOME ballistic protection because of the used hardened materials. But it shouldn't be the same as vests or the ballistic helmet (unless it's the same material in some parts realistically).


So basically or in short: Good for melee or against thrown items, but if you want to be safe regarding bullets and firefights, better grab your military gear or anything with more ballistic protection. Might in fact be good "hero" gear. Not even that. If we'll have more zombies eventually, you better consider good melee protection that doesn't make you bleed easily.


You're gonna need it for those major urban areas.

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Yea defly a good light armor choice, and by far looks the coolest besides swat outfits nana

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while holding the shield, you shouldnt be able to have a weapon in your hands

it would be unrealistic / too OP

(having a completely bulletproof shield, and shooting with a fnx at the same time would be very unfair)

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Realistically, you can hold a shield and use a pistol.


At least your average riot shield. A ballistic shield or whatever? Not sure. Might be hard, but you can see SWAT etc. do that.

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Riot shield wouldn't be OP if the rest of the items are tuned down. And if it took the main weapon slot so that melee only guys can run up to a guy with a gun and slash his face in.

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I'm guessing you just finished watching the recent Walking Dead episode  ;)

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I'm guessing you just finished watching the recent Walking Dead episode  ;)




This isn't a terrible idea, somebody who freely admitted "Add Glen's armour" posted in my Master Thread just yesterday lol.  The thing is, other then protecting (to a point) against blunt impacts and having a bit of stab resistance (the shield is meant more for that and thrown objects like rocks/bottles) Riot Armor would really only help against Zombies (to which it would likely make a player invincible for intents and purposes until/unless a grappling system is introduced) and Players armed only with fists/club-like weapons.  It would likely/could soak every other stabbing attacks (or could be made specific once we have a better handle on whether or not blade weapons are/should be doing stabbings vs cutting attacks - Riot Armor likely more cut-resistant than pierce-proof).


What Riot Armor will not do is protect you from bullets.  The shield, depending on the make and model, may protect against small arms fire.  The uniform I don't think would do much.

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I thought Riot gear is only there to protect from stones and the occasional knife, not high power projectiles?



Public order / riot gear is designed to protect against being hit with baseball bats, bricks and petrol bombs.

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Would be useful against zombies, but riot gear isn't bullet proof by any stretch of the imagination. Any firearm can shoot straight through a riot shield, and the armor and helmet protect against thrown stones, sticks and possibly stabbing, but not bullets. 

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Would be useful against zombies, but riot gear isn't bullet proof by any stretch of the imagination. Any firearm can shoot straight through a riot shield, and the armor and helmet protect against thrown stones, sticks and possibly stabbing, but not bullets. 

No, the shield can handle small firearms, ending with some scratches. But you are right about the armor.

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No, the shield can handle small firearms, ending with some scratches. But you are right about the armor.


I think it really depends on the specific shield, but likely usually the case.

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Thing is, in some countries riot police does not even use shields as a whole, or only sometimes / specific units. That's because their suits are, apparently, already armored up enough so they don't need one. I've also seen riot police in other countries that use both armor and shield, and even riot police that only have helmets, a rather unprotected uniform and a shield as "primary" protection.


For Chernarus though, I can see them using both armor and shield.


I still think any added form of real riot gear should protect somewhat from bullets. No, don't yell at me now or yell "OP!". Explanation: In what scenario are you more likely to survive? Wearing a T-Shirt / hoodie and getting shot at or wearing full riot gear and getting shot at with a, say, pistol caliber round? My point is, the riot armor would have more stopping power than a T-Shirt or so. But not as much or any real one compared to a ballistic vest with kevlar or so.

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We should also have truncheons to hit people unconscious.

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- snip -


My point is, the riot armor would have more stopping power than a T-Shirt or so. But not as much or any real one compared to a ballistic vest with kevlar or so.


This is true I suppose, but I just don't think the armor would "stop" anything.  Like if we're talking damage mitigation in numbers, you could say it is double or triple as "tough" as a t-shirt - but if a t-shirt has 1% mitigation then 3% isn't a whole lot better. 10% isn't a whole lot better for that matter.  25% is better, but the round is still probably going to kill you depending on hit location.

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Riot armor is no better then Kevlar.  Like a Kevlar vest it would help but a AKM round to the chest is still going to either knock the air out of your lungs or go though the vest.  Also big problem.  Riot armor was built for police to stand their ground in the face of angry citizens.  It was not made for mobility, running around in riot armor long term would not be easy and would have a poor effect on your health.  Still some riot gear wouldn't hurt.  Maybe a riot helmet?  Would go nice with a press vest.  A riot shield would be interesting but would have limited use since riot shields offer only small amounts of protection vs bullets.  They can block a few small pistols shot but that is about it.  


There are some military riot shields that can block bullets but they are more like mobile cover and not built to be carried around for too long.   

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No, the shield can handle small firearms, ending with some scratches. But you are right about the armor.


So the guy in the Ukraine getting shot straight through their steel riot shields this week should only have gotten some scratches, instead of dying like they did? Those selfish bastards!


Riot shields are not designed to handle any kind of firearms, if they were they'd be too heavy to carry around for any length of time. 

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*I hope this is standalone*








It could be nice, if standalone had riot armor. And if riot armor will work the way, which i wrote, then it should be rare, to find. (''IF'' riot armor comes.)


(Riot helmet) If you get shot in the head, while having riot helmet on, it will work like balistic helmet, or even more effective.

If it would work more effective, and you get shot in the head, you have a little chance of being unconsious. 

(The bulletproof glass, on the helmet should do something too.)



(Riot chest) Riot chest could be bulletproof, but not too op. Just the bullets can penetrate into the chest a little, and still, your screen should get blury, and black and white. Zombie hits/bites shouldnt do much. When you normally get hit, by a zombie, you screen goes black and white, for a sec. It shouldnt do that, while having the armor on...



(Riot heavy pants) Riot pants will protect you from bullets to the legs. And zombie hits/bites. :/



(Riot shoes if needed, or just there, to have a cool character.) Just... shoes? Heavy shoes.



(Riot shield) Riot shield probably would be to OP.. If you are holding a riotshield, while someone is shooting infront of you, the shots will only slow you down.. But meanwhile you are getting shot, your riot shield is slowly getting destroyed.. When you put your riot shield on the back, and you get shot from the behind, it should work the same way.




*If these items will get added in the game (hopefully), it should be.. pretty much rare. Maybe at some really dangours millitary places. Or accutly ''millitary'' places. And not on a airstrip, or airfield. ACCUTLY A MILLITARY HOLD!*



(Or you could just make a big police station, where its found rarely. The same to millitary places. They are also very hard to find there.)






                                                      Thanks for your time, if you reed it to here.

Been watching the walking dead have we?

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Depends on the caliber the guy with the steel shield got shot at. Just adding, I don't want to turn this into another topic or political debate: They used snipers, so I guess higher caliber.


For all intents and purposes it wouldn't matter much. Your average riot shield would probably not cover anything than your pistol caliber, if at all. In DayZ or not.


And still doesn't matter that much because your first goal would be protection from melee weapons or punches. Zombies included, or rather, primarily. Especially with a weight system or similar, it'll balance out in the future, just like in reality.


In short: Riot gear = melee protection, mostly.

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