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Neutral safe zones that physically prevent combat

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I think some people dont get my point here.

No, "Not getting it." is not the same as "Getting it but disagreeing with you." We "Get it".

But no rules will always favor pure shoot on sight.

No it doesn't. I play on several servers in the Mod and you get to know the regulars on those servers. You find out quickly who you can trust and who you can't and many of us not only don't shoot on sight but even help each other out on a regular basis. I know... it totally boggles the mind that anyone would do anything for anyone else.

Expecting any form of non violent interaction to develop is like expecting people not to shoot you in a game of Counter-Strike

Yet it still happens, constantly. Do I need to point you to the "Friendly?" thread where a guy is experimenting with peoples reactions in DayZ. So far it's been close to 50/50 but more friendly than not friendly encounters. Your premise is wrong.


- screen color degradation, a crime against good visuals, just to immerse the player into telling him he is wounded (toss out all the awesome hdr and colors instead of a simple HEALTH: 100% in the inventory screen) awesome trade-off, immersion fundamentalists

Sorry... Greyout is a real thing. I can't believe you would put colorful graphics over actual gameplay. It does several things. 1. informs you of damage in a realistic manner. 2. degrades your vision giving you an instant penalty for being near death. I love it because I hate games where I have a little health bar that I get to watch. As was stated in the other threads, if you are spending the majority of your time grey... you are playing the game rather poorly.



Also lets look at EVE. It has some awesome clan interaction, trading, spying, combat, pirates. Imagine removing the high sec safeguards against shoot on sight. All of the clan stuff, piracy and trading would instantly disappear.

Supposition with no evidence to back your claim. This is what you think would happen but then again you think friendly encounters don't ever happen in DayZ:SA or the Mod when they do. I have evidence and personal experience that they do in fact happen.

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sofar every post apocalyptic movie that i know had some kind of "safe" zone.....



Really? Lets list some of the big ones.


The Road: Where was the safe zone in that?


Mad Max II: The refinery could arguably be called a safe-zone but it starts the movie being attacked by "bandits"


Mad Max III: Barter-Town is the best example of this idea and it's only maintained by militaristic might. Not some magic "no one pulls out guns" rule.


Night Of the Living Dead: Not only was that house constantly under siege, but the constant threat of violence amongst the survivors is what made the movie good


Dawn of the Dead(Original): Mall was in fact safe, until it was raided by "Bandits"


Dawn of the Dead(Remake): Zombie baby. 'nuff said


I Am Legend: The "safe zone" in the end of the movie acted more as a macguffin than anything else. And the main character maintained his safety by locking every one and thing out. Not to mention it somewhat disproves the idea that "You can't survive by yourself" main character does so for years on end. For the rest of his life if you refer to the book.


The Walking Dead: Their "safe zones" have a tendency of being overrun.

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I consider churches to be safe zones. I won't shoot anyone in a church and wouldn't mind if "Friendly Fire" was disabled in Churches.

um a church with only 1 entrance/exit it would hardly be safe not to mention there in towns/cities over run ( story wise not so much currently) by zeds..

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So, because you are finding it hard to interact with people, this concession should be made?


People already have varied and interesting interactions in DayZ, all this would add is an area where certain interactions are "limited" because the magical sky-lord has decided you can't be hostile in this area or respond in kind to douchery.


And it serves no purpose.


Trading? You can do that in the mod right now, you just have to be careful, stay aware of your surroundings, and probably bring back-up.


Having a chat with someone? Same thing.


Really, all adding a "safe-zone" would do is give people who are "bad" at the game a place to be "bad" at the game in relative safety and think they're "good" at the game.


It serves as nothing but a crutch. 


Stop looking for the easy way out.


Stop blaming the game for your deaths (unless it was a glitch, then blame the game)


Take some responsibility and think "What could I have done better?"


That's the biggest advantage you have in this game. You can and should learn from every death.

I've done all of those before.  Ran into one guy last night.  He could have destroyed me and the 4 guys I was running with, from a distance.  He didn't though.  We sat a talked with this guy for 5 minutes and made trade offers back and forth.  There were 4 of us and one of him so we were a bit more cautious.  Cuffed him and let him go at the end of the encounter.  Maintained security on the building.  Did what everyone says should be done in this game.  My idea gives the individual player a place to go and find other people in relative safety (KEY WORD: relative).


I don't think there should be any zones where you can't get killed.  This is still an immersion type game and if you shoot or get shot at, you should feel it.  This should not be a game where no one trusts anyone and no player interaction happens.  Defeats the whole purpose behind the game from what I see.  I for one don't blame the game for my deaths with the exception of the time where my character wound up plunging through a wall and falling 4 stories to my death.  Missed out on the bug that let you fall with no consequence.  This game has such a vertical learning curve that it almost discourages new players from joining.  There isn't s system in place at this time to help new people learn the basics of the game.  Spots to talk with experienced players (NOT THE FORUMS) would help new players learn the game.  Someone swoops in and decides to shoot at the MIL camp, its game on all over again.  Duck and cover, kill or be killed, or whatever you want to call it.  There needs to be a system in place to help new players, group experienced players, and maintain game immersion without any outside sources (Forums, teamspeak, iZurvive, etc.).  I don't see an aidstation as a crutch but as a tool to use.  Any tool can be broken though and so can my aidstation.

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But that's still an artificial barrier that shouldn't exist in a sandbox game/sim.  I'm all for player created / maintained safe zones where trading and all that is encouraged, but it shouldn't be a place where you can run to escape from someone who is after your beans.

That is your opinion of what should and shouldn't exist in a simulator.  The game supposedly being a simulator(simulates real life) there SHOULD be a safe zone(barter town).  The bottom line is, we need more incentive to play the game other than to be a dick and kill people who are unaware of your presence.  I don't even have 100 hours in the game yet but I am already starting to get a little bored because once you gear up, you can't even interact with 99% of the people you see because of the kill or be killed mentality that is going around.  


If you want to camp the entrance/exit of the area, you go right ahead but that is where having vehicles would really come in handy.  You could attempt to make a safe getaway a lot easier with a vehicle than on foot and you could also pay other players to give you a ride in their vehicles and drop you off somewhere outside of the hot zone.  If you think about it, there are tons of ways to implement a safe zone and still leave something for the KOSers to do.  They could also have vehicles and chase you down and steal your vehicle.  All of this provides new types of gameplay and a more interesting time for everyone.

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There should be a safe zone that physically prevents players from being hostile. Like for example there could be a small area at the edge of the map that provides a safe place to meet people. Players could still be able to attack people leaving that place but at least there would be some non violent interaction.


It would allow players to meet, form groups, trade.

Obviously the immersion fundamentalists will hate on this because they hate everything but the advantages of such a place would outweigh concerns of it being too gamey. Because the current fundamentalist "no rules" skews the gameplay towards pure shoot on sight which is not realistic because in the real world people would have the need for socializing in the apocalypse or go insane (excepf for a few people that can survive alone)

Prevent combat? What world do you live in? Son you could be in church, at your wife's funeral, and someone could still deck you. All things like this do, is keep honest people honest. Crap doesent work your average joe that doesent give two craps about staying off your lawn.

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um a church with only 1 entrance/exit it would hardly be safe not to mention there in towns/cities over run ( story wise not so much currently) by zeds..

Yeah. Price you pay for a "safe zone". Is it better that anyone can shoot anyone inside and outside the church, or only outside.

Doesn't make much difference.

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I think the current path does provide a place for safe-zones.


You make a base.


You declare it a safe zone for newbies


You police that safety or it devolves down into chaos.




  This game has such a vertical learning curve that it almost discourages new players from joining.  There isn't s system in place at this time to help new people learn the basics of the game.  Spots to talk with experienced players (NOT THE FORUMS) would help new players learn the game.  


Those experienced players didn't become experienced players by accident. If someone decides they want to educate newbies, that's fine, and if they don't that's on them. But as it stands, all the tools to facilitate this are already in the game. Plus, I (personally) think it's better that new players learn the game on their own (with all the deaths and frustration that come with that) so they're better prepared for the day that they lose everything because they got outsmarted.

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I can tell you guys from experience in playing in "Safe Zones" on servers that have them in the DayZ:Mod that they don't do what you think they would do. Rarely do you see the benefits you guys speak of. Player interaction in Safe Zones are basically eyeing each other warily and running like crazy as you leave/enter the zone so you don't get shot on the edge. People harass you knowing you can't do anything to them. I've had them literally have two players stand in the only entryway into or out of a safe zone and prevent anyone from leaving, while one of them "Rick Rolled" us in Direct. I've had pre-teen voiced players beg and try and steal things from vehicles and packs. "C'mon can't you give me a gun? I won't shoot you with it. Please? I just spawned and I couldn't find one." One of them had the balls to try and trade us something he had just stolen from a friend that he didn't know was with us for a gun. I think it was an ammo belt.

Safe Zones do NOT change the nature of the game, players do.

Edited by Mercules
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...Obviously the immersion fundamentalists will hate on this because they hate everything but the advantages of such a place would outweigh concerns of it being too gamey...


The only thing the immersion fundamentalists hate is people like you that have this brilliant idea for the ten millionth time and don't read up on the game enough to know this will NEVER happen. However, if you really want this, learn how to mod Arma and when they open DayZ up to mods you can create your own branch of DayZ with a happier name and a rose tinted filter on the screen.


If you want to make something safe, find people and make it a no kill zone. Don't be surprised that you will need lots of GUNS to enforce this rule and that you will likely end up killing a lot of people before you can convince people to listen. The society we live in are safe because the governments of the world use violence on those that use violence on others, that is the ingrained reality that keeps you being a savage.

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The only safe zone I want is the one I construct from the corpses of my slain foes and punji pits.

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kinda funny how the nay sayers didnt bring up a single valid point against the safe zone idea.....and if you read between the lines you get




Nope, not even fired on another player yet in 35 hours of play in the SA and only been shot twice. I'm very much against the idea of implementing permanent safe zones with artificial limitations (as in no shooting/weapons etc). I'm with the others - if anything they should be created and run by the players.


Here's a little story; when I first played the mod a long while back (back when the bandits had a distinct outfit to mark them out) I was a fresh spawn running around Chernarus trying to gather kit when I was attacked by a fellow with an M16. I got lucky and put him down with the Makarov, but I was in a bit of state after his bullets had hammered into my avatars body. So I scooped up the M16 and set off to find a way of healing my character. I ran rather quickly into a couple of well-armed chaps who had decided to investigate the shooting. As I was in a poor way they escorted me to a church where another player had set up a temporary hospital and safe zone. It worked brilliantly. After being fixed up (I believe the fellow got lucky at a hospital) I helped stand guard and for a while. It was incredibly peaceful at that church. A constant stream of visitors but no violence took place inside, it was a safe haven. Until the doctor went offline and bandits descended on the church and hammered us bloody. Still, one of my favourite experiences from DayZ and that's how 'safe-zones' should be - player made and regulated.

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It's funny how you jump on the guy for proposing an idea.

Do "YOU" have to make use of this "safe zone trading area."

Of course not.  So what's the problem?.  Better spell it out.

"Camping" wouldn't be a problem.  A long strip of "guns inoperative" along the edge of the map, with a town or village

somewhere in that long strip.  Pretty hard to camp a 5k border.

You don't have to go there.

What's your fear about this?



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Ok i really dont know how else to say this the devs wish for the game to be authentic its our story now everything you have asked for in a safe zone can be and has been done at various times in the mod....


Is it more authentic more natural if players do it or if the devs throw in non thinking non responding ai npcs??? we have the npcs there zeds its authentic there non thinking non responsive....


your so passionate about the idea start  a thread asking for players to make such a safe zone and it will be your story as the devs intended completely natural with proper human interaction...


Because i can tell you now if your waiting for the devs to spoon feed you what you want then your going to be waiting a longtime as they have already stated there will be no npcs other than zeds.. which will be cooler the safe zone you have created in your own story or some forced un authentic one guarded by ai npcs that dont talk back who will never respond in a natural way ( what is the guarding parameters do the chase off the bandits do they stay close to the safe zone???


Any parameter you set for the ai guess what humans will learn its limits and attack it with a method that plays on its weakness, isnt that why we play multi player games to 1 interact with other humans 2 the only ai worthy of challenge is of the human kind..


Stop clinging to your ideas you want to bring from other games that are artificial  make them real with true human interaction MAKE IT YOUR STORY how the few turned the tide and reformed some sort of civilisation in the zombie wastland.. a lame spot with AI i wouldnt bother going there to hide letting ai protect me but a zone held by humans i can join interact with then you have something special then you have your DAYZ...

Edited by SoulFirez

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Nope, not even fired on another player yet in 35 hours of play in the SA and only been shot twice. I'm very much against the idea of implementing permanent safe zones with artificial limitations (as in no shooting/weapons etc). I'm with the others - if anything they should be created and run by the players.


Here's a little story; when I first played the mod a long while back (back when the bandits had a distinct outfit to mark them out) I was a fresh spawn running around Chernarus trying to gather kit when I was attacked by a fellow with an M16. I got lucky and put him down with the Makarov, but I was in a bit of state after his bullets had hammered into my avatars body. So I scooped up the M16 and set off to find a way of healing my character. I ran rather quickly into a couple of well-armed chaps who had decided to investigate the shooting. As I was in a poor way they escorted me to a church where another player had set up a temporary hospital and safe zone. It worked brilliantly. After being fixed up (I believe the fellow got lucky at a hospital) I helped stand guard and for a while. It was incredibly peaceful at that church. A constant stream of visitors but no violence took place inside, it was a safe haven. Until the doctor went offline and bandits descended on the church and hammered us bloody. Still, one of my favourite experiences from DayZ and that's how 'safe-zones' should be - player made and regulated.

This EXACTLY, use the in game radios if you want to communicate the position of the current safe zone to other survivors, asking dev's to setup npc's and the like is lazy in my opinion


@cstew84 I understand what your getting at but imho the constant internal battle of whether or not to trust someone is a core part of what makes this game great.

Edited by Window Licker

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Exchange Dark Souls with DayZ.

Edited by Dekartz
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Do "YOU" have to make use of this "safe zone trading area."

This is probably the worst argument I see made over and over again in games.

"If you don't like instant health packs "YOU" don't have to use them." Yeah, if they are in the game and everyone else is using them to increase they effective life then yeah, everyone needs to use them.

Just having the "safe zone" in the game means I have to avoid the area or "Use It". It affects everyone's game, even those not actively using it. If it ends up being used by a clan so they can have a few "mule" characters that hold gear for them that simply sit in the zone safe so they can log one in and grab ammo and supplies when needed I might not be directly using it, but I am forced to have it in my game and deal with it.

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Ok i really dont know how else to say this the devs wish for the game to be authentic its our story now everything you have asked for in a safe zone can be and has been done at various times in the mod....


Is it more authentic more natural if players do it or if the devs throw in non thinking non responding ai npcs??? we have the npcs there zeds its authentic there non thinking non responsive....


your so passionate about the idea start  a thread asking for players to make such a safe zone and it will be your story as the devs intended completely natural with proper human interaction...


Because i can tell you now if your waiting for the devs to spoon feed you what you want then your going to be waiting a longtime as they have already stated there will be no npcs other than zeds.. which will be cooler the safe zone you have created in your own story or some forced un authentic one guarded by ai npcs that dont talk back who will never respond in a natural way ( what is the guarding parameters do the chase off the bandits do they stay close to the safe zone???


Any parameter you set for the ai guess what humans will learn its limits and attack it with a method that plays on its weakness, isnt that why we play multi player games to 1 interact with other humans 2 the only ai worthy of challenge is of the human kind..


Stop clinging to your ideas you want to bring from other games that are artificial  make them real with true human interaction MAKE IT YOUR STORY how the few turned the tide and reformed some sort of civilisation in the zombie wastland.. a lame spot with AI i wouldnt bother going there to hide letting ai protect me but a zone held by humans i can join interact with then you have something special then you have your DAYZ...

Nobody is asking for fucking NPC's.  Just a safe place to barter with other players who aren't assholes and get their rocks off hunting other players unaware of their presence until shots are fired or they suddenly die.


Some people want some kind of positive interaction with other players without being forced to join/start a clan or browse the forums for other friendly players.

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Why don't you get a group together and make one yourself?

Once we can store loot and/or can build and barricade defintely this^. The game is already designed for it, no need for safe zones. Get some folks, take over a town in a server, declare it safe, protect it, trade you goods, win.

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Nobody is asking for fucking NPC's.  Just a safe place to barter with other players who aren't assholes and get their rocks off hunting other players unaware of their presence until shots are fired or they suddenly die.


Some people want some kind of positive interaction with other players without being forced to join/start a clan or browse the forums for other friendly players.

Yeah I you know I've met a lot of cool fun and creepy people in this game it was super hard I had to press my direct chat button, speak to them act like I had some idea of what I'm doing.....


Question how big to you propose this safe zone be is it a circle or square, what do you think would be suitable dimensions for this?

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Nobody is asking for fucking NPC's.  Just a safe place to barter with other players who aren't assholes and get their rocks off hunting other players unaware of their presence until shots are fired or they suddenly die.


Some people want some kind of positive interaction with other players without being forced to join/start a clan or browse the forums for other friendly players.

Oh so you want a magical place where guns dont fire anymore where knives dont make you bleed where its impossible to get into a fist fight  where you dont need guards to keep zombies and bandits out cause this magical land is protected in the middle of a zed apoc its just safe and sunny.


Then to give same merit to your post you want as you so politely put it wont fucking find it in dayz.......


This magical land is not gritty its not authentic its not an anti game idea so it goes against everything the devs say they want the game to be you sure you knew what you were buying??? you need guards to be safe in a zed apoc why will zeds and bandits cease to happen in this place why didnt the chanarus russians hide there....

Edited by SoulFirez

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It's funny how you jump on the guy for proposing an idea.

Because it's a shit idea that goes entirely against what DayZ is all about. DayZ has never been, and never will be, a walk-in-the-park-hold-hands-and-have-a-teddy-bear's-picnic game. It's about shitting your pants worrying if the next step will see you dying or not. And if you die, it's a big thing. You don't reload to a previous save, or restart the game fully kitted like nothing happened. I wish people would realise this before posting ridiculous ideas.

So what's the problem?.  Better spell it out.

"Camping" wouldn't be a problem.  A long strip of "guns inoperative" along the edge of the map, with a town or village somewhere in that long strip.  Pretty hard to camp a 5k border. You don't have to go there. What's your fear about this?

A 5k border? You realise that the whole map is only 15x15k (ish), yeah? Are you seriously proposing that we knock a third off the width of that to have a strip where guns inexplicably don't work (which massively breaks immersion, another of DayZ's big selling points)? Behave yourself. Furthermore, having a safe zone WILL get griefed in some manner, simply because people are dicks.

If a safe/trading zone is ever established, it will be set up by the players and will only ever be as safe as those players that patrol it. And if a trading zone pops up, you can sure as shit expect regular firefights there as chancers try to get a shitload of loot or KoS dicks grief it because they can.


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Yeah I you know I've met a lot of cool fun and creepy people in this game it was super hard I had to press my direct chat button, speak to them act like I had some idea of what I'm doing.....


Question how big to you propose this safe zone be is it a circle or square, what do you think would be suitable dimensions for this?

It doesn't have to be somewhere huge or near a high traffic area.  It could be set up at one of the castles that is unused and pretty far off the beaten path.


Oh so you want a magical place where guns dont fire anymore where knives dont make you bleed where its impossible to get into a fist fight  where you dont need guards to keep zombies and bandits out cause this magical land is protected in the middle of a zed apoc its just safe and sunny.


Then to give same merit to your post you want as you so politely put it wont fucking find it in dayz.......

I don't want a magical place with no absolutely no violence and I would be fine with people using fists and knives because you can survive those attacks but the attacker could also be ganged up on by all of the other friendly people and killed.  It doesn't need to be 100% safe but not allowing the use of guns or large and overpowered melee weapons such as axes would be nice.  Also, nothing would stop you from hiding just outside of the area and getting your rocks off by killing people as they run out.

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