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Lethal Creatures

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Animals from the actual area definitely need to be added into gameplay.



Nobody mentioned feral dogs.

After a collapse of civilisation, you are bound to have feral dog packs in urban (and rural) areas.

4 or 5 feral dogs hanging out on a street corner, doing nothing, would be something any survivor would have to take seriously.  They are fast, desperate, mean, riddled with disease, and attack in a pack.

- just saying -

Edited by pilgrim

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Based off of what I've seen, Zeds aren't even an enemy, they're just there! I do know that they are updating the AI soon though, I just wish people would talk more about the Zeds then KoS. I try to think of ways to deter the threat from player to player and make the environment the threat-Including the Zeds.


With their cunning ability to fade through walls and kill you while your loading, they are quite a threat at times. If only they would add hordes...

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I would love to see more wildlife! The deer pop should be exploding so bears wolves and the like should be around in numbers, I would Love to see 3 zeds take on a brown bear =D

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Nobody mentioned feral dogs.

You sure about that?

... Feral Dogs (rare, weaker than wolves but more aggressive) ...



Edited by Evil Minion
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You sure about that?




guess not


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In the Jungle you must wait. Until someone rolls a 5 or 8.



Edited by mullraugh
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I would like to be able to bring down birds with me shotgun. Jolly good sport.

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Great idea except for the little things like black widows and bees because they are not to noticeable!

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Yes, Yes, Yes,


I think a snake here and there and a pack of wolfs in the north would be great, or even a bear.

You can let spiders and scorpions out of it, for now.

And Rabies, imagine stroling cats and what not.


Just think about how good i would be if a sniper feel a stitch in his leg and sudeenly need to woory about the poisen.


This type of threat need to be super rare. Since these animals are suposed to be shy they should not stretch the engine to much. ;)

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I think reducing small critters to effects you can't really interact with (buzzing flies, dragonflies flying around, singing birds etc.) would create a living environment without draining too many resources. This could also include mosquitoes near lakes that may have a small chance of causing infection (the should be methods of avoiding this) and bees around a (randomly placed) nest that may provide honey - but the stings would probably deal some damage and poison you when getting close (avoid by making a fire first and reduce by weaing protective clothing). Bigger animals should sport an AI that isn't too complex but makes for authentic behavior:


Red Deer

Deer should live in or around forests away from bigger cities. The might come as single individuals (especially males) or small herds of females guarded by a dominant male. Males might roar as autumn is mating season - which could also be used to find them. They mostly wander around (single individuals at a faster average speed) but vistit ponds from time to time. If they spot a human, predator or hear loud noises (running players/zombies, gunshots, someone talking) they will flee a distance according to threat*. Herds will generally move in a similar direction and no animal will want to stay behind. Other than that males might interact by fighting if they encounter each other with females around and feel secure. At night they may wander closer to towns than during daytime.


Roe Deer

A smaller form of deer that would mostly be seen at the edge of forests around dusk or dawn but will also live in more open areas provided they have cover nearby. They come alone and in very small groups and will flee when they sense danger heading for cover. They will also search out ponds for water. As they are smaller and less noisy they might make for harder hunting targets.


Wild Boar

They come alone or in bigger groups especially at night. Encountering one during daytime should be pretty rare and meeting a herd under the light of the sun should be close to impossible. They wll spawn in forest areas might might wander out in the open or even towards towns during the night - this is also when theyWhen approched they will most likely flee but if you manage to corner them get too close this might change into aggression (in single animals). Boars should be quite powerful and tough, requiring multiple or well aimed shots. Fighting a boar in melee should be a dangerous task.



Less shy than most wild animals those will probably inhabit open areas, grazing in groups, herds or even alone. If threatened they would try to run away until the danger is far away. They will visit pond from time to time probably more often than wild animals but avoid forests or towns as they limit their mobility. It might be possible to bond with horses given the right time and effort gaining them as possible riding animals. Both might also be susceptible to be lured somewhere by the promise of food.



The smaller domestic animals might be quite tame as well, being found around towns and villages. They might perceive humans as less of a threat but will flee if you venture close enough. There chance to venture out in the open or into forests might be about equal (with sheep tending towards open ground and goats tending towards forests) and they will search for ponds as well. They are diurnal and most likely to be encountered/active during daytime. Goats might be able to climb making them suitable inhabitants of rocky terrain.



The size of Chernarus is big enough for up to six wolf packs but as they favor wilderness, having two or three packs of might be more reasonable. So the total count of wolves would probably lie somewhere between 15 and 30 animals distributed in three groups that move around in their territory searching for prey. A wolf pack might interact with other animals and survivors according to threat*. Low threat indicates possible prey and might trigger a hunt while high threat might cause them to flee. Medium threats might be ignored as long as distance is kept - otherwise it might come to a fight with focus of driving it off (threat may also depend on the size of the pack). Wolves avoid towns, fires, zombies and are afraid of gunshots.


Feral Dogs

Similar to wolves but weaker and far more cocky. Groups of feral dogs might behave similar to wolf packs but would be dominated by those. However, their habitat of choice might be closer to cities and towns and they might be more aggressive towards humans (while still avoiding zombies). Smaller packs or single dogs might grow into companions given enough time and effort.


Brown Bears

Found in low numbers around the wilderness, especially around forests and in areas with lots of berry bushes etc. They might also venture into towns to search for food (and might consume food items they find) and even take on a few zombies though larger numbers would drive them off. Bears might also be attracted by the smell of food or hunted animals but they will steer clear of fires or threatening groups of survivors. If feeling threatened (or obstructed) they may warn or charge. If the threat is too big (gunshots) they might flee or attempt to take it out if already close enough. They may be tempted to hunt but less often than wolves. Taking down a bear shouldn't be easy.



Only getting feathers from chicken might be a little bit too harsh. Now having lots of small passerines would probably destroy performance so its reasonable to add a few bigger species. Partridges

or pheasants might serve as more elusive wild versions of chicken here. Ducks, geese and swans might be find close to water; cranes and herons as well. During daytime ravens and vultures would search for corpses and carcasses as would seagulls at the coast. At night rare Eagle Owls could be found inside the forests. Birds should run or fly away if humans or other animals venture too close. However, bigger ones like vultures, eagles or swans might show some rare aggression to low threat* humans.



Those might live on the forest floor, barely moving out into the open. If faced with footsteps or other sounds they will attempt to flee. However vipers might be fairly slow so if you aren't careful and trip on one it will bite you. Vipers might be hunted for food or collecting their venom. However, actually finding one shouldn't be that easy.


*Threat should be calculated by species, number and in case of survivors by "size" - meaning your threat increases when wearing items that make you look larger like the Down Jacket or backpacks and when carrying bigger weapons. Animals in general should be afraid of vehicles - especially big and loud ones. However, a bike might not be anough to scare off a pack of wolves - but a gunshot might.

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I want aggressive bears, hungry wolves (packs) and stray dogs.

Edited by ScorePoint

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Tigers? Holy crap i did not know there's tigers in Russia. Maybe If there's a Northern expansion they could be added but would be so rare they would be more of an Easter Egg Edited by Jhunt7507

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Animals from the actual area definitely need to be added into gameplay.

I agree on the spider thing, you couldn't make them obvious enough without making them huge, which is stupid. So while hiding in the dank dark corner of a barn and I suddenly start convulsing and die is going to piss me off.

However, if going for realism, we need to add more than just predators as they would only be in the area if there was ample prey for them to survive off of (cue hunting animals for food addition). While in a post apocalyptic environment animals would likely begin to get more aggressive towards humans, unless the player is chasing, cornering, or threatening their den/home, most animals, even predators, aren't going to just run up and try to eat your throat. There are enough dangers in the game to have to worry about packs of wolves, boar, and bears just romping around eating anything that moves.

I agree, once civilization is gone animals probably won't be as threatened by humans and just look at them as prey. Wolves would especially become vicious towards humans and would probably feast on newspawn. I also wonder if they would start eating zombies. Idk if that would kill them or not. Once civilization has collapsed packs of feral dogs would probably breed with wolves. This could lead to some interesting fur patterns and colors in wolves. Edited by Jhunt7507

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it would be so hardcore. add a long distance scream soundfile for dying players. and we have horrorfull nights.

I have wanted this for soOo long.. hopefully we will see it one day. Even the most seasoned of survivors will have chills through their spines!

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Well I've done a couple of expeditions in the Australian bush and never died, lol. I think it's fairly safe to say Australia's creatures are more dangerous than Russia's.


As long as I know there aint any snipers or campers trying to kill for no reason in Australia, but there are hundreds of them in chernaurus! (and in my opinion, they are more dangerous than the most venomous critters in the world, 1000X more agressive at least)

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Now, what about crows! flock of crows eating dead zeds and humans. They circle the dead and follow their path of death.

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You all will rather be perished by the all mighty moskito than by a bear



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Flies on dead players - was cool in the Mod and that should be brought back. Definitely.



Anyone heard of any European snakes that spray blinding venom ?

Anyone give me a link to a verified wolf attack on a live human ?  .. forget Europe .. just anywhere?


But I do like the photo of the Dodo (you sure it's a vulture?)

Are they very dangerous?


I was once seriously beaten up and nearly killed IRL by a rabid hedgehog - ' Hedgehog was foaming at the mouth and jumping up to try to get it's teeth in my throat.

I swear I had to hit it with a spade.

Round here we loose 'bout 5-6 adults to hedgehog attacks each year. Lucky this was just a lone hedgehog and not a pack.


But yeah - mountain lions, we have many in the euro-continent. Mountain lions chewed up my off-road tires when the cold set in; my god, they eat anything that moves .. also look out for tree alligators, dayZ-players, and those red-eyed polecats that run up inside your pants legs. If you plan to go out in the woods remember these things can be dangerous.

If you get a polecat in your groin there's no point trying to hit it with a spade.


It's nature, my son. It's red in tooth, teeth, claw, mandibles, fire-axe, and beak.

We should give thanks for the rain, because there aren't too many tent-eating tarantulas out roaming yet. As you know - If guns were illegal, only humans would carry guns.


AND BEWARE: Always check your sleeping bag for scorpions and strange women, even if they pretend to have a reason for being there.


Remember these things and you may stay alive

xx Pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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I agree with all but the small animals that can kill you,rattle snake and spiders, they'd be too small to target and if there was server lag you'd be dead. Larger animals even mountain lions and packs of wild dogs would be great additions to the game, hell you could even run into the occasional zombie version.

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You all will rather be perished by the all mighty moskito than by a bear

Might have something to do with mosquitoes being all over urban areas while bears shy away from the same places.

That and mosquitoes+Africa.


But there's some pretty big critters that walk around.

Found a whole bunch of these the last time I went out shooting.

My boots are size 13. I'm sure that far out in the woods wolves and cougars would be a little more curious of me than animals who see people once in a while. Yogi would still be sleeping.


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I was so tempted to mention bears too..

bear eat honey,,strawberry ,liitle fruit ,fish..ect.sometime attack people easily fear human

wolf hordes or alone eat  rabbit,deer,litlte animal...etc....rarely attack human ..attack more the dog that stay with human!

snake eat rabbit and alot of other thing...can attack human when surprised 

spider eat bugs etc...attack human when they sleep ...

wildcats eat rabbit deer etc..less affraid to aproach human and attack

coyotes hordes eat rabbit deer etc..attack human when really hungry

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Moose would be a good idea for a lethal animal. For what species that ivan buchta guy can figure it out I really don't know were to pin point chernarus  geographically



It's located somewhere along the Caspian sea under the Russian Black Mountains. (Under Volgo/Stalingrad, Above Georgia) Atleast from about everything I've ever seen. The province the map is set in (South Zorgia) has the heightmap from a region of the Czech Republic. The actual culture seems to be based the Czech republic and Russia.


(I believe all the Rivers are fake, as searching their names on google maps takes me all over Eastern Europe and Asia)



Anyway, your al forgetting about the creature lurking on...



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I want aggressive bears, hungry wolves (packs) and stray dogs.

Yeah, stray dogs in Russia are tough.



Edited by TechNin9

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I remember in the dayz mod (overwatch or the breaking point), had the bloodsucker.
He rarely appeared, but it was intense to kill him.

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