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Make defibrillators rarer but they can revive a dead person unless shot in the head & a player can carry only one at a time.


Pros -


  • You'll now want to hunt with friends than go solo.
  • If you accidently kill a freindly you have a choice to revive him (unless shot in the head)
  • If game bugs kill you, aka falling though the ground and dying or anything else that is out you're hands then you don't thave to start the run simulator again.
  • keeps the momentum of the game play going if you kill a ton of bandits and then revive you're friends
  • can be used as a trading item if you come across a dead friendly and an alive friendly





  • If a sniper has a friend then he could be constantly revived unless he runs out of defibs (or shot in the head)
  • be impossible to find defibillators
  • people could jump off the highest buildings and be revived
Edited by MarcOwaR
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So reviving back into the same map is realistic? think before you type mate lol. fool. 


You're argument is flawed


  • If shot in the head = dead, unlimited life = no lol
  • one defib per person.
  • added thought, when you log off the defib removes from you're bag


I'm sure you'll reply, just try to create some tangible, coherent criticism instead of mindless dribble.

Edited by MarcOwaR

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Not bothered, none of these idea's get taken into account lol. enjoy the running simulator :D

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Why is it unrealistic? Defibrillators can make the heart beat again but it has to be done within a limited time frame.

You would also need to get treatment for your wounds and restored blood levels or you would not survive.


And ofcourse you can't be revived if any vital organ are severely damaged.

Edited by H4MM3RSTON3
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Oh please no no no!


I have another suggestion!



                        <?mui IMPORTANTE="






...due to it´s stupidity of implementation.


What´s the reason a paramedic/doc uses the defibrillator?

To reboot the ventricular fibrillation!!!


It´s making me puke, seeing people running around with a defibrillator to treat a circulatory collapse based on lack of any kind of fluid.

To revive players: find their problems, simply add an option: [CHECK LIFE] when comming close to the unconcious player.

That´s offering:

  • critical wounds -> no therapy
  • bleeding wounds -> therapy bandage first, saline/blood later
    ( bloodtranfusion must be > saline!!!
    saline just dilutes the blood )
  • fracture of leg -> therapy might be inner fluid management and a splint
  • critical internal injury -> rather no therapy than blood/saline
    ( real input: hematometra / swellings [not valid on the morning] )
  • internal injury -> saline/blood might help
    ( shock is also classified internal injury, due to it´s short-term lack of blood )

Still it´s a non-medical-based game and no computer-modification of paramedic work and no simulation of real life homan circulatory systems and simulating of blood-pressure and airway management, that´s what my job is.
...but please remove the defibrillator! ^^

Thanks for your time and greetings from Germany.

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if defib could revive i think there would need to be some limits:


- Must revive withing short time of dead.


- The head shot thing.


- Player is revived concussions .


- Must be given fluid and blood fast. Maybe adrenalin (i'm not doctor).


- Player cant walk for a set time and/or can't use weapons and tools (Some sort of recovery time)

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I've been corrected about the actual use for defib.


It cannot start a heart not beating. Only fix a irregular or weak beating heart. So the unconscious thing makes sense.


Although, make it more regular to get in a state of unconsciousness instead of dead and make it last longer depending on damage. 

Make a character die if left untreated in unconscious state.


This would give the defib a bigger importance.

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Just to add my wee bit to the conversation. I think (I never pick up the damned thing) that the defib takes batteries aye? Well if that be the case, then make it use all the battery after a single jolt. To stop people just resusitating infinitly.

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Needs to be removed. Unless you're in vtac of vfib, and if that's the case you're boned anyway

Edited by xRann
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Defibrillators aren't sorcery that resurrect the dead, theres like a minute or two window when you can defibrilate someone whose pronounced "dead" before their brain is starved of oxygen to the point of "Brain Dead." So think of it as a way to revive someone from being semi dead, after a few minutes of semi dead they're dead for realsies.

In short: Defib doesn't Resurrect people.

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[...] theres like a minute or two window when you can defibrilate someone whose pronounced "dead" before their brain is starved of oxygen to the point of "Brain Dead." [...]

No no no... I think Emergency Room and Dr. House did good to infiltrate illusions in people´s brains.

You do not use a defib to resuscitate a dead person.

You are right when saying, the brain is potatoe without oxygen and nutrition by blood, that´s why everybody needs to start compression before looking for an improvised flashlight with short circuit.

You can only use the defib when the heart of that poor sucker is in a special short circuit kind of failure.

I have rarely seen that kind of heart-state when resuscitating a patient at home/on the crash side/or even during duty in the OR.

Nearly everyb(lo)ody I saw was in the so called asystolia/asystole, the heart does nothing at all, nothing. You cannot fix a short circuit without having a short or a circuit.

The only reliable thing is chest compression and adrenalin.

...and I will see someone in DayZ doing cardiac compression and not standing around, looting and/or pushing more bullets into the body.

So: remove that §"(/&=! defibrillator. ^^

...and give us some beer or at least drugs to get addicted with.

*give physical for a dose of propofol* said Michael to his doctor

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No no no... I think Emergency Room and Dr. House did good to infiltrate illusions in people´s brains.

You do not use a defib to resuscitate a dead person.

You are right when saying, the brain is potatoe without oxygen and nutrition by blood, that´s why everybody needs to start compression before looking for an improvised flashlight with short circuit.

You can only use the defib when the heart of that poor sucker is in a special short circuit kind of failure.

I have rarely seen that kind of heart-state when resuscitating a patient at home/on the crash side/or even during duty in the OR.

Nearly everyb(lo)ody I saw was in the so called asystolia/asystole, the heart does nothing at all, nothing. You cannot fix a short circuit without having a short or a circuit.

The only reliable thing is chest compression and adrenalin.

...and I will see someone in DayZ doing cardiac compression and not standing around, looting and/or pushing more bullets into the body.

So: remove that §"(/&=! defibrillator. ^^

...and give us some beer or at least drugs to get addicted with.

*give physical for a dose of propofol* said Michael to his doctor

Bad wording and lack of actually being a paramedic on my behalf, but your right, it was the point I was trying to get at... I just like to dumb everything down to avoid peoples eyes glazing over...

My point was more along the lines of people assuming defibrillators were handheld Resurrection pads.

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Defibrillators aren't really the magical healing tool that a lot of people think, if someone died there's a reason for it and unless that reason was heart failure there ain't much point in trying to save him, if he died of bloodloss then you would have to restore his blood, bandage and then revive him, or be trying all three at the same time.

It shouldn't be used as a tool to wake up unconscious players though, that shit's just dumb Epi pens is all you need.

Shots to the chest or head should render you un-revivable.

If you died from a severe case of shock however, maybe that should let you be revived like your heart just stopped and is now beating wildly sort of shock.

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yupp. remove the defibrillator and add some tools for bullet removing.


my wishlist for healing a unconcius teammate:

-grap him and bring him to a safezone

-use epinephrine to wake him up.

-stop the bleeding with a rope,some rags or a belt

-remove the bullet with a tweezer(*?)

-clean the wound with alcohol

-sew up the wound

-bandage the wound

-give him icecream (strawberry please) XD

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Frankly I think it's a good idea . Only for when you die of melee death or shots to your body that aren't fatal right away ... C'mon guys before we start to jump on the wagon and make fun of this kid lets think , it does actually make a heart continue beating if done in a certain time frame , and if the heart or brain is fatally damaged or too much blood is lost then yes the person wouldn't be able to be revived but if you

Suffered gun shots that weren't in your head or left side of chest , or if you were beaten to death, this defibrillator idea would make it so your friend could revive you right quick , so you

Could only do it lets say 25 % of the time ... It would also take about 30 seconds to do maybe 15 so you

Couldn't do it so quickly in combat . That is all mo truckas

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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Dude... kush, man. toke less, learn more. Google vtac and also vfib, those are the only cases where you'll see results with defibs, maybe a lucky astys, but no, just no man. They need to just be removed because they are beyond hokie and completely arcade. Epi and smelling salts, that's all we need to wake people.

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Probably already been mentioned, but here's a tidier/more realistic idea.

Defibs can revive the player if:

- Not shot/struck in the head

- Not killed by excessive gunfire/vital organ shots
- Not killed by excessive melee damage with a sharp weapon
Most importantly:
- Player died within the last three minutes.

Other conditions:
- Player revives with any bleeding, broken bones, infection, or starving/dehydration debuffs intact and at the state they were upon death.
- Player revives with no/negative blood and nearly no health - health loss is suspended for a period of three minutes to allow a fair timeframe in which to feed, mend, or restore whatever issues killed/damaged the player.
- Depending on the severity of the damage the player died from, the defib has a significant penalty on its success rate.

Thoughts? Personally I think this would balance somewhat the potential to bring a person back to life. Of course, they should be pretty rare, as well, but all this makes them more or less something you cannot make effective use of without an organised team, rather than something you can just pick up and shock your buddy back to life with.

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And again... Someone changed the defib to become a cardioversion-robot... ;-)

Who is the medical consultant in charge?

Dr. House? Or Dr. Green from EmergencyRoom?

Now I know, its Hawk from M*A*S*H...

Treating an irregular pulse with an cardioversion in a post-apocalyptic Setting not knowing of the patients ecg or patient History... I wouldnt know anything better to do.

For me the devs just like the defib model and dont want to delete it, but it still needs to be deleted.

No pulse: might be asystole heart: start cpr

No pulse: might be ventricular fibrillation, cpr!!!1!!one!! then defib

No pulse: might be pulseless ventricular tachy, shock or drugs needed

Pulse, fast: might be ventricular tachycardia, cardioversion plausible, but still drugs would do better and i dont know common aeds (such as we have in dayz) that can run a cardioversion

Pulse irregular: not lifethreatening in Most cases, I know plenty of old guys living for years with severe arryhtmia

What is the reason someone totally healthy runs into arrhythmia? Maybe a lack of electrolytes or using of Bad drugs...

...But again, changing the Heart is not changing the elektrolytes in your bloodlevel.

If your water pipe is broken, do you clean the water for hours before fixing the pipe itself?

Fix the problem, not its Symptoms.

I am as allways saying:

Treat the reason for the players illness, do not use medical equipment you do not know how (and when) to use it.

Stupid defib... Delete it. ;-)

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