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Thinking beyond only facial recognition

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I know there are more threads going with recognition but not with the main topic that I have, I adressed an issue regarding facial recognition in this Player Identification and Classification System by Zedsdeadbaby

Edited by Chauz
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IMO a recognition system would be too much of an immersion breaker. I'd rather some kind of facial customisation was implemented so that survivors could be physically recognised more easily.

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maybe simple text same like for health system :thumbsup:  :)
maybe message coming 'you recognise this person'
only to let you know you meet before this guy
but no extra info :|


maybe restrict so message coming only when you are close (10 metre?) and only coming if you actually see this guys face before from less 10 metre

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I go into a lot more detail about my proposal here: Player Identification and Classification System, including a (crude) screenshot.




IMO a recognition system would be too much of an immersion breaker. I'd rather some kind of facial customisation was implemented so that survivors could be physically recognised more easily.


Natural facial recognition based on variety of features would obviously increase immersion and be the preferred solution, but I absolutely do not think it's possible to achieve in DayZ.
The subtleties of human facial features which permit the level of recognition we're capable of in reality are incredibly complex. Skin tone and texture, hair color, position, thickness, degree of symmetry, underlying bone structures, protrusions of chin and jaw, how oblate or prolate the head is, etc. Even thickness and length of neck, broadness of shoulders and other incidental features contribute to recnogition.
Achieving this degree of detail in character customization is an immense technical and artistic undertaking on its own, but also has implications for how clothing and accessories work. Once you have head shapes that can vary, suddenly you have issues where one model for sunglasses or helmets doesn't fit on everyone's face, or shirt collars don't look right, etc.
But further, even if the team were able to overcome this challenge and implement a character creation system which would basically be the most advanced ever seen in the industry, you immediately run into issues with draw distance. How far away would these features be discernable? In reality, it is not until 80-100m where humans start to lose their ability to discern faces that they recognize. Given the draw distance in the game and various hardware capabilities, I suspect this fall off would begin in the game as soon as 10 or 20m.
Someone in the other thread mentions EVE: Online which probably has one of the more complex character customization systems in the industry, but also benefits from the fact that players never actually see each other in the game, and pretty much exist 99% of the time as only 2D motionless portraits.
I think the trade-off is clear. Yes, a system of on-screen indicators is less "genuine" than actual facial recognition but it also overcomes huge technical challenges, is achievable with hundreds of fewer hours of programming and artwork, and is a truer-to-life stand-in for actual human visual abilities.
I don't imagine we will come to an agreement on this, but do at least consider my thoughts.
Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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'Facial recognition' in my view should be you look at their face and see if you recognise it (ergo masks block facial recognition). No system should be in place that marks people with name tags for example. I think giving people as much opportunity to self select their appearance is also the way forward. I avoid wolf masks etc because I dont want to be considered a bandit-type, but I imagine there are plenty of players with murderous intent who want to look badass and if given the right kit will do so.

Regarding masks/helmets, Rocket has said he wants to add effects that limit visibility and hearing as appropriate for the type of head gear, and it would be cool as has been suggested by others that there is no breath plume for a gas mask say, or you have to lift a mask/take it off to eat or drink.

Edited by Roshi

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I am still in doubt about this myself, I would like to remember names with faces by a small tag when you get close to them (and if you can see them) but it would indeed mess with people that would like immersion into the game. 

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