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Jeremiah Cross

A use for rope; Frontier Justice.

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Had a thought about ropes the other day.  They're currently in the game and useless, but there are many crafting and utility uses I can think of for them, but one in particulalr has captured my imagination.

Currently you can handcuff other players (though having them walk in handcuffs seems to cause them to break free, which should be fixed), and I've heard that you may eventually be able to put burlap sacks over their heads.  Why not be able to hang other players as well?


Bandits, being bandits, could have all kinds of sick fun with this feature, and Hero types could enforce frontier justice of a kind.  Say you catch someone being a douche (or just someone, in case you're a bandit), cuff em, put a bag over their head and hang them by the neck until dead from a tree/bridge/bulding/whatever.  You could even leave a note on thier corpse describing their crimes, or claiming ownership of the deed (pin it to their chest with a nail?).

Other thoughts I had are the ability to put a rope around someones neck and lead them around (follow mode?), if they try to make a break for it, a mechanic based on comparative health of the players could decide if the captive is pulled to the ground or goes free when the rope goes taut.  Another idea I had is, when vehicles are implemented, the ability to drag another player behind a car, eventually killing them, though slowly (dependent on speed/terrain?).

It's a bit morbid, admittedly, and I'm not sure if the engine could support it well enough to be worth while, but it seems to me it would fit the game very well.  People are already brutal to eachother, why not allow for a bit more expression in that brutality, whether it stems from cruelty or justice.


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Well i do think that rope needs more uses. Rope is essential in every survival, starting from making a camp , hunting etc. + its always good to be back in the middle ages from time  to time. 




a Sandbox game should have a lot of options but there is the issue with torture,killings, abuse and so on.. at one point such things added to the game can get out of hand - require specific age to play or even be banned in some countries. The game can get as real as it can get but it can backfire in IRL resulting to unwanted negative media attention, bans etc.. + there are people who are influenced by the games and do stupid things IRL. 

Edited by sYs
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Why did I suggest drawn and quartered?

Now there's going to be a thread full of stuff I get sick looking at.

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Why did I suggest drawn and quartered?

Now there's going to be a thread full of stuff I get sick looking at.

sorry - i tried to be subtle as i can. 

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I quite like the idea of being able to hang someone (in game, of course ;)). Might be a bit of a deterrent for some seeing a Bandit swinging from a tree by their neck. It would also be creepy as shit flashing your torch across a hanging body in the middle of a dark forest.


Have my beans.

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Maybe add as possible suicide by hanging yourself



Well - we could add a lot of stuff but how to present in the UI in a way that is understandable and usable. Crafting is done by dragging, when it gets more complicated there are gonna be alot  of perequisites for the crafting result. 

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i think you may find rope will have its use when more content is added, due to the crafting in DayZ SA i think we might find a tent will require rope im thinking (rope, sticks and some sort of canvas) :D

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Yeah, I agree with sYs on the negative IRL reception. You can only get so brutal before it gets teh Fox News treatment.

I'm a big fan of the idea of giving rope some use. After all, it would be an extremely useful item in a real survival situation, and it would be amazing if the developers introduced an entire rope system. Imagine pulleys! Tree houses, easy-access rooftops...

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 there are people who are influenced by the games and do stupid things IRL. 

you mean accommodate the incompetent , meh your right it is a fact of life unfortunately . as long as they dont come after my guns with an anger management report !

some cant control their thoughts , others cant control their mouth , if you cant control your actions theres a problem , usually diagnosed as acute lead deficiency .

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Shooting someone in the head is fine but hanging them is not. Mass murder is fine but a naked body is an attrocity.


Seriously, get real.




This game already has controversial content that would fit your typical politcally correct news station - handcuffing other players? putting bags over their heads? omaaaagaaaad that's just terrible why don't you just shoot them in the head?

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What Awruk said. Plus, if games had to moderate their content based on whether some fuckwit would repeat that content out in the real world, games simply wouldn't exist.

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edit: somehow i accidentally posted in the wrong thread.

Edited by crimsonBZD

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edit: somehow i accidentally posted in the wrong thread.

Don't worry, you bumped the important thread so thank you.

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I hope they are going to introduce traps sooner or later, so that we can start using ropes and maybe even other tools (diggin' a hole with a spade and such)

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I hope they are going to introduce traps sooner or later, so that we can start using ropes and maybe even other tools (diggin' a hole with a spade and such)

Nothing better than a friendly surprise to your neighbor in the form of a pit lined with sharpened sticks rubbed in animal feces...

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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I'd love ropes for more pleasant things :)

I'm amazed the Internet is not all over this comment like a bandit over a newspawn.  :lol:

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