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I just got sick!

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I've been playing DayZ Standalone for awhile and now it says I'm sick! How do I become healthy?

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A few ways: try them in this order.


Easiest is to be given a saline kit by another player. 


Taking antibiotics usually clears it up also.


Try using alcohol tincture on yourself (don't drink it) to clean wounds you might have sustained. It will say you are sick for a little while, but you get messages that your wounds are feeling better. Then they heal up and the sickness goes away.

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I ended up sick last night. Still dont know why... thought I was taking care of myself and avoiding anything that would make me sick. I took a whole package of antibiotics but my sickness didnt clear up until a good hour later...... right after I went afk for ten min.

It almost seemed like it wasnt the antibiotics, but that I needed to rest.... cant be sure

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You can get sick by over eating too....and solution there is to not eat until sickness has passed

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There are multiple diseases as of right now and none of them have a "DO THIS GUIDE". We can assume the cure if we know what caused the disease, for instance, if you drink water from ponds, you got infected by bad water. That kind of disease goes away by waiting, drinking clean water and eating good food. While you're on that disease (we could call it, water intoxication!) you tend to get more hungry and less thirsty, so make sure to get enough supplies. You will lose blood while this disease is in effect which you can regain by being well fed (Actual game status) or getting saline/blood. (Being the first much easier).


Other diseases, such as the bacterial infection can be cured in the act by antibiotics, and they are caused by being hit and not cleaning your wounds. Any kind of poisoning (such as drinking alcohol, desinfectant) can be cured by instantly taking charcoal pills after you've drank the poison (when it says your mouth feels funny). If you don't have those pills the poisoning will advance and will become an infection which can be cured by antibiotics.


Painkillers often help only to get rid of the pain gained while fighting with something, generally speaking. Vitamins will help you to get rid of the disease faster, as once you've took the cure it will not be an instant GO AWAY SICKNESS cure. Vitamins also get not to get sick in the first case (To be verified).


I have yet to verify the action of both antibiotics. I've tested the pills a lot after consuming alcohol and getting poisoned and that cured me, however I don't know how or what effect haves the inyected one. (should be stronger, I assume as it would be IV)


Desinfecting anything you will drink with water purification tablets is the right thing to do if you don't know the origin of the water. Apparently water from wells are completely clean and cause no disease. (So far no disease from that water on my side). I don't know if desifecting food will cause a negative effect (You don't spray your food with desifectant!!). Cleaning your wounds via either using sterilized bandages (those in first aid kits or the old green ones) will help with pain too, it will also keep infections away. You can also clean your wounds directly with alcohol or desinfecting rags with teh alcohol too.


Morphine is an instant fix for pain if your character is complaining (helps also cleaning wounds). I don't know if morphine helps with blurry vision. I had blurry vision due to shock yersteday and I tested every single thing except antibiotics and morphine. So we can assume it does.


Epi pen helps with shock status and might (didn't test) bring someone from the unconciouness state. Defib also helps (as it will not revive the dead).


Saline IV (intravenous) works for bringing people from unconciousness. It also gives you a boost on your blood if you don't have a blood donor of your same type.


Blood types are based off real information. You can check what type of blood you are with a blood kit. If you receive incompatible blood you will most likely pass out to death. Check google for the donors variables. As of now getting a blood transfusion is extremly risky and not worth it, use saline instead.


Do not take anything of the mentioned unless you actually are sure of what you have. Taking antibiotics when not needed will only make you even more sick. Pay attention to the charcoal tabs, they can only be used Instantly after taking the poison and will otherwise make you sick in any other situation.



Based off the following we can get to a conclusion:


- Clean your wounds if you get hit and penetrated (BLEEDING STATUS)

- Purify the water of unknown origins. (Water purification tablets)

- Do not ingest anything that isn't food or water. (Intoxication)

- Do not drink directly from ponds unless it's a matter of life or death. (Water intoxication)

- Always carry either alcohol or desinfectant with you.

- Always carry anything to kill the pain. (Painkillers or Morphine)

- Always carry extra food or water with you. (If you get sick you will need that extra)

- Eating and drinking will improve your condition considerably. (You can also cook I believe)

- If you can, wear a first aid kit always. If you play in pairs, either should always have a saline bag.

- If you can always have antibiotics.

- Avoid zombie confrontation whenever possible.

- Unless sure of what caused the disease, do not use ALL OF THE CURES as that will kill you almost instantly.


- Clothes DO increase your protection both from ballistics AND impact:

  - Having all of the clothes decrease the chance on which zombies make you bled in one hit.

  - Ballistic protection might stop the bullets completely if they have good condition, or else reduce the blood loss.

  - Bullets will cause you pain no matter if they don't penetrate you. Bullets and any impact will also ruin your clothes. Make sure to change it regularly.

- If you doubt, do not eat or drink.

- Do not expect too much from ballistic protection, you're not a tank if you're fully geared either. You might get saved from one or two bullets but that's it.

Edited by LouisK
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I ate a banana and got sick/died.. it was yellow, I thought bananas were an exception because we eat them when there rotten anyway technically.

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rico more than likely your char's body will just flush it out charcoal isn't poisonous or deadly unless eaten in a vast quantity

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