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Event server - A plea for private admin server control

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Thread removed, it lead to too much misunderstanding.

Edited by Kassander

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• teleport themselves as well as other players

Fuck no.


• spawn any item

Hell to the fuck no.


• change the skins of admin or other player character



• view a map containing locations of all players (please read the rest of the post)

Fuckity fuck no.


• being able to activate "god-mode" for themselves  (for server moderation purposes)

Absofuckilutely no way in fuck no.


Your entire thread makes me wanna kick babies while beating adorable puppies WITH a sack full of kittens.


But with the proper tools I promise there will be a lot of creative and passionate admins and admin-groups, who are NOT interested in abusing their rights, but like the idea of providing an intense and fun experience for the players on their servers.

Yeah right, and my uncle is Batman. I don't care if you are one of the trustworthy admins or not, there is far too much potential for completely ridiculous abuse. The only thing a good admin/moderator should ever need is spectate and server logs. That will never be needed in standalone. Goodbye.



I need to find a dedicated facepalm pic.



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What do you think?


I think they need to hammer out a good stable & secure version of the game before they start giving more control to admins. It's just too early for this stuff.

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Why the hate? Servers with these admin powers MUST be clearly labeled. They will have a private hive, meaning NO stuff goes to public servers. There will be a lot of public servers you can join. If you don't like those options, you will be neither touched nor harmed by them. 


Also, I don't demand this stuff now. I don't demand anything. I want to discuss this. It should come when it's ready.

Edited by Kassander

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I knew it wouldn't be long before someone would ask for control on a server. Afraid to work for your gear?? You can hold events like that on the mod. Go there if you want to hold an event.

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Why the hate? Servers with these admin powers MUST be clearly labeled. They will have a private hive, meaning NO stuff goes to public servers. There will be a lot of public servers you can join. If you don't like those options, you will be neither touched nor harmed by them. 

Because the Standalone doesn't need anything like this. As long as the anti-hack that is going to be used functions like it should there will be no need for hunting hackers. That only leaves one thing that the tools can be used for. I used to run a server and I know exactly what path this leads down for most ALL people. Only 1-2% are ever truly honest.

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Why the hate? Servers with these admin powers MUST be clearly labeled. They will have a private hive, meaning NO stuff goes to public servers. There will be a lot of public servers you can join. If you don't like those options, you will be neither touched nor harmed by them. 


Also, I don't demand this stuff now. I don't demand anything. I want to discuss this. It should come when it's ready.



That's like saying the servers with tons of vehicles had no effect on people who played regular DayZ.



I say we see where this goes and not try to recreate problems we had with the mod.


Fixing server hopping negates the need for all of this as far as I'm concerned. I don't play DayZ to have events going on and epic clan battles, it's about surviving and exploring, as well as player interaction, not events set up by some admin.

Edited by Diggydug

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I think the are a lot of honest admins out there, which put a lot of effort into their servers, maintain websites, communicating with players.

Our Origins server wasn't big, but we had a whitelist of 100 people. Most of them had fun and it was their primary server.


I don't care about loot in DayZ anymore, I have experienced close to every possible situation in the last 1,5 years of playing the game and the sub-mods alone, in small or large groups. 

I now care about the storytelling possibilites. And there are a lot of them I'd like to put into events. I think there are a lot of admins who are interested in doing that.


This shouldn't be a regular admin feature. This should be features for moderated event servers. Maybe they need a special type of application to ensure they are rented by honest players. I think it shouldn't be a problem to provide some written info about your project and what you are planning to do. If you meet certain criteria you get the server. But you have to pay for processing your information (50-100$ or €), but the server costs the same as regular servers per month.

Edited by Kassander

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Why don't you just do this on the mod? Really.


It doesn't make sense to get the standalone (assuming you bought it) but you don't care about the survival aspects any more and only want to do storytelling. That's all fine and dandy but that's not what DayZ is.

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I very much understand your concerns about granting so much power to a server admin. I presume you have experienced abusive admins and I can understand your anger about them.


But you're punishing the wrong people. As I stated, it shouldn't be easy to rent such a server. One should apply for it with a detailed written concept of what you are planning to do on the server. This should separate the abusive people from those who know "with great power comes great responsibility". Also it should be common that admins who abuse those features will be stripped of their extra powers.


With that in mind: Why don't you allow people to try it out and see (maybe after two month of testing), if the reward justifies the risk?

Edited by Kassander

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I wynt aydmyns to g7ve m3 a11 th3 l007 s0 i d0nt hyve to wrk 4 et. Shyty idyea es shiitay

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The standard of discussion in this forum leans heavily towards youtube comments. Most comments made in this thread are just plain stupid. No one is really reading the posts, no one is really making a point, no one is bringing new arguments.


This topic may be closed.

I understand I got what I deserved for trying to reason and discuss with 12 year olds (or adults which brains never developed beyond that age).

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OP, you must understand the concerns that allowing admins which such power can be disastrous to the balance and integrity of dayz. No one under any circumstance should have the powers you mentioned regardless of the reasons.


For every one admin that will use these powers for good, 10 will use for exploits.

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Thanks for the post, frost-wolf. And yes, I truly understand understand your concerns. But I still think it is possible to grant such powers and at the same time, secure that they aren't abused. It doesn't even come to my mind to abuse admin powers because I treat DayZ like a piece of art (like Rocket is feeling about it). I am only thinking about how to expand the great experience DayZ already is, using methods from the "old" arts, like storytelling, acting, improvisation and directing. But I understand there are other people with other intentions out there.

First and foremost things like these should only be possible in a private hive with a database seperated from the main DB. Rocket already stated he's working on that (see his post with upcoming features). This will secure that no one can take stuff from a private server to a public server.

Second, servers with that powers should be clearly labeled, so no one accidently connects to it not knowing there are different rules on it.

Third, people who want to rent those servers should apply for it with a written statement of at least a few pages, stating what they are planning to do and what they need those powers for. If powers are abused the server should be taken away from them immediatly (like the three strikes rule already in place when locking your private server).

Do you have any further ideas how to grant those powers and make sure they are not abused?

Edited by Kassander

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Captain, I respect that opinion. But ever thought if the makers of ARMA2 (Bohemia) had said "no mods, no people messing around, just let players play ARMA", there had never been a DayzMod and no standalone?

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Captain, I respect that opinion. But ever thought if the makers of ARMA2 (Bohemia) had said "no mods, no people messing around, just let players play ARMA", there had never been a DayzMod and no standalone?


Apples and oranges I think.


the DayZMod really created a new game.  What you are talking about is directing traffic within an existing game.  Admins with agendas are not needed in an open world IMO.  

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Here's the deal... people don't understand what you are talking about.... they don't possess the intelligence to do so. People will always complain.

Truth of the matter is, once private hives are functional, they should ALL have full admin capabilities..... and here's why:

1. If they are abusive, people won't play on their server, so it'll be just them and their group cheating

2. When you give people full freedom, greatness comes from it....and shit, but the shit gets filtered out

3. I'm so tired of controlling assholes that thinks EVERYTHING needs to be controlled and limited....wake up sheeple!

Anyways, good post, but i think your request should be for all private servers, not on an application basis.....and there should always be the capability for a sever to be shut down due to admins actions.

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No No No, this to me is what Killed the Mod, it was so fucked up you never new what the Hell the server was you were going into, they had fucked around with all the Loot so everyone had all the top range gear. Give the Admins Less I say !

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