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Environmental challenges

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After following Rockets Everest summit, seeing all the preparation, all the kit they need to wear, reading of them passing a dying climber on their path.

I kept wondering what environmental hazards could be created in the game to reproduce such a situation.

So I created this topic to so that we can list and discuss the different environmental hazard suggestions (many of which had been talked about before) , so that Rocket can easily consider them while his Everest experience is still fresh in his mind.

Weather related challenges - Hypothermia, Heatstroke

Some Ideas, like extreme cold would only work on different maps e.g. Namalsk , but maybe someone can justify usual extreme weather patterns.

Unnatural Environmental Hazard or Contaminated zones

These could be Toxic, Radioactive or areas where you would quickly get sick and need a lot of antibiotics over time to get well again. The existence of these areas would need to be justified, or maybe their existence can be used to drive the mystery of what happened before the outbreak and how the disaster came about.

Some of the Topics that discuss this:

Airborne virus. V4 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25101-airborne-virus-v4/

[standalone] Storms and Environmental Hazards http://dayzmod.com/f...__environmental

Dynamic Weather http://dayzmod.com/f...ynamic-weather/

More dangerous environment http://dayzmod.com/f...us-environment/

Toxic/Radioacive waste from reactors leaking because of no maintenance http://dayzmod.com/f...no-maintenance/

Hazmat Suits http://dayzmod.com/f...7-hazmat-suits/

Edited by Erv_za
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I want hazmat suits, Dynamic weather (IF POSSIBLE) and storms etc. Other stuff not really fussed about

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I think better rain in general would be nice, with more in game effects (eg vehicles not making big dust clouds, the rain is actually loud to obstruct hearing, and maybe some surfaces become slipperier), and storms would be cool.

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