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DayZ Standalone - Persistent AI Bases and attacks

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Basically what this will do is add randomised AI Bases around Chernarus+ whether it be a prebuilt mini camp out is the wilderness or a random set of buildings with spawned fortification added around it. It will also add attack run AI units whether it will be a small force in a military vehicle or strong force in a transport helicopter.


When the server is started, like Helicopter Crash Sites, a set of prebuilt mini camps with be spawned in random locations most of the time spawning near Helicopter Crash Sites because this will symbolise the survivors of the crash. Other times it will be rogue military units fortifying a small town but there will be considerably more units here than at mini camps. Once the camps and fortified towns have been constructed, 10 minute construction time, the units inside the town will be protecting food/drink stores, weapon stores and a very small chance of a military vehicle but 95% of the time the military vehicle is heavily damaged and out of commision but repairable. These towns would hold unique/rare weapons that can only be found there like Helicopter Crash Sites, the same with mini camps but they have less units, no vehicles and very low amount if any of rare weapons but can possible spawn rare weapons.


Very rare armour and military weapons will be found in these places, fortified towns more than any and very rare military vehicles will be found in fortified towns. The stores of found and weapons, especially if there is a military vehicle there will be locked up in some way. The commander of the unit will need to be killed to aquire the key to these stores, so some common military weapons can be obtained through out the town and camp while the rare items are locked up and you and your team if any will need to annihilate the unit and kill the commander before getting the good, worth while loot.

Assualt Units

This is actual non-rogue military units sent by, you guessed it, the military. They're extermination squads sent to get rid of zombie and survivor infestations as they can't take the risk with survivors being contaminated. They can either come in military vehicles or transport helicopters like Huey's but if they come in Huey's then a strong force is coming your way, very high powered weapons as well as M240 guns on the helicopter, a force to be reckoned with. But the advantage of taking on this military unit is some very good and super rare equipement but the units are very difficult to kill. The attacks only occur when a very large group of survivors stick together for too long and get spotted by UAV's or if a small group or one survivor makes a lot of zombies aggro and cause attention, the squad is sent out to mainly exterminate the zombies but the survivor as well if possible. Zombie activity is the main thing that aquires the attention of these squads.

Military Buildings

These are like fortified towns but are controlled by the military, from here attacks are sent like Helicopter attacks and land based attacks. They not only attack survivors and zombies but also rogue military units which disbanded from the military after their Helicopter crashed and was left for dead. They don't attack often but on occasion just to get rid of loose ends, sometimes the attacks don't end well for the military side and the rogue units grow stronger with the items they acquire. Military Bases/buildings are raidable but are nearly impossible to successfully attack and raid as they are heavily fortified, sentry guns, vehicles and a lot of troops with high powered rifles, survivors will need helicopters and vehicles and large force of there own to succeed.


There is no way to stop the military from sending these attacks. As such there are as vulnerable to zombie attacks as players are and can be killed by them as such, i.e if they come to exterminate a survivor that caused a lot of zombie aggro in a town then in the vehicle they came in will cause a lot of noise and as such a zombie attack will occur. Assuming in DayZ Standalone you will have to shoot zombies in the head to permanent kill them, the AI units won't all ways do this which will make them vulnerable. Vehicles can be acquired through military attention but is made difficult to get a hold of by the difficulty of the AI which can not be changed by the server but only by the Hive. So ultimately they will be very difficult to kill. As survivors are much more likely to make large groups as with base building coming into play this adds a lot more challenges to behold them.

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I like the idea of the random NPC bases, not so much the rest. Much too complicated and unnecessary.

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they should put building in the woods sometimes to make the game stand out better some people like living in the forest no noises or everything :)

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I like these idea's

1... When you have 250 sq or more K's to run around in and very few people on the server gives you something to do.

2... Get a few survivors together plan a raid on a base. Sounds like fun to me..


"Hate the Hacker"

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I like the idea of this. But make it server choice rather than forced for all players. I liked the idea in the mod cuz sometimes, its more fun to kill something other than zombies all day.This would also add target practice for inexperienced players to help them hone their shooting/spotting abilities so they can retaliate against the more unfriendly players.

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I like the idea of this. But make it server choice rather than forced for all players. I liked the idea in the mod cuz sometimes, its more fun to kill something other than zombies all day.This would also add target practice for inexperienced players to help them hone their shooting/spotting abilities so they can retaliate against the more unfriendly players.

This is a very old topic.

You won't ever see AI other than zombies in DayZ. Rocket wants for it to remain a 100% player driven experience.

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In my opinion, a terrible idea. One guy with good cover and a sniper rifle could take out every single AI and than proceed to have a huge amount of supplies and weapons.

Having things like this is pretty much just giving away free high quality gear and supplies.

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In my opinion, a terrible idea. One guy with good cover and a sniper rifle could take out every single AI and than proceed to have a huge amount of supplies and weapons.

Having things like this is pretty much just giving away free high quality gear and supplies.



Feel free to suggest something like this in the DayZ Standalone Suggestions section, but not in the mod-section in a thread that is over two years old.

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